
Thursday, March 2, 2017

A New Project

I had intended to post yesterday, but the day got away from me. Lucy, the Springer, ended the day with 2 seizures. The first one was so light, that I thought we would be good, but the second one was pretty bad. I had a pacing dog until late last night. She goes to our vet this afternoon. I am praying he will have some new ideas. She has full blown incontinence on some days. She is wearing diapers. She doesn't seem to mind them.

As you can see, this dog lover is struggling.

In other news, I had planned to post yesterday. I have quite a few things other than just the normal interruptions of life to write about. Good things like new cookbooks, refreshing rooms in the house, the things we girls like to read about.

I had not planned to share this bit of news with you until next week, but this news interrupted my morning for about 3 hours yesterday. I never caught up.

My son is buying that house. My husband and I have been praying for him so long. He has made  a lot of progress. He has some money that his grandparents left him. We finally decided it was time to look. We were looking for a cheap fixer upper, but not too fixer upper. I was about to give up on finding one in the price range that we were looking for. Either they were too old, too messed up, or in a neighborhood I didn't like.

Then a VA repo came on the market in the perfect location. It took three tries to get it. The VA did not work like anything I had ever dealt with in the real estate market. Of course, it is a buy as is, and you really don't have time to do an official inspection. We have had a builder friend look, so we are fairly certain that there are no catastrophic problems. Just a few things here and there.

IT is by far the worst looking house on the street, so we should be hits with the neighbors as we make it look better month by month.

House across the street. I am sure they will be happy for it to look better.

This one is right next door. I told you the one we are buying is the worst. The baseball field where we spent countless evenings and weekends at is right around the corner. I could hear the ping of the bats the other day.
Yesterday, my morning was taken up by the first of those projects. A broken spicket (spigot) on an outdoor faucet.

I will be very busy getting all of the work done. We have to paint the whole house, clean, replace a door to name a few.

He is very excited as he should be. I will share more on this later, but that is where my day went.

Here are a few pictures of the interior.

This is one of the bathrooms. It appears throughout that some remodeling had been done, but not all.

All of the interior doors are new.

The kitchen had new cabinets. They are cheap ones, but new. There are also new windows and blinds in the house.

I am appliance shopping today.
It has hardwood floors all through out. They are in good shape and are newer. This is the living room looking out to a HUGE backyard. We have to replace that door. It is rotten on the outside.

Oh, we were able to get a termite inspection. That was all good.

The side yard was fixed for a dog. There is a doggie door out the laundry room door and fenced in.

Then beyond the side yard.  A couple of views of the back yard. No grass😥

Volleyball poles.

Horseshoes set up in the very back.
I will be busy friends. 

My sweet Lucy can't get enough water. I have had to remove the water bowl from her because of the incontinence. I heard the bowl hit the floor while I was in the bath. I came into find her asleep with the bowl. Y'all I am worried about my baby. Struggling.

Be back soon,


  1. Hope your vet visit goes well. And that house has a lot of potential. It will be lovely when it is done.( and maybe other things are on his mind with the house buying????) You should do a series on your rehab progress just like Rhoda did when she bought her house. It was more of a fixer upper but she had her trusty daddy to help her. It is great to see children grow up and become adults.

    1. Wow, today has been crazy. Lucy had seizures most of the afternoon. So much so that if it is time to put her down, I am ready. I couldn't even go to the vet with her I was so spent. Jeff took her and she has been given a sedative. The vet we use has been our vet for over 30 years and his dad was the Palmer's vet for that long before as well. She is staying overnight with him. She was so manic he couldn't really even examine her. He does have another medication to try, but he is going to look at everything in the morning after she has rested. Wow!
      I would love for the house to be a house for both after marriage of course. I think they both understand and would agree. They seem to be getting serious.
      Rhoda's dad was very handy. We aren't so handy, but I am going to try:)

    2. So sorry that things are not going well with your sweet Lucy. My dad's border collie had the same issues at the end of his life. He almost drowned in our pond and that made Daddy decide it was time. You will do great helping fix up the house. You do have experience with your other houses. I hope if this young lady is the right one that all will work out and maybe Y'all will be planning a wedding too.

  2. Hello Sandy, I am so sorry about your sweet dog!
    It will be nice for your son to have his own home...
    It looks very nice and a big backyard.
    I like the title of your blog!
    Blessings, Roxy

    1. Thanks for your kind comments. Lucy is staying overnight with our vet, so I will have to wait and see how she does.
      I was a home ec major. I loved everything about home economics in school. I could see the writing on the wall for the subject and added elementary and history to my teaching certificate. I so very much think they need home economics and shop in school today. It is all gone in our neck of the woods.

  3. Looks like a wonderful home for your son. I bet that he is excited and also excited that his parents will be helping! That's a commitment and that's love.


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