
Thursday, October 7, 2021

A Life Update and a Little Cross Stitching

     The days are pretty ordinary around here now. I am falling into a routine with little Palmer. He is really an easy baby. I will share more about him near the end of the post. Now for a little brain dump...

     I think I have mentioned that has been so rainy. It has been raining since April. It hasn't stopped and has been causing lots of trouble. The creeks and rivers are swollen and even the ground is saturated. I have seen so many little pumps around the area trying to pump water to other places. Well, two nights ago we had two lines of rain come through. The second one was the final straw for many places. My little hometown just across the Alabama line flooded. The pictures were so hard to see. My folks had a business downtown Brewton years ago. That area was eventually bought out by the state and the Army Corps of Engineers did a lot of work and it has helped tremendously but not enough. I am ready for fall now so maybe we can get some cooler weather and less rain and the threat of storms in the Gulf will be behind us.

Here are a few pictures of the flooding...

The above photo is where one creek backs up to the back side of town. The purple area is where my folks' business was many years ago. They had Brewton Small Motors on this very spot. You can see that when it flooded that the building would have had water in it on the back side.  The entire area to the right of that should not have water. The Army Corps of Engineers changed it to help some and now that area is a great park with a walking trail along Burnt Corn Creek. 
One other note on the above picture. The movie theater used to be where that odd white thing is to the left of the business. It was a two story building where I saw many classics. American Graffiti, Superdad, Jaws, ET, Return of the get the gist.
The railroad tracks are in front of those places and the beautiful old buildings are to the left. Before the changes all of those used to get water in them. 

On the other side of the railroad tracks Murder Creek runs and Murder Creek and Burnt Corn Creek converge together just to east of this bridge above. In the distance is the Piggly Wiggly and other businesses. I think it might be time for the Piggly Wiggly to get an opportunity to be bought out and move a little farther out.

That is just a snippet of it. It goes in many other directions and affects so many businesses which in this time we are living in don't need all that. 
My heart breaks.

Let's move my brain to a lighter topic...sports.

Auburn is playing Georgia this weekend. I love the Auburn / Georgia game. It is by far my favorite game and has been for as long as I can remember. I think it is true rivalry. I know as an Auburn person I am supposed to like the alabama game more, but I don't. It has its place, but I often think it is too emotional and takes away from a fun rivalry. And of course, nowadays I don't even get upset about losing to alabama. I think of them more as a pro team. Now, Georgia is going to slaughter us this weekend too, but I still look forward to the beginning of the game at least. What I am a loss about is - HOW could they (the SEC officials) move this game to October? Is is just one that simply NEEDS to be played in November for life to feel just right. They really should have discussed this matter with me!!!

The Atlanta Braves are in the playoffs so I am very happy about that. Let's go Braves!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the Braves and baseball in October is a good thing. 
Really the people making decisions about sports should talk to me about scheduling:)

Cross Stitching

I know I was trying to keep these posts separate but I am failing now that I am caring for Palmer.
I veered away temporarily from some of my larger projects for some instant gratification. I didn't think I needed any fall stitching, so I didn't seek out any new patterns. When I put out all my fall stitches it gave me the itch so I remembered my state flowers had some Black Eyed Susans. I think they went with Maryland. 

I think this is a great late summer and early fall addition to my stitches. I just backed it with some felt. It turned out cute to me.

I also wanted to stitch my mother a Santa this year. I plan to make a flat fold finish with an easel built into it. I have no idea if she will like it or not. She has always liked Santas and has quite a few that I help her put out, but there is a real possibility that she will dismiss it. As I stitch I am praying for her too.

I picked out my Prairie Schooler Santa and started it with a brighter red with her in mind. I stitched but then I questioned whether it would match the fabric I planned to use with it.

I know it is hard to see from the above picture...remember cloudy everyday. I think it might be too bright for the fabric, so I started again on the other end with the called for darker red.

I think it might match better, but either way I am going to stitch it twice. I have another piece of this color fabric with a little different pattern and I will make two of them. One will go to her and I will either keep the other or use as a gift this year. Stay tuned.

I am always showing pics of Lindsay's home and her doings but this time Katie has been changing things. She had Paul Allen working last weekend. They did this to their front entry hall.

I took this picture from her Instagram because it was way better than the photo I took. I even loved the new rug. She is going to hang photographs above this wall.

They even put in a new light.

Opposite that wall, she put in a command center. I love it.

To the left of that is the kitchen entrance and then opposite it is the laundry room, but all of this is where they come in at the front door. It is just perfect. 

They are adding a larger baseboard to the house as they have time. They are planning to redo their bathroom when they can get the worker there. That would be the money saved from not having a big wedding. 

Now, to share my little buddy. 

I am the worst picture taker because from these you would never know he smiles all the time. His nickname needs to be Smiley. I am enjoying my time with him. 

We were all so worried about how Tucker was going to take the news of Palmer staying with me, but he was a grown up boy. He cried a wee bit but he has gone into school everyday with no tears since the first day. He gives me a hug and can't wait to see his little brother every afternoon. I truly think he loves going to daycare. He sees his friends and likes learning. 

So you can see I am blessed. That is what I have been up to. I realized I have no new Gus pictures. I will remedy that on the next post.

Now, for a little sunshine in the Sunshine State,



  1. I am so sorry to see all the flooding in the hometown you love so much. That is indeed very hard to see. So glad your family's business was moved out of that area long ago, but still it is hard to see places you loved having such a difficult time. Moving on, I hope you have a fun football weekend and it would be so nice if your team wins just for you!! And Palmer is adorable!! What a joy for you to be able to play with him every day and watch him grow right before your eyes. They do that so fast, don't they? What a sweet baby!! You are blessed. And the Santa colors you decided on will be perfect I am sure. Your mother will be delighted. Who wouldn't be? Such love goes into each piece you do. Amazing that you can manage that and a baby too!! Amazing lady!! God bless you!!

    1. I do know I am so blessed to be near my grandsons. I just love watching them grow. This little baby is getting bigger overnight. Mother in her complete and wonderful self would love the sentiment of a stitched Santa but I can't be sure in her good but still older self, so I am preparing for a not so positive response to it.

  2. What a great thing for the children to have a loving grandma! Tucker is growing up if he's willing to go to preschool while his brother stays with you. Tell him from me what a great boy he is!

    1. He really is growing up. He has been such a big boy. I am quite proud of him.

  3. We've noticed on the radar that your area is always getting the rain. It must be like a jungle there now. We need a little but I sure love the sunny days and less humidity. The baby photos are can they not be! Love the yellow flowers in the cross stitch....they are my fav! Hugs!

  4. Your flower stitch is a beauty, Sandy. Perfect for August into early fall! You are off to a good start on your Santa. I prefer the darker one. The pictures of Palmer are adorable. He is a cutie. I had heard of the flooding, but here they just said parts of AL had flooding issues so I didn't realize that it was where you grew up. Enjoy the football game! Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. I definitely like the darker color on Santa. I had taken the brighter red with me to Auburn that weekend we went. I stopped stitching because I didn't think it was going to match the fabric I had in mind. I also just like the richer color better anyway. My mother said she saw the pictures on the national news but that they didn't say it was Brewton. This week we got a break and the weather has been magical. Warm sunny days with some cool in the early morning. Just like I like it.

  5. Yes the rain is getting on my last nerve. I hope the sun will shine today!! I read that two young people lost their lives in Hoover as they got caught up in flood waters in their car. People please do not think you can drive through water!! Go War Eagle. This is the only time of the year you will hear me say Beat Georgia!! I am trying to finish up my Christmas stitching as well. I plan to do some finishing tomorrow. I think it is good that Tucker has his own place at day care where he can just be himself. I know it is hard to go from being an only child to a big brother. And that Palmer. I would love to come and hold him while you do your chores. I truly miss babies in the family.

  6. Sandy, I SO enjoyed this post and thank you for the updates! Your photos are so good and that little guy is so adorable! I'm glad to read that Tucker is handling being a big brother! As always, your stitching projects look lovely! Have a good weekend! xo

  7. Sandy: It brakes my heart to hear some have lost their lives due to the floods, here in Minnesota it was the driest summer since the 1800s, we were on a watering ban, the DNR here in Minnesota will not let people take out the cat tails which makes water go elsewhere hence flooding when we get too much rain.
    I hope you start to get dryer and normal fall weather, I am sure Gus feels the same, about the rain.
    Your Black-eyed Susan's are beautiful, lovely finish and the braid is perfect, I like the darker thread for Santa's coat.
    Nice remodel of that entry, I would like to see the photos of the new remodel of the bathroom when they are finished.
    I hope Lindsey is feeling better, we still have her on our Prayer list daily.
    You are such a good Grammie, I can tell by your smiles that you really enjoy spending time with those adorable Grand-babies, I do know of one person who does not want to spend time with her grand children, sad so very sad.
    Thank-you for sharing these adorable photos.
    Krissy sends hugs to that handsome Gus.


    1. I am so late replying ---been a wee bit busy and tired. I have heard about how dry it is some parts and yet we have had plenty to share. Now, this week thus far has been so pretty. Gus has been extremely happy to sit outside.
      I will definitely send pictures of the remodel of my kids' house. I have more of their entry. Katie has done an amazing job.
      Please keep Lindsay in your prayers. It is still slow going.

  8. That flooding in Brewton is truly alarming. One feels so powerless when the waters rise and invade like that.

    The Black-eyed Susan stitch is beautiful. I always love it when you share your late summer/early fall yellow flowers. They are truly cheery.

    I really like what Katie and Paul Allen have done to decorate their home! "Command Center" -- that's a good name for it.

    And little Palmer. What a cutie! He looks so much like Tucker!

  9. Please send that rain to Idaho! We will send our lack of rain in return.

    I love your stitch! In spring here the Black-eyed Susans grow like crazy along the roadside. Eye candy.

    1. I always find it interesting that things grow at such different times in other places. I have heard many northern states are in drought. Trust me I wish I could have sent some. It has been so wet here this summer. This week thus far has been lovely and I have run outside.

  10. I enjoyed your life update, Sandy, but am so sad to read about the flooding. My hometown went through a flood from Hurricane Agnes in 1972, and although we only had water in our basement, many homes were lost and it really divided the town for a while because of where they put the sandbags. We were on the fortunate side that was spared as we were near the businesses.

    Palmer is just as cute as his big brother was at that age and what a wonderful start you are giving both of your grandbabies! I'm happy to hear Tucker is doing okay and enjoys his school. I so wish I was closer to my grandson and could help out more as the new nanny is not working out the best :( Poor Baby B misses his old nanny so much! I hope he will come around.

    Enjoy your weeekend, Sandy! ♥

    Your newest finish is so lovely and perfect for both late summer and fall.

    1. I am so happy that I get to keep the grand boys. I know I am lucky to be able to do that and set my daughter's mind at ease. Tucker is growing and thriving in his little daycare. Palmer is just adorable and such a good baby.

  11. We have had too much rain here too, nothing like the horrible floods your town has experienced. I'm tired of grey days. YOur black eyed susan stitch is stunning!!! I would consider that a big project!! Love the darker red on the PS Santa, goes perfectly with the fabric. Your grandsons are just adorable, Tucker is such a good big brother, it must make your heart swell with joy.

    1. I did choose the darker color to match the fabric. I have enjoyed those boys more than I ever could have imagined. No rain this week. It has been very nice warm sunny Florida days this week. I want more of that!

  12. Great stitching and an adorable baby. We're still waiting for the first proper rain of the season, very dry around here.


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