
Friday, May 28, 2021

May Stitching and Bayou Pictures

 I am shock at how fast May has flown by me. I have been busy so I suppose that made it go by quickly. I have been all over the map with stitching too. I think I have too many large pieces in progress and that makes me loopy. I don't have a lot of visible progress, but I am sharing my May all over the place stitching.

I do have a finish. Lindsay asked for a small ornament to hang on her TV cabinet. I found a row of sailboats in the current issue of Just Cross Stitch. This would be so cute in a little boy's bedroom, but I took one of the boats and added some words and voila I have a stitch for her.

This is the part of the picture from the magazine.

I now need to do her a May stitch of a bird or flower and then a late summer or back to school stitch and then she will have a full set of seasonal ornaments to hang on her cabinet.

I worked on the heron and his legs are added.

*Warning, from this point forward the pictures will not be ironed or pretty.

Doing projects like this are not for the faint of heart. They take a long time, but the end result is just pure magic.

Then I pulled out a fall piece. I do NOT need anymore fall pieces, but this one captured my heart so I bought it and plan to make a drum out of it. I am making mine much brighter than the picture on the pattern, but it sort of says old school to me.

There are two more cats in the Cats on Parade. I also don't need anymore patriotic pieces, but I do have one more in my stash that is calling my name, but I will it have to wait until next year to start it. 

Moving on... I pulled out the Hart verse and started on it. I stopped because I am about to make some dramatic changes to the colors. I am going to lay them out in the next few days because I want this done and I want it to be brighter. Imagine some blue butterflies and brighter colors. It's going to happen.

I don't want to lose the beauty of this verse but this thing is screaming for more color. 

I pulled out something that has been in my stash since the early 1990s. It had some Aida in the kit, but I pulled out a piece of linen in my scraps. I started at the bottom and then moved it up. I may actually frame this. I then may do another one on smaller count for Lindsay later. Oh the plans....

I bought a kit off ebay a while back and have started this too but on a piece of linen. Not really enough to show much progress, but still a WIP.

It has the trespasses version included which I am going to do instead of debts. I learned it by heart that way and think that is what I want.

I have also worked on Let Freedom Ring. I told y'all I had been all over the place. I wasn't joking!

I have so many things I want to stitch. I have really been good about not buying much new since I have so much in my bins. However, I did see a new Plum Street Sampler piece from a video the other day. It hasn't been released to the public yet, but my goodness, my heart skipped a beat over it. 

There is no denying that cross stitching, dabbling in my flowers and reading are my hobbies.

Oh and we have a name for the new baby due in July. It is Palmer James ***** which means I have to stitch his name like Tucker's. That will take precedents over some of the other things when she tells me what she wants around the letters.

I have forgotten to share my May bayou pictures so I am popping these in with my stitching post.

These were taken around the middle of May.
Green galore.

I have been reading comments as I published but I have had a busier week or two than normal, so hopefully this week I can get to everyone's blog to catch up.

So grateful for the men and women who died to give me the country I live in. We are so blessed.


  1. Love the name they've chosen for the new baby, Sandy! Very classy and a name he can grow into. I'm not fond of cutesy baby names and this one is very dignified :)

    Love the little sailboat ornament you made for Lindsay--I think that is so nice that she asks you to stitch things for her. Wonderful progress on your other projects, too. I grew up with the debts/debtors version of the Lord's Prayer :) Think it is so nice that they included both versions in that chart.

    What glorious photos of the bayou--you certainly live in a gorgeous part of the USA! Wishing you a relaxing Memorial Day with your family ♥

  2. Oh so glad they are going with Palmer!! Love it. And all that stitching you got done. I just picked up some cross stitch tonight for the first time this week. I really love Let Freedom Ring but I know I would never finish it. Yours looks great.

  3. Oh my goodness, you have been busy stitching again! Wow! I am always amazed at you stitchers who have the patience to do that tedious work. Yours are all lovely! Nice bayou pictures! Wishing you a good weekend!! xo

  4. What a lot of varied stitching. I have to say... watching that Heron picture develop IS like magic! Looking forward to seeing what Palmer's name looks like in stitches and pictures. :)

  5. Love the darling sailboat piece you stitched and finished for your daughter, Sandy. What a wonderful assortment of projects you have been working on! I do love the name for the new baby. I enjoyed seeing this month's pictures of your bayou. Wishing you a peaceful weekend!

  6. So many wonderful cross stitch projects. I like your finish very much.
    Have a nice Sunday, Manuela

  7. Beautiful stitches! I agree....more color on My Heart! :-) Periwinkle and lime green for the larger moths and maybe some peach and butter yellow for the smaller moths? Looking forward to seeing what colors you light this one up with! Let Freedom Ring is coming along nicely too! I hope the days slow down a bit so we can enjoy a nice long Summer!

  8. Oh my, I don't know how you do it! All those beautiful stitcheries...I don't know what else to call them. I love them all. The sampler and the heron are my favorites, I think. I love the name Palmer James. Very dignified. Is Palmer a family name? Very unusual, but I like it. I assume that is what they will actually call him? Your bayou pictures are so lovely. What a beautiful place to live. You are blessed!! Have a wonderful Memorial Day tomorrow. We have a church picnic, which I am looking forward to! First such gathering in over a year. 'bout time! Have a blessed day.

  9. It's June 5 as I leave this comment. I'm catching up on blog reading that I missed recently. Your stitching, as always is wonderful. I am amazed at your productivity.

    And the Bayou pictures -- you are sooo blessed!


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.