
Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A Little Spring too Soon and so Forth....

I drove Mama and her friends to eat lunch yesterday. It was quite an event for her. She had decided she would take them to a restaurant on the water. She so wanted to be able to sit outside since February has been a month of days to eat outside, but yesterday was a true March day with wind that would blow you all around. All being older, it was a bit chilly for them, so they had to move twice to get just the "right seat."

I brought out some Easter bunnies --probably a little too soon.

I began to worry at that point about the little waitress and what she was in for, but she was a pro. She handled getting five 80-somethings order with grace and a smile. She even sat to take it and answered all the many questions.

My daughter even managed to pop in and eat with them, so Mama was in Heaven.

Just a little bunny to brighten up the tray that corrals the ugly stuff.

Let's see taking an order for those ladies ranged from how much spice is on blackened fish to are the fried oysters fried in the same boiler and the fried shrimp? Hmmm....five of Mama.

Are we all going to be like that when we get that age???!!!

A few eggs instead of cream.

They didn't miss a beat. Lindsay and I just sat and marveled at how many conversations were going on at the table. They were all happy...only I was a little stressed at getting all the orders right. I think I might need to learn to relax.

She took them back for cake and coffee at her house. All in all, it was a successful day and she enjoyed having them all here.

We made a trip to Pensacola to get her glasses changed and see her dermatologist yesterday. We closed on  the son's house yesterday evening, so I will be cleaning and painting over the course of the next few days. Whew! I am tired just thinking about it.

Lucy made it through the day yesterday without me as Lindsay dropped by at lunch to see about her.

I am about an hour's worth of work being done with the books of the Bible cross stitch piece. I have so many projects lined up that I can't decide what is next. I will share a stitching update soon.

Off to paint,


  1. Sandy I gave in and put up some of my Easter things too. I did not go all out as I knew Audrey would want to touch everything! It will make it easier to put it all away!! I am seriously considering getting rid of about half of my "decorative" things. I had to laugh at your lunch with Mama and Friends. I would like to have been a fly on the wall there. I think older people are so controlling about those types of things because there is little else they control so that fish had better be right!! :) Looking forward to seeing your finished Books of the Bible. I am sure it will be beautiful. You will have to come to Decatur so we can go to the Cross Stitch Peddler together. There was a lady there last night who said she cannot find a shop in her part of Atlanta so she shops here when she visits her parents. Online is convenient but the personal service is worth the added price.

    1. Arlene, you are so right about the ladies and getting things just so so. I do try to be patient. Lindsay and I just laughed because one said lightly blacken hers because she didn't want to spicy and then when it came, one of the others asked her how it was and she said it needed a little more seasoning. We just made eye contact and smiled. I got so irritated with Mother yesterday because we had to go to this particular store clear on the other side of Pensacola when they surely had it on our side. It had moved and we took 30 minutes trying to locate it. Fiasco. I try to be patient with her as she can't just take off like she used to and go. I am sure they are as frustrated as we are.
      I would definitely love a store to actually touch things. I miss the days of being able to go and find things and have that personal touch. Jeff's parents owned a business in his growing up days and people still talk about the service. Amazon is great, but I still like going in a block and mortar building. I am off to paint after lunch. Talk soon.

  2. Sounds like your Mom and her friends were treated like queens. Love all of your bunnies and Easter decorations. So sweet your daughter was able to join them. It must have made her day. Enjoy your week!


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