
Thursday, March 7, 2024

Home Sweet Home in the Spring

 I finally got some sunshine and warmth. I have completely soaked it in. Yesterday, as soon as Miles went down for his nap I quickly mopped the kitchen and went to sit outside on the back deck. The sun was shining and the sun felt so good. I was like an alligator on a log. 

I will share my view and my thoughts while soaking it all in.

That pine tree to the right and I have a love/hate relationship. It drops so much on my decks. Right now it is those little worms. They are everywhere. It basically sits in the water, and I have worried more than once that it will fall right into that kitchen during a hurricane. On the other hand, I have wondered if it doesn't act like a shield for the flying things in a storm. 

Here's the deal I have no control over any of it.
It does provide shade and it has survived a lot of storms in its life, so I do my best not to give it too much grief over all the mess it makes.

I moved the geraniums over to enjoy a bit of those sunny skies too. One of them was falling over due to the wind that had come in earlier in the week. Is March 4th and 5th too late for March coming in like a lion?

Here's the deal with March.... It is magical in one sense, because everything is coming back to life but I think it and December are the most unpredictable and wild months for weather here in my little corner of the world.

Do you see that beautiful blue sky? 

That live oak on the left is about to undergo a major change. Between now and the first of May it will lose all its leaves and yet never be bare. Oh the deck will be covered in so much stuff, but I wouldn't change a thing. I love watching it all happen.

Today after taking Mom for an appointment I came home to a little one who wasn't interested in a nap so he and I sat outside in the front yard. He and Gus had a blast together collecting sticks.

Spring is showing up around the home and in the neighborhood. I took a few photos this week of all the things. I love to look back at my blog to see if something is early or late or right on schedule

Down the street, I took this picture because the petals around it are as pretty as the blooms on the bush. The camellias have been pretty this year in my neighborhood and I think right on cue they are finishing up just in time for azaleas to be the star of the show.

For those that think I always have perfect flowers, let me show you the truth. The pansies have had a lackluster year. The only pot of the 3 that looks good is the ones front and center. Two things are going on is the light in this area has changed over the years with the growth of the trees. It gets less sunlight especially in the seasons other than summer.  The one closest to the house just fizzled out and got a disease which I think was lack of sun and so much rain. I didn't have to water all winter. 

They will remain there until April when I will replace with vincas.

The orange tree this morning is just covered with little buds for the blooms. They are beautiful when they open. All of those will not produce oranges because it is too small at this point. The lemon tree is ragged this year but has survived. It too is just too small, so I don't think we will have a large harvest in fall.

The other morning I went out to photograph my 5 roses downstairs. They are all sprouting and looking great. I can't wait for the first bloom. Out of all the signs of nature, I am thinking this one is the latest. They seems to be a little slow this year. 

WE have a lot of work planned this spring in this area. We have to finish getting all the dirt packed in between the new and old seawall. It is mostly done. We need to add some in right under the walkway out to the water and then I think we can call that a win.

We will finally be adding a rail to the second level. The wood is there and don't even ask why it hasn't already been completed. Jeff sat on that one a long time. Just waiting on the workers. Notice all the things that need to be done. Constant blowing off of the droppings from the trees and pressure washing the mildew off the stone. Pollen and window washing too. I am ready to get out there and get it all started. 

T-Ball started for Tucker. Jeff and I got to visit last weekend for the opening ceremonies which is a big deal in Destin.

It was still pretty cool and cloudy last weekend.

Miles is growing up so fast. He was is in deep thought the other morning while eating his muffin. He loves to eat. He is going to eat them out of house and home when he gets older.

This morning I made a smoothie which I think he was pretty sure was the greatest thing he had ever tasted. He wanted more more more and sucked up the last drop.

Those were the highlights of this week. 

Spring has arrived in the house no matter the outside weather. I am all in at this point.


  1. Having my morning coffee and reading in cyberland. Found your blog and .... woooow, what a view!!
    Yes, I also enjoy the first warm sunbeams and yes, it is time that spring arrives. Had a grey and wet winter here in Germany but now the first spring flowers are there.
    Greetings, Gabi

  2. I enjoyed viewing all your pictures and taking in all your words, Sandy. Your geraniums make me think of my Gram. I love how the sun is hitting in the picture of your roses. The boys are so adorable. Hope Tucker is enjoying t-ball. Love his t-shirt! Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. It is a dreary day here so your pictures were very uplifting. Hope your spring is fabulous!

  4. Those grandkids are so adorable! And getting to spend some time outside every day makes life even better! I'm loving this weather!

  5. Such an uplifting post, Sandy! The views are amazing and I love the photo and story of Miles and the smoothie. 😊

  6. Your pictures make me ready for spring! From that beautiful sunshine on your deck to those amazing pink petals all over the ground, to the pictures of your deck and your talk about being ready to get out there and work. And my how fast the boys are growing!

  7. I enjoyed the spring photos from northern Florida, Sandy! That view from your deck is so relaxing--that would be my dream to live by the water. There is always so much to do as spring arrives. Sometimes that is why I like winter in the north--we can just sit inside and enjoy our hobbies :) Such cute photos of the boys. I sure wish Miles would teach my grandson to love to eat. I've never seen a child less interested in eating than Mister B. Ha ha! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! ♥

  8. You have much nicer things to say about Live Oak trees than we do.... no patience with them at all. Your Camelia and Geraniums are wonderful!

  9. Sweet Miles with that foot on the table!! Haha! Glad you and Jeff are getting out and enjoying the warmer weather! SO much to do in the spring to get ready to be able to enjoy patios and decks, etc. Our current mess here is the Bradford Pear blooming out. Little white blooms allllll over the place! Your flowers are so pretty! It will come together before long.


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