
Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Hello Everyone,
I took a little two week blog vacation.

February has been one of the most beautiful, but yet CRAZY busy months I have experienced in a while. About half way through, I just decided if I was going to stay sane and positive, I would have to do a semi unplug, so I did just that.

It made a huge difference. You know sometimes you have to get quite to listen to God. He speaks softly many times. I feel like a have a few things to talk about now😊

The calendar is not letting up until about halfway through March, but I feel like the rest gave me the attitude adjustment to make it through.

I have all my Easter thoughts together, my planned readings, and my service and discipline plans all set in my mind.

Now, for a few things y'all might like to see.

I so desperately wanted to finish my books of the Bible piece, but I still have the top border to go. It is the same as the bottom border.

This piece has taken a very long time for some reason. I have plodded forward the whole month of February on it. I didn't stitch anything else. I am going to continue to work on it only until completion.

We have the onions and potatoes all planted, and they are doing well at the farm. I don't have a recent picture though.

I have piddled in the flowers here at home. I have planted tulips at the entrance to our circle. They are popping up slowly. It has been like watching a pot of water that you are trying to boil.

The cold in January wiped out so many of my geraniums. I knew I should have brought them in. I have just decided to redo most of them. I took the ones that I thought weren't dead and placed them in one area downstairs to see if I could revive them. That is just me, however, I think they are toast.

A few of my collection on the top deck in front of my kitchen window.

This is one of the reasons I like to put them here. Washing dishes is more fun. Well, maybe.
I took long walks on the beach this month. In shorts. In February. Only snowbirds do that. They have been so incredible.

I have no clue what March will be like with weather or how warm that Gulf of Mexico is already. I think pretty warm, so I will pray we are spared with no hurricanes.

Lucy, my Springer Spaniel, has been real sick. I have a vet appointment on Thursday. Whew, it has been tough with her.

Well, that will sum it up for me today. I will be back soon. My busy lifestyle will not end until about halfway through March. More on that later.

With a little more spring in my step,


  1. Glad you took time for yourself Sandy. It is hard to have so many things going on at one time. I love your geraniums. I have always loved them but I do not have luck with them. Sorry to hear about Lucy...maybe the vet will have an answer for you. I know you have really gone the extra mile with your sweet dog when some would have just given up. Hang in there on that piece. I had to put aside everything but my March piece in order to get it I need to work on my Smoky Mountain Christmas as it has been neglected two weekends in a row.

    1. Oh my little Lucy. She is pitiful at times.
      We just need more hours to stitch Arlene. So many projects that are just calling my name!!!!!

  2. Sandy, your plants and flowers are so pretty! We can almost plant here because it has been unseasonably warm in north Texas. Where are you? That white sand makes me think Florida.

    Your cross stitch is amazing!

    1. You guessed correctly with our sugar sands. I live in Fort Walton Beach on Choctawhatchee Bay. I get up every morning and thank the good Lord for being blessed to live here. Even though I live on the bayou, I still love to drive out to the beach and walk.
      Thanks for the comment on my cross stitching. I loved stitching before my children came along and have fallen in love with it all over since retiring.

  3. Lovely to have spring in your step and on your steps. Your geraniums are so cheery. My aunt overwintered geraniums every year in her basement. I tried one year in my own basement, but they were definitely toast. Maybe she had a magic basement. May all go well for your little Lucy.

    1. She most definitely must have had a magic basement. I have never had much luck with trying to winter them. They don't even like it when I bring them in for a few nights. I usually just try to cover them or move them really close to the house, but this year despite the spring like weather we did have a hard 2 night freeze here. Thanks for the comments on Lucy. She sees our bet tomorrow. Hoping he can work some magic on her.

  4. You've been busy, Sandy, and there is so much to admire in this post. I love the red geranium stand by the window, a most practical and friendly flower.

    1. I love geraniums. One of my most favorites. Quite dependable for blooms in my area.

  5. Welcome back! I hope your darling Lucy is feeling better. So sad to see our pets when they are not at their best. Enjoy your week, Sandy.

    1. Thanks Katie, I am hoping the vet has some real good answers tomorrow. She is my little sweetie for sure.

  6. I have missed your posts, Sandy, and am so happy to see you back!! Your books of the Bible stitchery is coming on beautifully, and your local beach is simply gorgeous. Wish I was there and could walk with you!

    1. Wish you were here too. I know we would have fun!

  7. Poor Lucy. Hope she's better soon! Don't you love this beach weather? We actually got in a traffic jam a few weeks ago when we came through Navarre from all the beach babes making their way home after a sunny February day on the shore. Unreal! Hope you have a beautiful March!

    1. It has been amazing weather. I almost talked myself out of that walk last Thursday morning...too many things to do you know:) I was so glad I went. It was gorgeous and just what I needed to get those things done. Now, for is bad... full blown incontinence...insatiable need for water. I wish I had never medicated her for the seizures. I thought they were bad and they were, but she is not a happy dog. Hoping for some good answers tomorrow at the vet. I think I may have self diagnosed her and hoping there is a solution. We will see.


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.