
Thursday, November 25, 2021


 I am still here. 

I will explain my absence later in the post, but for now let me catch up with family first.

Thanksgiving was absolutely glorious. I mean…glorious. After last year, I went into this year’s with such a grateful heart that we would all be together. I have gotten up each morning lately just thanking the Lord for life. November has been a beautiful month here along the Gulf coast and I have relished the days. 

We hosted Thanksgiving this year. The last two we had been back at Jeff’s sister’s house but I just felt it was a lot for her. She is older than us and so I just told her I would do it. I think she was more than happy to pass the torch. 

I really got smart this year and on Wednesday did a ton of prep work. I chopped and measured out stuff so that was just pour things in today.  It made a huge difference. I wasn’t so tired at the end of the day and was truly able to relax and enjoy myself today. 

We had a feast! I don’t know what the future holds with things but for today our family praised God and are and we were merry. 

I didn’t take many pictures but that is because I was living. We played games and spent a good portion of the day outside. Most everyone chose to eat outside. The weather was just perfect.

I try to get a picture of the kids twice a year. Palmer is in the group shot for the first time.
The twins are our niece’s kids and for a very long time they were he star of the show, Now, they have to share it. Tucker was in heaven today with them.  

He wouldn’t pose for pictures and finally plopped down and gave a quick smile. Then he was back up and going hard.

Mother had such a good day. She made her amazing dressing and a chocolate cake that everyone bragged on and she was feeling pretty proud of herself.

Lindsay and Tyler were heading to Auburn this evening. This was the scene shortly after getting in the truck.

Lindsay sent this tonight…

Which by the way I literally can not wait to share what I got Lindsay for Christmas. It has something to do with a prayer but I will wait until after Christmas to share just in case someone were to see the blog.

Palmer has turned 4 months old.

He is such a joy to keep. I get to keep this little boy everyday. I am so blessed.

They have some new matching Christmas pajamas.

I have had no computer since right after my last post, but fortunately it was under warranty and fixing it was free. I am back in business and will be back to share more later. 

I have kept up with reading everyone but commenting from my phone just got to be a pain so I will get back in the groove this weekend. 

I am resting tonight but all the fall decor is tucked away, I need to mop the kitchen once more in the morning and then let the Christmas decorating commence.

Gus loves to go everywhere with me. He goes everyday to pick up Palmer. While we are in town he sits up and looks out but once we reach the air base and woods he goes down. 

I will end with the first camellia I have seen this year. She is a beauty. 

That will be a wrap for me but hopefully I will be back much sooner.

Grateful, thankful, and blessed,


  1. Happy to hear you're okay. I was wondering about your mom, abd was she okay. Clearly she is! Good. Lovely family pictures. Happy Thanksgiving, all!

    1. She has had a good few weeks. When she hurts or has a sinus infection it is literally amazing how down she gets and then she pops back to life. She enjoyed herself very much. Hope you had a good time as well.

  2. Beautiful post. Your Thanksgiving sounds like a joyful event with family, food and fellowship. Our family get together is on Friday this year.

  3. Wonderful Thanksgiving post, Sandy! The pictures are great. The little kids are sooo cute! I fell asleep like them when my head hit the pillow last night. It was all good here.

    1. I have been doing a lot of laying around today:) as well.
      It was a good day and I enjoyed my people very much. Your kids were all so cute on FB.

  4. We certainly have much to be blessed for, so glad your day was relaxing and special. The grands are precious!!

    1. Thank you Mary. We do have so much to be blessed and grateful for. Honestly, if people would just really look around and quit listening to the negative people, they would be a lot better off.
      Have a great weekend. I think I will start decorating for Christmas tomorrow.

  5. Sandy, it sounded and looked like you had a wonderfully blessed Thanksgiving. Love the picture of the cousins plus the one of Palmer and your Mother.

    1. Mama really did seem to enjoy herself. She loves kids and she had plenty to watch and enjoy. Everyone raved over her cake which made her feel special. I did feel so blessed. I am going to start decorating for Christmas tomorrow. Today was a little resting day:)

  6. So glad that you had a wonderful day and that you made memories to look back on. It was just us, Amelia, Todd and the children here. They had a big meal at Mother's house in Chatsworth. When you think it might be the last one there it is a bittersweet time. We head back to Ga on Sunday.

    1. Whew, I know you are almost tired of that drive at the current time. I pray it goes well for her and you and the sisters can get some rest. It is indeed a hard time. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  7. What a wonderful Thanksgiving you all had! Sounds picture perfect to me! And that camellia blossom is wonderful! I used to have them at our last house, but left them all behind when we moved. I guess I should plant some here, but they are expensive and things are different here. I don't know if they will do as well here as they did in Salt Springs. Your sweet grandbabies and the twin cousins are all adorable! So happy your mother was doing well and able to participate even in cooking and baking!! Glad you have the computer fixed and will be getting back in the groove again. I did begin to wonder! Have a blessed and wonderful weekend! So good to hear from you!

    1. My little street is filled with camellia bushes. I hope no one decides to eliminate them. Some of them are way taller than me. Obviously, they have been here a long time. I was so glad that Mom was feeling good and really did seem to enjoy herself. Kids around make her brighter. If the computer had been gone much longer, I would have jotted a quick note to let everyone know I was ok. I am so thankful it was under warranty. Computers aren't all that cheap these days and this one was certainly not old enough to be on the fritz.

  8. Happy Thanksgiving Sandy and Family: It has been a trying almost two years, we all have so much to be thankful for, we went to my Uncle's for the first time it was wonderful.
    I love this post everyone looks so happy and beautiful.
    You have a beautiful family.
    I love the matching Jammie's, Gus is like Krissy looks out when the car is stopped but lay's down when moving.


    1. Tell Krissy hello from Gus and me. Yes, they need to see what is going in, but if they don't see stuff down he goes to rest.
      We did have a wonderful time and such a spirit of gratefulness.

  9. The weather was glorious indeed! I sounds like you had such a blessed Thanksgiving with everyone together! The pictures are all adorable. Wonderful memories made for all! Have a good weekend! xo

    1. Thanks Terri, Now we slide into short days. Those aren't my favorite but it is what it is. I am hoping to do a little Christmas decorating tomorrow.

  10. I am SO far behind on my blog reading/commenting, Sandy! I'm so glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Loved the photo of your mom with the baby and, of course, those sweet boys. You know me, having had three of my own, I totally have a soft spot for little boys. Can hardly believe little Palmer is 4 months old already. I so wish we could keep them infants a bit longer. Hope Lindsay is feeling better! ♥


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