
Monday, December 1, 2014


I took no pictures on Thanksgiving Day. What was I thinking? It was a bit of a weird holiday this year. Mama is not quite right with the passing of my step dad, so I knew the holidays would be hard on her. She did spend most of the week with me and was sick with a sinus infection. I snapped her doing her cryptograms on Friday evening. I had just finished the tree. (I will share that tomorrow.)

I ended up taking her to the doctor on Saturday morning. Two shots and some meds should have her back to feeling a bit better. ---And for the cryptograms, she is hooked. It used to be sudoko, but she now has another hobby.

Lindsay spent her first Thanksgiving away from us...BOO HOO... I know I have to share her. We kept Hallie for a couple of days.
I did snap a picture of her with Paul Allen. I hate to share this picture as we are in No Shave November. I am dying...he says, it may become Don't Shave December as well. UGH!

I ate far too much food, so I am trying to come down from all of that starting today. Everyone has a favorite food, so my sister-in-law and myself end up cooking way too much food.

Now, I am cleaning up and decorating. I will share the tree tomorrow, but the rest will have to come later in the week. The foyer is just now getting its new tile after the disaster from leaks this past year. The front of my house is a mess, and I am beyond ready for it to be finished.

Lindsay and Tyler put up their first tree last night. I so remember the excitement of putting up your first tree. Thirty years doesn't dim that memory. She sent a picture of some of her progress last night. Check out that awesome tree skirt. You can read about it here.

We shopped for her reindeer and Merry Christmas on the ledge above from Hobby Lobby. The reindeer on the top shelf of the bookcase was one that Nana had. She had given me one just like it, so I shared one with Lindsay. Great way to remember Nana.

Off to try and get dust off from everywhere. Nothing like getting up old tile.


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