
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tidbits for Tuesday

A few tidbits...


I finished reading The Baxter Family Christmas last night. In order to be able to read it, you remember I said I had to finish two books first. Motivation right?! Yep!

I loved loved loved it. It was typical Baxter Family by Kingsbury. I can't wait for the Hallmark series.

As always, Karen Kingsbury manages to make us fall in love all over with each of the characters.

Now for the books I was reading in order to clear the path for the above read. I read Kingsbury's Angels Walking. It was the first in a series of three. I don't know why I had not already read it. I had it in my Kindle from the release, but as I have said I have been in a reading funk. I did enjoy it very much and will read the other two in the series. Probably starting #2 tonight.

As for the other book that I said I had to finish Pursue the Intentional Life by Jean Fleming, I just couldn't do it. Not because it isn't good...quite the contrary. I just felt it was one of those books where I need to read each chapter and ponder it. Each chapter is a stand alone thought. The prayers in this book are wonderful.  I will share more about it later.

So, my reading mojo is back. I have a John Grisham book and a Fannie Flagg coming out soon to add to my list. Although I don't think the Grisham book is getting great reviews.


Now, to stitching. I got a bit behind with some traveling. I could not for the life of me stitch the cardinal piece in the truck. It was just too much of one color and lots of switching up, so it had to get tabled for a bit. I should get back on track with it next week. I switched up to do some Christmas pieces by Shepherd's Bush. I have one of the 3 done. Then to finish them.

After I am done with the Christmas pieces I will get back to my books of the Bible and samplers for the farmhouse.

I have doing a bit of sewing. Mostly pillows for the farmhouse.
I am thinking any attire will have to begin after Christmas.


I am truly almost scared to mention this, but Paul Allen has a girlfriend or at least I think so. He is being quiet for now and I am letting him. Hoping it is a good thing. She is a cutie and a 4th grade teacher. Melt my heart. 4th grade was always my favorite grade to teach. I am praying this is a good thing.

Mom and I are going to head out at the end of the week for the cabin and a little shopping before Thanksgiving.

So you may not hear from me until next week.

Still here,


  1. Sandy... so funny you should mention Hallmark Christmas specials because I just saw an ad for one with Dean Cain and I wrote down the title so the girls and I can watch it. Hope the romance continues to bloom with your son and 4th grade teacher! Have a good week.

  2. How exciting!! I understand the need to be quiet and just see what happens! I am still not in a reading mood but I have gotten a lot of stitching done. Hope to finish up some Christmas ornaments for the grands this week. The stitching is done, just need to finish them( not my favorite part!).

  3. Your Tuesday Tidbits were fun to read. That Happy Christmas stitchery is very cute ... can't wait to see the other stitched items that you share!

    1. Thanks, Mrs. T. I will share after Thanksgiving.

  4. Oh I like gentle stories. Perhaps I'd enjoy the first one you mentioned. That Christmas stitching is cute ...wonderful starlight mint and darling details. I always loved teaching second graders. I have a grandson in 4th grade this year and he is pretty special, but the 5th grader is, too. Hope that your patience and wait and see approach works out well.


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.