
Friday, March 22, 2024

10 Years

 March 22, 2024 AD

Today is an anniversary. I hit the publish button on this little blog 10 years ago. Time has flown by and I don't think the past 10 years have turned out at all like I planned when I hit that publish button 10 years ago, but God knows better than me what life is supposed to be like and that statement comes with ---a thank goodness He is control.

Before I address the anniversary and the fact that I am posting twice in one week, I will share my other little excursion for this spring break. The administrators from the school district chipped in and gave Jeff a gift certificate to The Grand Hotel in Fairhope, Alabama

I have had a much needed break with the last few days. I have rested and let my mind relax. I really really did and feel like I am ready to get back to all the tasks coming my way. 

I knew about The Grand, but honestly have never driven by it even though Lindsay and I have gone for many years at Christmas or Easter to shop in Fairhope. I am familiar with the area but just never checked it out. Wow, it was so nice and I really would love to go back when it is warm and utilize all the amenities. It is a beautiful resort on the Mobile Bay. The absolute best thing about it for me is that it is truly a place that looks like it is supposed to. Let me explain. Growing up just across the Alabama line from where I live in Florida now I know what this area is supposed to look like. The native plants and the look that is indigenous to the area. From Mobile to at least Panama City should look one way and unfortunately developers these days are trying to make northwest Florida look like south Florida. I love ALL of Florida but they most definitely have different looks from north to south. The Grand captured and has maintained the beauty of the area. 

Azaleas, live oaks, etc. Not palms.

The place is covered with the live oaks and the grounds of the place are immaculate.

Now Jeff is still dealing with his back and it was cold for our visit. I mean winter is holding on hard this year. I put my big boy pants on and bundled up and decided I would enjoy my trip over there despite Jeff not being able to walk with me or having to bundle up to stand the cold.

I took walks around the bay evening and morning and let nature soothe me.

The resort is on a point so the walk along the bay was long and enjoyable. 

We dined well. Our room was perfect. I fretted over the decision on whether to stay in the original older part or a bay front room. I ultimately chose the bay with a balcony and am glad I did since Jeff wasn't able to go on all the walks with me. We watched the sun fully set on the balcony and then watched the lights of Mobile appear across the bay.

Next up are views from the balcony.

We actually had a corner room on the far end so we could see out both the window on the back and side, so I chose well.

The beginning of the sunset.

As I said, we ate well and all of that was paid for too. Can't beat that.

This was a crab meat, spinach and artichoke dip that was amazing.

On our way home, we stopped in at the Southwood Kitchen in Daphne which was featured recently on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. Let me just say if you ever over in south Alabama anywhere near Mobile or Baldwin counties run to this restaurant. Both of our meals were a 10. Sorry no photos to show you how tasty it was.

Mother turned 89 yesterday so I cooked her some fried catfish for lunch and made her brownies. The kids had already celebrated with her. 

Now, it is back to real life and lots of appointments. She has yet another procedure on her back this Monday and Jeff is waiting for an MRI appointment. He met with a spine doctor today. 

I enjoyed my trip to Auburn and Fairhope and in between both I have spent some good times strolling the neighborhood where I would venture to say we are having a spectacular azalea season. I think we may be past the chilly days now.

Now, what does one say when you have a blog anniversary?
I don't really have any words of wisdom today per se.

I often have so many words in my head and I honestly thought I would share way more than I have, but life has kept me very busy.

I really do want to get back to writing and sharing my thoughts more. Maybe that will happen, but I will let the Lord lead there too. I know my plate is full and I am in a season of life that has kept me busy. I am very blessed despite the troubles. It is important to focus on blessings rather than the interruptions. They will always be there. It can be just a mindset of looking for the good like birds singing and azaleas showing out. 

How much longer will I blog? No clue...that is up to the Lord. I do know that many have touched my life through blogging. I read for many years a blog called Clover Lane. The woman was such an inspiration on home keeping when I retired. I was sad to hear of her passing. I have learned so much from others and am grateful that they have shared their lives with us. 

Grateful and blessed for the many friends I have made in this little part of the world.


  1. Happy blogiversary! Thanks for writing your blog faithfully all this time. And happy birthday to your Mom.

    1. Thanks Boud. Mother's best friend died a few years ago and her daughter came today to take her out to lunch. She was so excited about that. Even though she has many issues with her back I think she has a lot of life left.

  2. I don't think the school district administrators could have given Jeff a better gift--and one that was perfect for you, too. It looks like a lovely place--so relaxing and pretty. Happy 89th birthday to your dear mother. It's always a happy day when our parents have made it to another birthday although hard to see them failing. Ten years of blogging is quite an achievement--especially in today's world. I always love visiting with you each time you post, Sandy. Hope there are many, many more posts in your future! ♥

    1. We were blown away by the gift. I think Lindsay might have had something to do with the idea but everyone donated to it and it was so nice. I really would love to go back in a warmer month. I know you guys still have it cool because it is holding on down here. It is not so much the temperature as the gray skies. When the sun peeks out it feels so good, but we have had an overcast winter that is still hanging on. Nature seems to be doing its thing with the plants and trees despite the lack of sun. The longer days have improved my mood though. Thanks for always stopping by and offering encouragement.

  3. Happy anniversary with your always interesting, insightful, and inspiring blog!! I am so happy that you and your sweet hubby got away for a respite. You chose the balcony room well. That sunset is gorgeous. Keep writing, Sandy!! I miss you when you are gone for too long. Hugs!

    1. Thank you! I am not quitting any time soon unless the Lord says so. I don't have as much time as I once did but it will come again.

  4. Happy Blogaversary! 10 years is a long time in the blogging world! I, for one, have enjoyed your blog since discovering it! I'm so glad you and Jeff got some time away at this beautiful hotel! My goodness, I think I could have stayed on the balcony and been happy! Haha! What a great view! I love all the big, huge oaks along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. That's great to see that there are some there, too. What an amazing getaway! I know that helped relax your body and your mind. Praying for the week ahead with appointments and procedures for your loved ones. And Happy Birthday to your mom! I'm glad you could make her favorites for her! I am down for catfish anytime! Hope the weekend is good to you!

  5. What a wonderful adventure you and Jeff were given, Sandy! I totally enjoyed the pictures and the words you shared about it. Sending happy birthday wishes to your mother! And wishing you a very happy blog anniversary. Enjoy the weekend.

    1. Thank you, Robin. I hope things have settled down for y'all up there. The fancy hotel was very nice and it was a wonderful gift that was bestowed on him. I would like to go back in a warmer month.

  6. Congratulations Sandy: Ten years is a long time for a Blog, I am happy to hear you will continue on.
    What a wonderful gift to be able to stay at that amazing Hotel, thank-you for sharing the lovely photos.
    I am so sorry to hear Jeffs back is giving him problems, Mike had back surgery last June healed and able to do things he could not do for 9 months.
    Happy Blessed Birthday to your mother, the fish sounds yummy.
    So sorry to hear of your Blog friends passing.


    1. Thanks Catherine. I have met so many wonderful people that have inspired me with their blogs. I am hoping that Jeff can get this MRI soon and find out what is going on. It has been awful now for about 5 to 6 weeks. Ready for him to have some relief.

  7. Congrats on your 10 year blogiversary (or however that should be spelled). And what a nice gift you and Jeff were given by the school district administrators. I'm glad you were able to enjoy yourselves. And I enjoyed the discussion on native plants. Your trees are so different from what we have in Indiana.

  8. Congratulations on your 10 years of blogging! For fun I just checked back to see when I started. 2005?! Astounding. So next year would be 20 years if the Lord wills. How can that even be?

    What a lovely getaway for you and Jeff. I'm glad you were given such a wonderful gift and that you were able to go and enjoy it. I'm sure it was nice just to get away together and enjoy the luxury. Praying for you all and hoping that Jeff can get some relief from this pain.

    20" of snow here yesterday! Not unheard of in March, but we really did think that spring was coming!

  9. Just seeing this Sandy....Happy Blogiversary!! We went to the Grand for our 25th anniversary and it had not been updated but it was still a very nice weekend. We came home on Sunday and then 9-11 hit. What a change in one week's time!! Would love to go back, maybe for our 50th. Hope all goes well at the dr for your Mama and for Jeff.

  10. Of late I have not had time to keep up with my blog reading, so this is a late comment. Your trip with Jeff looks wonderful; I'm sorry he wasn't feeling all that well. But it was surely good to get away for a time.

  11. PS Congrats on the blog anniversary! You and I have spoken about the ups and downs of blogging. But let me add, I would miss your posts if the day were to come that you stop.


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.