
Friday, December 22, 2023

Stitching and More

 Oh the troubles I weave sometimes. I stitched like a madwoman--- even when I did not have time. I quit working on my Florida sampler and ---went down a rabbit trail. I was obsessed in stitching the Christmas Bells. I remembered the pattern from the past and ordered it this year after seeing Faye (Carolina Stitcher) finish them for a client with blue ribbon like on my Christmas tree.

I got them all stitched last week and dreaded the cutting, because I figured it would be hard to get it just right.

And things went fine for  the first one I finished up. I was feeling confident. 

It turned out quite cute. I am just going to tell you straight up; the second one was a big ole bust. I cut it out and things looked promising once again, but when I stitched it things didn't come out so well. It simply was not repairable, so this pattern will be set aside until next July when I will stitch some Christmas in July. Sometimes it just doesn't work out!

So my Stitching Post is not all that noteworthy. I will share some oldies, but goodies.
The next 2 ornaments are from the early 80's. I stitched them both for Mom. I retrieved them this summer to bring to my tree.

The next 2 are also from the mid 80's and have graced our tree for all our married years.

Some of you probably did these too way back in the day.

That is the stitching post. 

Lesson moving in to '24. Stitch for fun and at a slower pace. 

Oh and I have mentioned many times that I would love to transition to a more Blue Christmas in my home, but have never been able to actually do it. One thing I have learned this year about actually pulling it off is that GREEN would weigh huge in that idea for me. I love the blues, but the green ribbon I have used this year would be the key to making that kind of transition. All that said....I really like what I have done this year. It is the right combination of traditional red and green and tartan and a nice amount of blue and green that matches my house

Now, for the more....

This week was about so many things to do each day and night. 

We had Jeff's retirement party at church on Monday evening. We decided to do it at church rather than at the schoolboard since it would be much prettier and take lots less work to decorate. The church is simply beautiful right now. We have a lady that is an interior designer who attends our church and is a worker bee and giver of her time to make everything just amazing each year...well, actually year round. 

I can't say enough about how nice the reception was. My good friends showed up and helped me get everything in place. Paul Allen was our worker to move tables and such. Lindsay kept me calm and all was so pretty.

Here are a few snaps of the goings on while we were getting it all in order and the tables of food and such.

I have kept my mom's and my mother-in-law's punch bowls all these years. I am so happy to see them making a comeback. They have even been borrowed by the young girls. I decided a while back to let go of all my decanters and just go with them. They are no more trouble and actually don't make the mess that those spout things do.

The memory table was a last minute thought. I am so glad Lindsay thought of it. I was more organized than I thought. I pulled out some highlights from each place he worked. I think Jeff loved looking back. I hope to make him a scrapbook in the next year. I did that for myself when I retired.

One of the ladies who works in his office made this wonderful cake. So much thought and love was in this. And then, she stayed and just worked behind the scenes to make sure the punch and food trays were full. I could never thank her enough.

My friend who has a lunch restaurant also put so much thought into the food. She had all Jeff's favorites from her restaurant.

At the end, my friend Anne grabbed all the tablecloths and took them home with her to wash. My friend Cindy was there early helping me set up and brought the flowers. I am blessed, people.

Paul Allen caught this picture of me after we had finished setting up and were waiting on the guests. It says it all for me. My happy place....

Lindsay posted this on social medias that evening. It was perfectly said. Jeff will be missed but I am gaining him at home.

Night of honor went well and Thursday was his last day.

Tuesday evening we went to see Tucker's little Christian school Christmas concert. I wish I could show pictures of how cute, but I don't have the time to blank out all the kids' faces. They were so precious. It was just the right amount of time and just perfection all around to this Mimi. 

I couldn't help but remember all the ones my own children were in. My favorite memory of those performances  is Paul Allen being Baby Jesus. He was 6 months old and they were going to sing a song where the younger girl would hold him while the adult lady sang. He was sheer perfection in all the practices. The night of the actual performance was different. The lights were different. They popped a spotlight on him about halfway the song and he erupted. I was standing up in the choir alcove and my heart sank. A nervous mama ---worrying about him and hating that he was messing up the performance. I couldn't wait for them to hand him to me so that I could comfort him. Everyone was so nice later and said that surely Baby Jesus cried. 

It wasn't until I actually saw the recording of him that I realized it sounded much louder and unnerving in the little alcove I was standing in and he didn't ruin anything after all. 

Moving on....

Thursday evening was a church staff and elder's dinner. I had thrown a pity party for one earlier that day and was dreading going. Pity parties are never very fun, but sometimes they just come.  They seem to come despite our knowing full well they are not all that fruitful. The dinner ended up being just what I needed. 

This has gone on long enough.

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.


  1. Merry Christmas, Sandy! Good stitching in the New Year.

  2. Your husband's retirement party sounds wonderful. Hope the next stage of life is everything you could wish for.

    Have a very Merry Christmas. I know 2024 will be full of new things for you and your DH!

  3. Happy retirement to Jeff!! What a lovely party you had for him!! Congratulations! I always love seeing your stitching work. Lovely. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a blessed new year!!

  4. Your church is decorated so beautifully! What a lovely backdrop for Jeff's retirement party. You are, indeed, a blessed lady, Sandy. I'm glad for you both that so many lent their hands and talents to help you make Jeff's party special. You made it a wonderful day, I know. Merry Christmas to you all!

  5. My mom has a few similar ornaments on her tree. I remember them well from childhood! I think your bell turned out pretty! So glad Jeff's retirement celebration went so well! Everything looks so pretty. Wishing y'all a very Merry Christmas!

  6. Your bell ornament is a beauty, Sandy. Who is the designer and are there more than one bell design? What treasures you have in the stitched ornaments of the past. Congratulations and best wishes to Jeff on his retirement. It looks like it was an incredible celebration. I love the picture of you surrounded by the boys. Merry Christmas!

  7. Love the bell...and love the stories and pictures. Congratulations to Jeff for his retirement! I know you have some challenges ahead, but God is already there and He will be with you all the way every day. Praying for a happy and delightful Christmas and beyond for all of you. Love the picture of you and your sweet little boys. That is priceless. Merry Christmas!

  8. Love your beautiful church and great idea to have Jeff's reception there. And girl...your needle must have been on fire!! I had a fail in the stitching department too. I got totally off on a small Blackbird piece and I just tossed it. I will stitch it later on a different fabric. Oh Christmas plays are always fun..more as a grandparent than as a parent.Hope you have a Merry Christmas dear friend.

  9. Hello Sandy.
    lovely little stitching ornaments.
    Merry Christams to you and your family.

  10. The enemy of our souls throws in Pity Parties as often as he can, but when we remind ourselves of our true identity in Christ and the authority our Lord has given us to send the pity party away in the name of Jesus Christ, things turn a corner for the better. Glad you got past it. The retirement party for Jeff looks wonderful. That cake is phenomenal!!

  11. 🎄I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and a joyous New Year.🌟
    Blessings, Linda

  12. Happy New Year Sandy and Family: Congratulations to Jeff on his retirement, I love being retired and spending everyday with the man I love, you will also. Your Bell turned pout lovely, the blue ribbon adds the perfect color to the bell.
    Thank-you for sharing the other ornaments with us, yes I do remember doing some ornaments way back when like yours.
    The cake for Jeffs retirement is a hoot, looks so yummy.


  13. I missed this post as my family arrived the day you posted it! Lovely party you had for Jeff's retirement. That is nice that you could have one. When my husband retired in 2020, we could only do a zoom party--not exactly the farewell that he deserved. Oh, well! Love that fishing themed cake--wow! I bet it tasted so good.

    Loved seeing your ornaments and the bell one is especially pretty! I don't know if I'd dare tackle a shaped finish like that :) And yes, I still have several ornaments in the little round plastic frames from the '80s :) Enjoy your week!


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.