
Friday, July 22, 2022

Stitching Post: Thirsty Hart

 I completed Thirsty Hart by Heartstring Samplery on Thursday night. The pattern caught my eye because of the verse. The pattern was stitched in all neutrals which I will share so you can see the contrast. I have long loved that verse and it always made me think of the little small church I attended as a child. I knew I had to do the pattern, but I knew I would have to have color in it. I am not the best at changing up colors and all. My husband has a knack for that, but me, not so much. I think changing it up made the stitching go slow, because I labored over decision. I am finally done and pleased with the finished stitch.

Warning: it is a cloudy day and the photos do not show the beauty of this sampler, but the photographer is as much to blame as the weather.

Here is the pattern so you can see how much I changed it. It is lovely as the pattern calls for, but it just wasn't what I had in mind. As soon as I saw the pattern, a vision came to mind for a very personal sampler.

Besides changing up all the colors, I wanted it to represent a specific location and people in my life. Both of my parents grew up in the woods of south Alabama in a small community called Range. My mother's side of the family attended a small Methodist church on a dirt road surrounded by my family. The church has a history with my family and I wanted to highlight that in this sampler.

Instead of one of the butterflies, I did a very light almost not seen until closer inspection replica of the little white church. Talking it through with Jeff after having started and pulling out stitches we came up with the light almost ghostly representation. I tried outlining once and it just was not working for me. I liked his idea and am really pleased with the approach. I had to put the little red because the columns out front of the church are brick and not painted.

The impression is with all the color you might miss it, but upon looking closer you notice it in the background. 

I added the initials of my great great grandparents, great grandparents, and grandparents who are buried in the church cemetery along with numerous other members of my mother's family.

According to the history of the church, the roots of Hartwood goes back to 1886 when Rev. Barnes of the Belleville Circuit of the Methodists Episcopal Church South began preaching services in an undetermined place in the vicinity of what is now known as Range. The old record book records that by 1899 there were 93 people in the Society that came to be knows as Beaver Creek Methodist Church.

By the year 1899 the people felt the need of a church building and school in the neighborhood. 
The 4 acres that became that became the church was first homesteaded by my great great grandparents.

My mother has a picture of the first building which was across from the present building and was the church and school. I remember the old buildings in Range that replaced the church building as the schools. My mama and daddy both attended school there. 

Back to the church...That first building according to my history of the church was built in a secluded wooded area near a stream, called Beaver Creek. The area is still pretty much secluded. You kinda have to know where you are going to find it. The first church was built from lumber by a sawmill owned by the Harts. It was located across the road from the present building. The Harts were related to my family. My mother still has the nickname Aunt Maggie who was her great aunt...Aunt Maggie Hart, because neither could or can sit still very long.

The Harts were a little wealthier because Mama remembers as a little girl that they had a phone long before anyone else had one, the kind where you pull the mouthpiece down and talk in it like on Andy Griffith show.

I have a list of the members in 1899 when it was established. Of course, my great great grandparents and great grandparents are on the list along with many family names I recognize. The name was changed to Hartwood in 1913 to honor the Harts because a member of that part of the family left a Trust Fund to the church to help keep up the cemetery and building improvements.

Both my mother and father came from poor families that worked hard but faith was a part of both their lives. I am so grateful for that heritage and I have written other times about how much I learned in that little country church in the woods. Here, here, and here.

Now, that 2 of my 4 large pieces are done...the heron and this one, I can breathe a little easier. I am not good with that many works in progress. That makes me a little nervous. I like to have 2 going because sometimes you miscount and need a brea from one. I will be working on The Shepherd's Song next to whittle down.

I feel like this one will go quicker than The Thirsty Hart because I have made a ton of progress on it and didn't want to put it down. I am not switching anything up, just following the pattern.

When it is done, I am adding a new one in the mix to work on with Let Freedom Ring. I haven't forgotten about the patriotic one and want to complete her, but she is gigantic. To stitch along side her, I fell instantly in love with the next pattern the moment I saw it. I have had to wait almost a year for it to be released. I didn't want to miss out on purchasing it, so it is bought and will be started sometime in 2023, but I am holding off until Shepherd's Song is completed.

The saying is "How great the blessing and how vast the art to live on little with a thankful heart."

I am going to be stitching a few smalls for the remaining week of July and then August though. I am stitching Lindsay an apple for Back to School and then I will have her little monthly collection complete. I also have 2 Halloween stitches started. Actually, it is the same stitch on 2 different pieces of linen. I took with me the last time I went to Auburn and couldn't decide which piece to do it on. I tried both and kept stitching and still couldn't decide. One will be dark and the other light. I have decided to complete them both and give one to Lindsay.

I also have to add baby Miles a Christmas stocking and of course an ornament. He should arrive next week. We are all ready to meet him.

Oh and then my second pattern arrived from the subscription I ordered this year. There are 3 in it and number 2 arrived. I want to start it immediately, but first the apple.

There are so many things I want to stitch and time is a factor. So as with all things, plans are subject to change:)

I hope to be back next week with a July life post. Palmer is 1. I have no idea how time flies so quickly. It is almost August and my little grandsons are growing like weeds. May I leave a legacy of love for Jesus to them.

Loving summer,


  1. Oh, the sampler looks very complex, but it turned out beautifully. nice story, very interesting story, thanks for that.
    Yes, I know that too, you want to do so many things, but you just don't have the time. But there are also so many beautiful motifs and it is often difficult to decide which one you want to do.
    Enjoy the rest of July, Martina

    1. Thank you so much Martina. It is always so difficult to decide what to stitch next. I want to do so many.

  2. OH Sandy, I LOVE that sampler, especially because of all the personal touches you added to it. That makes it very unique and interesting. You must post a copy of the story behind the picture in the frame or make a separate frame with a copy of the story and hang it beside it, so others can read it and understand the significance of each part of the sampler. The family church history is so interesting!! I love that you know all of that family history and have memories of attending that little church as well. Thank you for sharing this with us. That is really really special!!

    1. Thanks Pam. I am excited about this sampler and can't wait to frame it. I am going to type up something to put on the back of the frame for the kids.

  3. Sandy, Thirsty Hart is stunning. Absolutely stunning! Well done on your finish! I love the colors you selected and the church you added. Looking forward to seeing your progress on the pieces you are working on. I keep looking at that new PSS chart. Enjoy your weekend!

  4. I noticed the little white church right away and you've really made this piece special! I want to get so much done inside while it's too hot to hike but I get lazy! lol Enjoy your weekend. Stay cool!

    1. Thank you! I am about to be busy deep cleaning while it is super hot. We are finally getting rid of the last bit of carpet in our house. Not a moment too soon as it is old and it shows. I have realized that is going to mean a deep dive of cleaning before I put things back in and painting the baseboards. Not sure I am excited about that, but as you say it is a little too hot to do much outside.

  5. I love the church!! It is perfect. And now I always add family initials to my pieces to make them heirlooms, hopefully:) I love the color changes you did as well. I see charts as suggestions. I love that Live on Little by Plum Street but I have so many big pieces to complete that I will think on that one for a while. It is beautiful. I love anything that looks New Englandish. I have seen several stitching on Shepherd's Song and it is lovely as well. Summer Seeds should work up quickly. Of course I think that about a lot of things I am still working on!! Happy Stitching.

    1. I like the idea of adding that personal touch to the samplers. I think I will do it lots more in the future. I am using a piece of your dyed aida to do a Halloween stitch. I can't wait to finish and show it to you.

  6. Love these works of art…I miss seeing the work of artist Arlene also.

    1. I am sure Arlene knows this is Brenda…not sure why it keeps going anonymous even though I type my name…

    2. We have to figure out a way to get Arlene back at some point!!!

  7. Hello Sandy: Nice changes, I like your version much better, I love the Church addition, thank-you for the history of the church, wow your family has been there a long time.
    Nice new designs to start on.
    I am looking forward to seeing the ornament and stocking as you progress.
    I did not join Scattered Seed Samplers designs this year, i have so much to catch up on.
    Have a great day.


    1. Thanks, Catherine. I hope the stitching will go a little faster on the smaller pieces this week and I will have more to share soon.

  8. So many beautiful pieces to stitch, not enough time! I love what you did with Thirsty Hart, Sandy, and the addition of the little white church makes it even more special. How nice to have such a long and rich history with that church. I still miss the little brown Presbyterian church that I could walk to when growing up--lots of wonderful memories as I know you have with Hartwood.

    And your newest project is lovely--can't wait to see a finish. It's so much easier to stitch when not making color changes. I'm stitching a piece now where I'm making so many color changes and, boy, is it time consuming!

    You must be SO excited for the arrival of your new grandson. Praying that all goes well and by your next post you'll be a grandmother to three beautiful little boys. ♥

    1. I can hardly wait to meet the new grandson. I know Katie is ready too. Hoping he arrives this week.
      There is something special about those early churches of our childhood.
      I am stitching an apple for Lindsay and also the Halloween stitch you gifted me. I am actually doing 2 of those; one for me and one for her. I am doing them each on different colors of linen so we will see what happens with that, but less color changes for the immediate future.

  9. I love your vision much better than the original. Seriously!! Beautiful work! The church and all it means to you is brilliant. You do such good work. Your next projects look like hard work (to me) but I know they will be beautiful. Do keep us posted!! As to Palmer being one already... good golly! xo

    1. Thanks Terri. I really love this sampler and hope to type up something to put on the back for the kids too. 

  10. Time sure has flown! I feel like it was yesterday we were reading about Palmer's birth. And in another week a new grandbaby is due?!? Lots of Joy in the family. :) Your Hart sampler is just beautiful. And I love your color changes. I noticed the church right away and think it is lovely addition. I enjoyed reading a bit of the history of the church and its meaning in your life. Looking forward to reading your family's next big news!

    1. Thanks Becki. I am excited to get this piece framed. I do love the colors. That was a biggie for me. I usually just stick to the pattern. Hopefully, we will have a baby this week. I know Katie is very ready.

  11. Beautiful, beautiful post, Sandy, both the stitching and the history of your family's church from way back when. I love the colors you chose for the Thirsty Hart piece, which has turned out so very well. And the church colors of white on white are perfect. You achieved what you set to do! Miles to arrive very soon?! Such good news!


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