
Saturday, July 30, 2016

Curly Hair

I grew up with curly hair...problem...wrong time period. A teen in the seventies was definitely not in vogue with wavy-kinky-WILD hair.

I worked really really really hard to straighten those curls.

Orange rollers were a major part of my high school years, the kind that were the size of soup cans. I pulled all my hair on top of my head and wore three orange rollers until my hair dried. While it worked for a winter inside day it did NOT work in the humidity of the south. I battled those waves and curls with the might of a Samurai warrior.

When daughter Lindsay reached high school, the advent of hair straighteners that really work saved her from the perils of teenage woes due to hair issues.

At some point, she suggested I should try it on my hair. Oh my ---y'all, a whole new world was opened to me.

I have worn my hair in a nice sleek bob to shoulder length "do" ever since.

Lindsay suggested the other night after seeing someone on TV that I should try mine curly again.

I had my regular hair appointment on Friday morning, so she curled it all up for me.

It is funny, it is still curly when I let it dry naturally, but not nearly what it used to be. Age has straightened it up tons.

It was a nice change...not sure if I will wear it this way everyday.

Hubby deemed the curly look a bit more casual, and my usual not so casual. 

I am undecided on the look.

Thankful for hair straighteners,


  1. Oh Sandy, I can so relate...I wanted Marcia Brady's hair!! I did try curling mine recently but I like my bob best. And we are going to be in Gulf Shores the week of September 19th. I hope we can meet up, maybe in Pensacola? My husband says he can go to the air museum while we visit. So email me at and maybe we can work out a time that works for you!!

    1. That would be awesome. The museum is really good, so he will love it. I will be in touch.

  2. This look is very flattering! Age has done the opposite for me. My mostly straight hair is now very wavy on top. Go figure. Humidity is definitely not my friend either.
    P.S. I had that Whataburger cup yesterday!

    1. Thank you. Why is it that the men never seem to like it. My son saw and said, "No, Mom." I didn't think it looked that bad, but then that is him...never likes change.
      Crazy what age does to us with hair just being one of those things!!!

  3. So happy for you that you could get away, Sandy! Coffee in that gazebo with a peaceful water view ... just about perfect!

    Hair ... don't get me started. Mine has been naturally curly forever, and I too battled curls and waves as a teen. Later it smoothed out quite a bit, when I kept it really long. The past few years I have kept my hair shorter, but the curl has come back with a vengeance. It looks okay in winter, but humidity is not my friend. Your hair looks good in that photo.

    1. I guess most women are never happy with their hair. I kind of liked the curls, but all of the men in my life (hubby, son, and son-in-love) said no.


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