
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Christmas Tree Skirt

The tree skirt is finished that I made for my daughter. Now, for the story behind it.

I saved the piece of gold fabric that I had used to cover the kneeling bench at her wedding. We borrowed the kneeling bench from another church. It had a red bench that clashed badly with the red carpet in our church, so I made a slip cover for it by putting a casing to hold elastic and fitted it over the bench. I then secured the corners with a few straight pins.

I kept it with the hopes that I could think of something to make with it as a keepsake. However, I could not come up with anything to do with it. I thought for months and nothing very original came to mind. One day I mentioned it to my hubby who is extremely creative. Should have mentioned it to him much earlier as he always has ideas. He had the idea of the tree skirt. It wouldn't be something they had to have out all the time, but once a year, it would remind them of their wedding and kneeling at the cross.

I had to piece it, but you really don't notice it at all. The seams worked out well. I monogrammed their monogram as a couple that had been on their invitation and napkins.

Lindsay picked out the green and red trim from my pile of fabrics that I have been hoarding for quite a while. I think it turned out quite nice and hope they will enjoy it around their first Christmas tree this year. 

Here is a closeup of the front.

Another view of the full skirt.

The back.
I lined it so the stitching wouldn't show and to give it a little more weight.
Hallie, their little precious puppy who I am dog sitting for until she gets a bit older had to get in the picture.

I secured the opening with three velcro squares for easy opening and fastening.

I will share a picture when she puts it under her first tree.

Now, onto the next sewing project.
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