
Tuesday, October 18, 2022

While my last post written on September 28 was kind of glum about the month, September was not done with me. It gave me a stomach virus to end the month. Normally, I love September I was more than happy for a new month.

I have also ended up with the worst sinus infection ever and am on a 28 day antibiotic. I think even knowing this calendar year was going to hold some tough times, I didn’t acknowledge the fact that I would need to really take care of myself. I am rundown, but have come to terms with I am not Wonder Woman. I have to prioritize taking care of me. I won’t bore you with anymore glum thoughts. 

I did finally accept fall was here and decorated my house. The only thing I did differently this year was to add an old German beer stein with some cute fall flowers out for October. I saw one on Pinterest with pretzels in it and I thought it would be cute with the flowers.

Last week was amazing weather. Low humidity and just the most pleasant temperatures that you could wish for year around. It warmed back up this week, but last night the cold came blowing in. We are experiencing our fist cold day of the year. It was in the 50’s this morning at 7:00 and it is a tad windy. I am not sure I was ready for that! Time to pull out some different clothes:) for today at least. I think fall did come early here this year or like it used to do. Now winter does not have to follow suit. I have noticed there are very few acorns this year. I feel like 2 years ago we have a boomer crop. This year the squirrels will be hungry in north Florida.

Tucker turned 4. I seriously can’t believe that. He enjoyed his family party and we enjoyed him. I will save all the family pics for the end. 

I have stitched when I had time to stitch on a sampler. I have made a lot of progress but the bottom half is a lot of dense stitching with the house, the sheep and the grass so I kind of skipped around and I do a little on the house and on the grass along with some of the other things. It will not be done right away but this particular sampler has been comfort stitching. I want to do some Christmas stitching from now until then, so I will have to share my time on it with those things.

Mother is doing better but pneumonia certainly slowed her down. 

Now for a few family pictures out of order because I don’t have the time to fool amd work around Blogger issues.

The heron hung in the background.

A lady that lives in Mom’s area gave her a wagon for the boys. It needed a paint job so I decided to make it an Auburn wagon. I will be taking it to the Auburn house for them to play with up there. Until then, Palmer and I have been using it for our daily walks.

That is all I have time for today. Karen commented the sweetest thing about prayer on my last post. As you may have realized I have had no time to even reply to the previous ones. I will try to do better this time. No promises though. It is a busy season of life right now. I do know it will get better though.


  1. I'm certainly glad you realized you have to take care of you. You've had a lot of stresses, some good some not so good. Don't worry about responding to comments or even catching up on reading until you are completely over the present ailment. There. I have spoken!

  2. Take good care of yourself
    I am sorry you have been ill. Sinus problems this year seem to be a bother for many folks.
    Happy Birthday Tucker!
    Time does fly
    The wagon is adorable!
    Prayers for your good health

  3. Prayers of course. Make sure that you are really retired. Take care of yourself. Walk and do things you enjoy. I am sure you eat healthy and take vitamins. Take time for ME. Our health is important to us and to others.

  4. My sister-in-law and her husband own a coffee company/shop in your area. Toomer's Coffee.

  5. Your youngest grandson's smile is sooo cute! It's like he knows he's supposed to smile for pictures. Maybe his cousins clued him in.

    I hope you feel 100% very soon. You have had a demanding year and you do so much to bless others.

  6. Hi Sandy: So sorry to hear you have a sinus infection, they can be brutal, I hope you are fully healed from the tummy issue.
    Your Sampler is lovely, I need to get going on Christmas stitching.
    Love the family photos and the heron picture is a beauty for sure.
    Happy fourth birthday Tucker
    Have a great week.

  7. Love the Auburn wagon!! You did a great job.Those boys are so stinkin cute. And how can Tucker be 4 already? Yes, take care of yourself!! Love that stitch...It is going to be so pretty.

  8. Oh Sandy, I hope you are feeling better. I can't get over that Tucker is 4. The wagon is darling. Your sampler is looking fabulous. Thinking of you and praying you have a restful weekend.

  9. So sorry to hear you had more sickness to deal with. I hope you're feeling much better by now. The Auburn Wagon is terrific. And the Heron picture is beautiful on the wall you've hung it. Take care, Sandy. I hope you're feeling stronger with each passing day.

  10. I so hope you are feeling better by now, Sandy. Stress can take such a toll on our health, can't it? With your worries about your mom and all you do for your family, I'm hoping you take time to rest and pamper yourself. The heron is stunning--just perfect on that sage green wall. I really would love to see it in person--I'm still amazed at how you stuck with it and stitched it so (seemingly) quickly. Love the photos of your sweet boys--how did Tucker grow up so fast?!?! And that smile on your littlest one--just so darling :)

    I hope you enjoy these last few days of October and I wish for you a healthy, happy, November, Sandy! ♥


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