
Friday, May 10, 2024

Daylilies, Pillows, and a Roof in May

Hello May! The month of daylilies. 

I love May. For all her beauty in my neck of the woods, it is sometimes rushed over amidst the busyness of the season. When I was teaching May was one of the busiest months of the year. I really try and soak May up these days. 

I will go ahead and say I have visited few blogs in the past 2 weeks or even more. Life is still a little too crazy around here for my taste, but I know I am not alone in that. When things are coming so fast that I can't recover I know I have to pull back and that is what I have done the past couple of weeks. 

I have little to share for stitching or reading. I have been busy with my flowers getting the summer blooms ready and taking in the spring blooms.

The Stellas always arrive first in my front flower beds. These little ones always arrive in April, but the others all wait until May. The pink ones above arrived first in May. 

I knew that if I mentioned my troubles with what to do with the shells stitch, my blog friends would come up with some wonderful ideas. You didn't disappoint. I haven't moved on with a plan for it or hung up the Florida sampler yet, but I have lots of ideas stirring around in the old noggin. Thanks for all your ideas.

I am holding off until school is out and I have some free days to go shopping or do some more Internet surfing, but I think I have some ideas to work with now. 

I also have some ideas for where to hang the sampler. 

I find the older I get and the more crazy life is that home is where I want to be. Quiet and cozy. I love sitting out on the deck, strolling down my neighborhood street watching the birds and looking for little things in nature. 

I rarely change things in my home and do my best to not be lured in to spending money because of things I see. I hadn't bought anything new for the home in ages, but when I saw these pillows....

I knew they would be a perfect addition to my living room couch. 

Now, that they are in there I realized I was pushing the navy too hard. I totally love navy. It is my absolute favorite color and love it paired with Kelly green, bright pinks and of course, burnt orange (War Eagle).

The new pillows add to a soothing look.
Below is the real daily look in case Gus decides to sit on the couch.

Along with all the other stuff going that is not all that blog worthy, we are getting a new roof.

Oh the fun!

We have had red concrete tiles for the 40 years of our home's existence. Red tiles would never have been my choice - honestly Indiana sandstone wouldn't have been my choice for the exterior either. I love Indiana sandstone, but it just doesn't seem coastal. Red tiles probably go well with something other than the stone too.

None of it much matters when you get to look out at the water each day...

The Before...

The tiles look a little less red when they are dirty:)

I do not ever really say, "What were my in-laws thinking?" However, Jeff says, "What were Mom and Dad thinking?"  It is more appropriate for him to say it than me. It was their dream home and it is beautiful...just not my choices. Lindsay always says that time period was crazy in dress and any thing style wise and she is a bit right. The home was built in 1984 and is 40 years old. 

The concrete tiles were billed as a lifetime tile. That is a bit misleading. Let me share a bit of thoughts on that. The roof was not going to get blown away --- it would have taken a lot to blow them away. In watching them remove them this week, it has been quite an ordeal. It appears there was a layer of concrete and then the tiles themselves but they are truly concrete. The ones most put on today are a composite mixture tile. 

That said, the house is a fortress to have held up that much weight all these 40 years, but the studs are on 12 inch centers rather than the usual 14 or 24 of most buildings. Jeff's dad was trying to make it as sturdy as possible. 

The tiles would last forever as long as nothing ever fell on them, but I truly believe if a tree had fallen on them at any point in the 40 years it would have been hard to repair without doing the whole thing over. One strike in my book.

The wood around the edges and around the skylights and started to rot. I have been complaining about the skylights for some time, but Jeff just wasn't hearing me. Over the 5 years we have had 2 roofers over here looking at them and trying to keep them from leaking. Then about 2 weeks ago, it rained really hard and one of them was no longer leaking but pouring. Then almost at the same time, the termites flew in and were swarming. That is common in May here in Florida. You will see them around the lights at night outside. One night they were going crazy by our 2 back doors and one of the doors had a big enough crack they were coming in. All of that got him moving and the roofer was out the next day to let us know if it was time.

We decided it was time. We are not going with the same roof because as I have said they are not really life time tiles and the cost is crazy. Insurance will want them changed again anyway or cancel you.

So.... regular, but highest quality asphalt tiles in a much more muted color is the new roof choice. The house should look totally different. 

It is also not a quick job because of removal of the concrete tiles. Fortunately they have worked in small spaces around the home because we had a line of storms come through today that could have been disastrous. It was not for us. 

Lots of tornadoes in the north end of the county and schools closed up there. I had all 3 grandsons today at different times trying to work around all the mixed up schedules and the roofers though they tried didn't get to work today.

I will share the new look soon. It is going to be really dramatically different. 

Of course all of this will lead to other things... cleaning gutters, repairing the area around the skylights inside where they have leaked for some time. Home ownership seems to always have little tasks to spend money on.

I am grateful to get it done and behind us. We will have a new roof and no leaks. I am also grateful we had no leaks when the line of storms moved in today. It got bad over by Mom's place and several tornadoes in the surrounding areas. 

Hope to catch up soon with all my blogs,


  1. A new roof is a big expense, and I've come to believe lifetime translates into 25 years usually! Not the lifetime of the buyer, sigh.

    1. You are probably correct. The tiles would have lasted a long time but in places they were holding moisture and some wood has had to be replaced. It is not cheap for certain!

  2. Hi Sandy: I love seeing your flowers, I have both Daylily and Stellas in my yard, they are so pretty, I have never seen the pink Stellas, lovely, I do like the pillows they work so well with the sofa.
    Having a new roof can cause such chaos when being torn off and a new roof applied, we had a minis tornado come through our area in 2009 had a new roof, such a mess, but they cleaned up everything in one and half day a new roof.
    I am so afraid of the fact that the weather is so harsh so early in the season, we have been lucky so far with horrible weather, stay safe my friend.
    I bet it was fun having the three boys, they are growing so fast.
    Home ownership is a chore, always something to be fixed or cleaned.
    Have an amazing week.


    1. The pink daylilies aren't Stellas, just daylilies. They are all so pretty right now.
      I will be very happy to have the roof done. I am extremely tired of all the scraping and hammering. It will start a list of other things that have to be done which is always the case, but this one will be behind us.

  3. The new roof will be quite the undertaking, but it sounds like it was time with the water and termites coming in.

    1. Yes, it did seem like the right time. We don't need termites to get up in those areas that were holding the moisture. I will be glad when they have it done. I am a wee bit tired of pounding.

  4. I am glad you will get to enjoy a new roof and a new look on your house! I was in LA( Lower Alabama) when the storms hit in No Ala. Fortunately we had no issues here in Decatur but Huntsville had some damage in the historical section of town which is sad ....seeing those big trees come down. But time moves on and things change. One thing Life has taught me!! Enjoy your weekend, Sandy.

    1. I follow Jenny in Dixie on Instagram. She lives in the historical district so I saw some of the trees. Very sad. There was quite a bit of damage in north Florida.

  5. I look forward to seeing the new roof and the look it gives to your home, Sandy. I had to chuckle about your words about lifetime warranty. It seems every manufacturer has a different definition about that. Your flowers look fabulous. I am happy to hear you are okay from the storms. Have a restful weekend.

    1. We were lucky with the storms. There was quite a line of damage across northern Florida. It is that time of year.
      The tiles held up great for their 40 years, but they were holding some moisture in places like any other roofing material so I will be glad to have it done. It is looking very different.

  6. Beautiful Lilies!
    The new pillows look great on your couch.
    Have a blessed day!

    1. Thank you, Lea. I am really loving the new pillows.

  7. Prerry pillow pattern
    Happy New Roof! That sounds like a big project. I look forward to the new look.

    1. It is a big project. I am very overstimulated with the noise. I think there's one more day.

  8. Looking forward to seeing an "after" picture. Those tiles are interesting. I'm sure I've seen roofs like that, but I'd never dream it was cement. That does sound like a crazy load of weight on the frame of a house. Dreading the possibility of needing to replace our roof someday. The last time it was reroofed, it was done over old shingles. We knew it when we bought the place, but since then we've thought to ourselves... "what were we thinking?!?"

    1. The newer tiles are a composite mixture and I don't think they are anywhere near the weight that ours were. But 40 years is a long time for a roof and they have held up through many strong hurricanes so that is good. The new roof looks amazing though without the red.

  9. Your daylilies sure are pretty, Sandy. Ours won't bloom for another month of six weeks. The pillows are perfect with your couch--I love that shade of green. So soothing! And a new roof on top of everything else! Wow! That is one big project, but I'm sure it is a relief to have it done and feel a bit safer. We actually had a tornado warning here last week--so very, very rare! Running down to our basement at 1:30 AM was not my idea of fun. Thankfully, it passed south of us. Hope you continue to stay safe during this crazy tornado year! ♥

    1. The weather has been crazy this spring and honestly we have had a spring of sorts with temperatures. It has been really hot and humid on some days but very pleasant for a lot of them.
      You would think we would have more storm shelters in the south considering our weather. I have noticed since the spring that the big tornado ran across Alabama (the one that went through the university of alabama) that many new builds are building storm shelters up that way.
      The green is just that soothing...I am loving that look.

  10. Oh, the new roof will make a huge difference! I’m glad y’all are getting that done. It seems like when you do one repair, it calls for another. Hope the process is going well! I can’t wait to see the end result! I also love the pillows! I love little tiny prints on things. The flowers are beautiful, too. I love this time of year!

    1. This is a beautiful time of the year and for some reason always so busy. I can't wait to share the roof. It is very different, but I like it much.

  11. I have never had a tile roof so what you have shared here is very interesting. I have been in 2 houses that got a new roof (last one as recently as 3 months ago). WHAT A NOISY PROCESS!!!! It was so loud I could hardly remember my own name. I look forward to the "after" pictures of your house when it's all done.

    1. Noisy! to the 10th power. I was so overstimulated. And it took 4 days due to the scraping of the tiles. I have never been so glad to see the crew pack up:) It looks amazing though. Can't wait to share.


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