
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Mama's House Sold...

Popping in today with good news. 

I spent yesterday trying to bake a cake and getting ready for small group coming for supper while on the phone negotiating a deal for the sale of Mama's house in Brewton.

Praise the Lord... we were successful. I didn't get what I had hoped, but in the times we are in and the age of the house, I slept on it last night and felt good this morning.

A huge load off of my mind. I will be doing a happy dance when I hand over the keys to it.

Our small group made it over last night and no my house wasn't perfect. Life has been real busy lately, but I decided to just go with it. Ladies, we need to do more of that...just go with it.

I made the cake and Hubby grilled the pork loin and others brought a dish.

About halfway through, I thought to take a picture...
It shows just what I am talking about not being too perfect. Peanut butter sits right in the middle of the dishes. It is Lucy, the Springer's jar of peanut butter to take her meds with.

We ate on real dishes, but I pulled out all my leftover pieces of paper for dessert.  So, I think there were four different designs.

Real life folks...

Now, there is to be no more baking for me for quite a while.



  1. I think people just want to be invited to someone's home. And I always like to know that people LIVE in their home. Looks like a great time of food and fellowship. So glad you have sold your mama's house...and knowing a new family will love it and make memories there.

    1. I can't wait to the closing date...I am hoping it will alleviate some stress!!!

  2. A relaxed night with friends and good food is good for what ails you. Congratulations on the sale of the house. Our new pastor came from Brewton where he served for many years - I think at least 10 at the Methodist Church.

    1. I am quite sure Mom would know who your pastor is.
      I will be soo glad to get to the closing date on the house. That should alleviate a bit of stress or at least I am hoping that it will.

  3. Hi Sandy... Just popping in to say "thank you" for your nice comment on my corner cupboard filled with patriotic stitching :) I do love it and I'm sure you can find the perfect spot in your home to do something similar. It is so much fun!

    Glad your mom's house sold and your meal looks like the perfect summer get-together to me :)


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.