
Thursday, December 30, 2021

A Stitch and a Little Update

 I finished a little stitch for Lindsay. I used the Prairie Schooler months. I changed the colors to look more like a grandfather clock. I added some fireworks on top and some confetti on the side and Happy New Year to the bottom. 

I gave it to her and forgot to take a final picture so I will do that in another post.

We are in Auburn for a little R and  R. We took in a basketball game last night and enjoyed that immensely.  

Reflections on Christmas around the house this year

I think I got it right or at least for this year. I always get a little tired of the decorations before it is over and the red can do me in sometimes, but this year it all felt right even the red. I think starting decorating a little later and not being in a hurry to put it up helped. I also think I learned that although red isn't my favorite color I am traditional, so red and green it is. I actually tried to change out the dining room to some blue but it felt so wrong. 

I loved the sashes on the banisters this year. That was a fresh update that suited me well. They all fit in the same bin so that was good when putting them away. I did keep my bin with the traditional garland and white lights should I get the notion one year to do that again.

Time to get started on January.

January has become a month I don't necessarily dread like I did when teaching. It is deep clean and purge month. I am already making my cleaning list and for the first time since retiring in June of 2014 I feel like the purge is really at a much better place. I have thinned out so much. 

My one room that is probably going to get a real purge is the sewing room. I have held onto craft stuff that I am now realizing I will never use and it is taking up valuable space that could make that room much more functional, so that is the room that I am going to heavily purge. I will make a pass through all the other closets and drawers but feeling good this year. 

The big thing on the "January list" is a lot of polishing and deep cleaning and some closet painting. Yes, you read that right...closet painting. I know we are the only ones who will see that, but slowly I am going to repaint some closets. The house is 37 years old and it is time to freshen some spaces. 

I also wanted to share an Advent reading I did this year. I had a plan and then changed at the last minute. Literally the last minute. Melanie Shankle self published and online read this year for $10. It was called Waiting on Wonder: an Advent Devotional. I felt a strong desire to read it as I have loved many of her books. Often they are geared to a little younger than me, but this one was just so perfect. I know God led me to it. If she still has it available next year, I strongly recommend it. Every day touched me so much. I love it when the Holy Spirit guides you to something. 

The update on Lindsay. 

We were heading out on Monday when we got a call that they had to change the appointment to Wednesday. She insisted I go on to Auburn. Katie and Paul Allen kept Tucker.

The diagnosis is that, it is muscular. She has significantly weak pelvic floor muscles. I still contend the situation that occurred with the birthing led to this. I don’t think any doctor has disagreed with her but are careful not to indict the hospital. They do believe with continued physical therapy that she will continue to slowly improve. She is sad that she is not further along than she is but she has seen improvement and is grateful that no one feels it is permanent.  Between that and the post partum issues this was a difficult birth. She is on the mend though and for that we move forward with thanks that it was no worse. I have told her 2022 is the year she has to take time to take care of herself. 

Everyone that reads along with me, I often wonder what in the world are you thinking, but I love getting to know all of you. See you in the new year.

Have a wonderful start to the new year and remember God is with us,



  1. I hope for complete recovery for Lindsay. It can take time to build up muscular strength, and patience, too.

    About painting closets, I did that a few years ago and was very pleased. Every time I opened the door I was glad I'd done it. I used leftover paint from other rooms, so it was interesting to see, like a contrasting lining to a jacket. Yes, do it, you'll like it.

  2. Well I hope that the visit with the specialist helped Lindsay to keep pressing on. Like you, I think that the birth was traumatic and no doctor is going to agree with us on that one. Have fun in Auburn. Love the PS stitch!!

  3. Prayers for healing, and a wonderful safe New Year!
    It is good news the condition is not permanent.

  4. Continuing in prayer for Lindsay, and trusting that in time she will heal completely. My "pelvic floor" issues didn't really show up until much later in life, and I have had several different surgeries to correct them...the doctor said big babies and too close together (the first two were 18 mo. apart, but the last came 4 1/2 yrs. later, but over 10 lbs...) did the damage. Thankfully the surgeries corrected the problems and I am very thankful that it took care of it. My heart goes out to her, and I pray she will heal in time. Meanwhile, just enjoy those precious boys. They grow up so fast. Your clock stitch is so cute. Your family is blessed to have such wonderful gifts from you. Glad you are able to have a little time away together at your Auburn home. I hope you are relaxing and enjoying it! Happy New year!!!

  5. God is, indeed, with us! Thanks for the update on Lindsay. She remains in my prayers!! I like your NY Clock project! I am taking a few days to get Christmas put away. It will be done before the weekend is over. Wishing you and yours (and ALL) a blessed and peace-filled 2022! xo

  6. Happy New Year Sandy!! The clock is a fun celebratory stitch! I hope Lindsey continues to improve in 22. I loved your decor this year!! I'm with you, I need to purge my craft room but I swear everytime I dispose of something, shortly afterward I found a need for it!! Take care and stay well!

  7. Thanks for the update on Linday's recovery. I am glad the long-term outlook is good and am sorry the process takes so long.

    Like you, I need to purge stuff around here and January is a good time to do it. And also like you, I can get weary of RED before the season is done. I tend to put out a little more blue in January to tamp down all the stimulation of the December reds.

    You are a good friend to me. I love reading your blog, seeing your family, and "living vicariously on the water" as you share your photos. (smile)

    Happy New Year! Love and hugs!

  8. Oh, Sandy, I LOVE your version of the PS clock--just perfect with the added confetti and fireworks. I'll have to keep that in mind if I ever stitch that one!

    Sounds like you were pleased with your Christmas decor this year. I did more than usual with everyone home, but next year is the year with the other families so I won't do as much. I honestly think I do it for me, mostly... the guys don't seem too interested and I often wonder if they would even notice if I did nothing more than put up my tree--ha ha!

    I sure hope Lindsay's progress continues... That has to be disheartening that there is no "quick fix." Pregnancy and birth is difficult enough without problems afterward. Keeping her in my prayers, Sandy!

    I always enjoy catching up with you and your family! Wishing you all the best in 2022! ♥


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