
Thursday, November 30, 2023

A Bunch of Randomness Before Christmas

 Well, let's let the brain roll...

The USDA planting zones changed. They have made my little coastal zone 9a instead of 8b. I am not sure I agree, and I am sure my lemon tree would not agree. I do know the actual coast doesn't get as low as the inland areas, but I am just not sure about 9a. I have to research it more and the nerd in me will do so over Christmas break. It has been chilly this week. Miles, Gus and I have had to wait until about 10:30 instead of 9:00 to do our morning stroll. I am not a cold weather fan and I know I must look like I live at the North Pole going out for the walk. 

But as you can see, living on the coast has its advantages. I am in that no freeze zone. Suits me just fine!

In other local news, the next picture explained why Tyler and Lindsay's garbage was strewn all over the road one morning this week.

Yep, that is a bear strolling on the sidewalk of the neighbor's right across the street. That is actually common around here. Living near the reservation and it being North Florida those guys are very common. Tyler will have to wait until daylight to take the garbage out for a while.

Well, let's get the Iron Bowl stuff over with. What a horrible ending for us Auburn people! Actually, I am very proud of Auburn for staying in the thick of it until the end. I account some of that to home field advantage. Jordan Hare is special. I am excited about our new coach and if those little people who have big money can keep their paws off of Auburn, we could have some good years going forward. That is if NIL and the transfer portal hasn't ruined college football already. Nothing stays the same. We count on that. I am super hopeful that Beau Nix of Oregon wins the Heisman.  We did not go to Auburn as Jeff has had a couple of rough weeks. More on that later. Lindsay and Tyler and the boys did go and had a wonderfully relaxing weekend until the end of the game. I didn't tell you how I did after that game, did I? Well, I must say it took about an hour of walking around the house and trying to distract myself to soothe the downfall. If I am at home for the game instead of Auburn I usually decorate the tree, but I had actually done that Friday night. Boy, do I wish I had waited. Decorating the tree has helped more than a few of those losses. If you think I am are right! I did grow up across that state line and it is a different kind of game. Not one I am sure I like, but....

This was cute though....

I am sure he caught the glimpse of one of his parents. They had been hyped all day and had planned to go to Toomer's Corner if we won.

Palmer is just the cutest right now. They went to one of the favorite spots to eat. It has been there since Jeff and I went to school. 

Miles said it all. Actually, he just wanted to go outside and play.

I got a new coffee mug to drink my coffee and hot chocolate for this season. The mug and a spool of ribbon are the only new things I bought for decorating.  The mug was just too cute to pass by.

Tomorrow is December and I am in shock as to where this year has gone. I suppose that comes with age, but I also think daily life is a little more speedy with the advent of technology. I have a full calendar of events. Be it going to a play for Tucker, parades, church events, friends gathering and lots of doctor appointments. Mother has 4 on the books right now. Two for the 2 different orthopedic doctors she is seeing and 2 for the pain doctor. She has the nerve ablation procedure on Monday. I am praying it will give her some relief so she can enjoy Christmas. It is supposed to help with pain for 4-6 months. 

It's busy and that means we have to work a little bit harder to make sure we have the important stuff in priority. Faith and Family first. 

The house is decorated and I have pictures of it except for the kitchen. I can't keep it clean long enough to take a picture. Imagine that! I might just have to take one with real life, won't I?
I really just want to go bake some cookies and I am going to soon no matter what else has to wait on me to do it.

That is about it here...just trying to squeeze in some reading and stitching and cookie baking amongst all the things. Other than worrying about Mom and Jeff I am all good and looking forward to the Christmas season. I love the lights of the tree. They really help with the darkness of this time of year. 

Jeff has had a rough 2 weeks. Looking forward to getting him home in a few weeks. He has had a pinched nerve in his neck /upper back. That has not helped all the other going on. Today he seemed a wee bit better, so I am hoping that is getting better. He got some steroids and muscle relaxers for that. The kidney stone has passed or lodged somewhere since he is not having that issue anymore. 

That is it for this week.

Tis the season to be jolly... 
 and grateful.


  1. There's always so much to deal with at any given time. I hope everyone feels better and you can enjoy the new month and holiday season. Take care of yourself too my friend and bundle up when it's cold! We saw frost this week! Hugs!

  2. I am sorry about Auburn. Doing nice things for yourself can help the healing.
    The photo of Palmer is beyond precious. All your grands are adorable.
    Prayers for everyone's health, and happiness

  3. I am sorry I don't keep up with the college football games, so I don't know who's who and who ought to be who...LOL. I love that your family is really into the Auburn games, however, and that is such fun for the whole family. Amazing you have managed to get all your decorations done already. I am making very slow progress. Hopefully this weekend we will get the tree set up and then everything else kind of flows from there. We shall see, however. I'm not pushing myself any more than I have to. I love the pictures of your sweet boys. They sure are precious. Praying for you and your mother and Jeff. You definitely have a lot going on! May God be with you and give you the strength you need to get through everything. (((hugs))) and Happy December!

  4. I do hope Jeff is feeling better soon. The boys are adorable as always! Looks like they had a great time! Oh my goodness! The bear! That would scare me so bad! I hope everything goes well for your mom with her procedure. Hopefully she will feel much better and be able to enjoy the holidays with y’all.

  5. It's always something, isn't it. Faith and family are the priorities for sure. I was cheering for Ohio State and they were shamed by Michigan so I can feel your pain with Auburn. Sigh. The boys are all so cute and getting so big!! It will be a happy Christmas with them this year!! Prayers lifted and sending hugs!

  6. We were down in Naples for six days--just got back on Wednesday. I was shocked at how cold it was on Tuesday and Wednesday--especially that far south. I'm sorry your team didn't win. I don't follow football of any kind so it's all Greek to me :) But, that photo of little Palmer with his hands up to his mouth is priceless. They learn early! I'm sorry Jeff is dealing with yet more issues--that sounds so painful and I do hope your mom gets some relief this month. You must feel like you are just running constantly. And I get the just wanting to stay home and bake cookies thing :) Yes, please! Take care, Sandy and have a wonderful weekend. ♥

  7. Hope you have a lovely Christmas. Here in this area of Florida weather is fine. Take care of yourself and enjoy your sweet Mother. Prayers.

  8. That was Brenda. Won’t let me sign on.

  9. You remind me of husband when he used to watch Purdue play - win or lose it was stressful for him - until he finally quit watching. As always, your family pictures are great. That one of Palmer - too funny. And adorable.

  10. All said, you are holding together very well, finding joy inbetween the hard things. Palmer's picture is toooo cute!


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