
Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Weekend

Hubby and I took a quick trip to the cabin on Friday and came back late Saturday. It was a quick trip, but really did us a lot of good. It has been busy busy this summer with the kids and his new job, so we have not vacationed at all.

We went up to tidy up around the cabin and get it ready for fall. We have promised ourselves some downtime in the fall.

We stopped and ate in Montgomery. I bought me a really cute outfit from J Jill. I will have to share it later. We got in before dark, but just rested Friday evening.

Saturday morning, Hubby fixed a bit of breakfast and I cleaned it all up. Then he headed out to weed eat at the bottom of the hill. I walked down to the lake and it was quite peaceful. For about 30 minutes, it was actually pleasant with a nice breeze.

Path to the lake.

This was my view from the gazebo. 

We actually have access via one of those docks on the left, but have never in over 10 years used it. We love the feel of being in the woods, but close to Auburn.

This is the gazebo where I drank my coffee.

I was surrounded by shade, so I am sure that is why it felt good and it was early.

I did feel guilty that he was working. I brought him an occasional water.

Football season will be here soon.

Although I think I am going to try really hard in mid August to make a quick trip between Mama's closing on her house, and Lindsay and Tyler's closing on there house.

The first game is Clemson, and Lindsay and Tyler are snagging those and taking Tyler's parents. We wanted to make sure everything was nice for them.

All in all, it was a great weekend for the Hubby and me. We went in to Auburn Saturday afternoon and got Lindsay and me our clear bags for the games this year AND a new t-shirt.

I finished a book and started some new stitching, so I will pop in with that tomorrow.

So blessed,


  1. Very pretty place Sandy. I spent yesterday working on a Georgia Tech Football Door Hanger which will adorn our front door on Game Days. We don't get super excited about Tech Football because face it, they are not a powerhouse like our other team. I won't say that name since I know you are War Eagle all the Way!:)

    1. I saw all of your pins for Tech door hangers. Cute.
      I have a really good friend from the other side of the fence. She had not been teaching for the past few years, but decided to go back this year. I am making her curtains for her classroom. They are houndstooth which would kill me to be in that room. She taught my son years ago and they had a ton of fun with each other. I found some houndstooth fabric in Opelika on Saturday. I mean really?! I thought I had remembered seeing in it Hobby Lobby there before and it made me mad:)
      Somewhere in them I will have to stitch a hidden War Eagle to make me feel better.


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.