
Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Gathering Room Is Ready For Family

I finished up the farmhouse "gathering room" on Saturday. Well, if you don't county that there are two rolled up rugs and a wingback chair sitting in the middle of the room that need to go out to the storage cottage.

We will go up Wednesday afternoon to prepare for the family on Thursday.

I am excited that I get Lindsay and Tyler this year. They are traveling to Tyler's parents for the weekend. My niece and the twins will be here..

15 in all. We will fill up this wonderful room. I plan to make family pictures out by the big oak tree.

For now, here is the room.

Going shopping with Lindsay tomorrow.
Serving at church for a service project Tuesday with my small group.
Baking a cake Wednesday morning, and then headed to the farm for more food prep.
Cooking and Counting all my blessings on Thursday.
Friday...Bring on the Christmas tree. IT is going to be real this year. More on that story later.

Not sure when I will do laundry, vacuum, etc.

Life happens,


  1. I love the new paint and everything looks just like a "country" house should!! I look forward to seeing your pictures. Maybe you will do better than I did on Saturday. I am easily distracted, especially by my babies.

  2. What a beautiful room! And what a lovely setting for your family Thanksgiving.


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