
Thursday, September 29, 2016

The New Pie Safe and Pulling Some Decorating Ideas Together Part 1

After the crazy summer of storing my daughter's stuff at the farmhouse, I am finally getting motivated to get back in the process of decorating it.

I have got tons of ideas going on in the mind, now I just need to act on some of them.

The farmhouse seems to be very important to Hubby, so I have made a running list to take each week and have a little pile going in the bedroom. For instance, I had these cute little birdie candle holders that I thought would look good on the mantle, so I painted them this week. One thing down.

The birdies with a few other goodies to take.
Next up, our friend made us the most AMAZING pie safe.

I told him what I wanted and he drew it up.  We picked it up this weekend in Auburn. 

A little about him before I show you the piece. Hubby and he have been friends since Junior High days, roomed in college, and basically are best friends. Our families have done life together for a very long time.  He is an engineer by trade, but also the most incredible handyman.

He and his wife just bought a second home in Auburn, a ploy to get all of their kids to come there as they had to move to Tennessee after all their boys graduated from high school. None of them like it there. It isn't really home, FWB is...
Almost EVERYthing in this house has been built my him.
Y'all it is good stuff. Sometime I will have to take some pics of that.

He definitely has a second career if he wanted it, although I really don't think he would ever get enough for the labor.

Here it is as we pulled it out of his vehicle on Saturday.

Happy dance!

We stopped back by the farmhouse on the way home to drop it off. Hubby is so excited that he was putting all kinds of things on it to take pictures. I wanted it to look finished and decorated, but I just had to let him do it what he wanted at the moment. He is that excited!

I have all kinds of ideas for it. I am going up this weekend to start trying to pull it all together. I want this room done before Thanksgiving. We started a new tradition last year.

I have been on Pinterest as well as adding pages from magazines to my farmhouse folder.

I love this GATHER sign below. The link was broken, so I can't give credit for it, but I want to recreate it in some form for the room. I ordered some letters from old galvanized tin from ETSY. They are smaller than this though.

Now for the Hoosier cabinet. You can't see it in this picture, but I realized we had the top on upside down on Sunday. It was why a few of the parts weren't fitting. 

Think the shelves on the right and the doors on the left. All of worked perfectly.

Maybe the GATHER sign where that fake plant is that will be moved to another room.

We are going to paint it as someone along the way did paint it and didn't do a good job. I was struggling with the paint color, but I think I found one on Pinterest that I like. I am going to take some samples this weekend to see if they work with the pie safe.

The blue grey in the cabinet below is my inspiration color. We will see if it works with the pie safe.


On the other side of the room, I am thinking about a small table much more rustic like the table to act as a serving table. 

For a couple of months now, I have been mulling over a gallery wall of family pictures in that room. A family tree of sorts. My mother-in-law has a bunch of framed prints of Hubby's grandparents that I have stored under the stairs. I am planning on digging them out and then grabbing some from Mama to frame of my side. I think it would make a great conversation piece for family gatherings and see all the family resemblances for the younger ones. 

I saw this on Pinterest. My would be a bit more hodgepodge as I don't plan to have matching frames. I am going for a more rustic feel in the room.


The other thing we are mulling over is adding some wood to the walls and floors in that room only. I don't plan to do big changes in the rest of the house, but that room will be the gathering room, so maybe a bit more there. That will be down the road a bit.

There will be a Part 2 to this post as I have some ideas I am sharing for the other rooms.

Just a random picture to leave you with. I think Duck Dynasty is to blame for the beard and the activities that my son takes part in at night up there. Imagine three like him in a johnboat in the pond.

This mama is hoping beards go out of style real soon,

***STRANGE things happened to the blog last night. My blog roll has disappeared. I hate technology sometimes.


  1. Oh Sandy, I love your ideas for the farm house. We are on the same wavelength in our decorating our little houses. I wish I could find a Hoosier Cabinet as I want to use it as a coffee/ beverage bar. And that pie safe....perfection!! I have found a store here in town( consignment store) that might just have two twin beds so I am going to have to go there and check it out. I can't wait to see it when you are done! It is going to be delightful. And by the way, can I come for Thanksgiving???:))

    1. You would be more than welcome to come. You would fit right in.
      I can't believe how much some of these things cost. Back in vogue. A coffee bar is a great idea. Good luck on your searches. You just have to keep looking...things will pop up when you least expect them.

  2. All of your ideas are so nice ... perfect for a farmhouse. The pie safe is absolutely gorgeous! I love the color.

  3. That pie safe is amazing! I wish my hubby could build stuff like that. I'd probably never let him relax on the weekends again!

    1. Thanks, I do love it. My friend's wife keeps him very busy building stuff. Her house is amazing!!!


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