
Monday, May 2, 2022

Finally! The Heron

 The heron is completed. It is not perfect and technically not finished since I have to stitch a small dragonfly. The gigantic heron is complete though so I feel as if I should do some sort of celebration today.

I have no idea how many stitches are even in it but let me just say it is a lot. I loved stitching the water lilies, which is where I started. They are so realistic and were just a treasure to watch form with needle and thread. 

I also loved stitching the neck and head.

We won't discuss the part that slowed me up and made me want to stop more than once. It is complete. I almost feel like a little schoolgirl having finished a sampler or MAYBE I do, since I don't really know how they felt. I imagine that I do. Finding all my of which was not centering it and coming close to the edge on one side. I feel more joy that it is done though. 

Some might remember I bought an egret pattern too. No, I will not be stitching that. I just don't think I can bear to handle all those shades of white. Although they can't be worse than all those grays in the body and tail feathers.

Like I said, I feel like I need to just sit back and kick my feet up after such a feat of stitching.

I am going to wait on framing him until I have shopped the antique or booth place near Auburn. They had some amazing frames in thereyonce so I think I could possible find one and then have a foam board cut to fit it. Of course, I have to finish the dragonfly. 

Woohoo....Celebrate good times..


  1. Well done. That was a marathon of stitching!

  2. It really is gorgeous and a beautiful work of art! I hope you find the perfect antique frame! Enjoy your day and this nice weather we're having!

  3. Very beautiful!!! You did a marvelous job! It looks like it is ready to take off and fly! I love to watch our herons here on Still Waters Pond. They haven't been around as much lately since the Crane family is still so active around the pond, and the geese too...but they often come early in the morning before I can see them. I do enjoy them. Great job on the Great Blue Heron!!!

  4. Oh my gosh, it is truly beautiful!! Congratulations!!

  5. Sandy, the Heron is stunning. Well done!

  6. Welcome to the Heron! He is beautifully done.

  7. He is just so handsome, Sandy! Congratulations! As I was looking out at our back yard today, I spotted a heron just like this standing by my pond watching for koi. I honestly think our koi are too big for him (they are about 15 -18 inches!). Anyway, I thought of you :)


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