
Monday, March 6, 2017

Guest Bathroom Refresh

I have changed up the guest bathroom a bit. It is not my favorite room, and it is not because it isn't pretty. The bathroom is not my style which probably makes it hard for me to see the glamour. It is dated for sure. When the home was built in the early 80's it was a wow room. It contained lots of wallpaper in a very busy pattern and looked like you had walked into a Roman sauna (do they have saunas?). I quickly toned it down, but never knew quite what to do with it. Bathroom renovations are expensive. I really still don't know what to do with it.

I have taken the plants down from the columns. I decided they were definitely not my style. I changed up the art work and so forth.

It doesn't have a shower. I have lamented before about that. Our daughter had to use our shower, since this was her bathroom growing up.

Here is the tub area minus plants at the top of the columns. Not much else has changed.

Then, I replaced the art on both walls.

These are from a local store. I am not so sure about the mats yet, but I will let it settle on me for awhile.

The opposite wall got a print that I had in the closet. I shopped the house and moved the lantern in here.

I changed out the old candle vase and shells with some new pieces. I ordered the jars from Amazon. They were much cheaper than the set I saw on Pottery Barn.

99% of the shells in the house are real and from beach walks here or at Cape San Blas. The sand dollars are from Cape San Blas as well as most of the larger ones. That starfish is not though. Probably a purchased piece. 

The jar that contains just a few pieces in it is for collecting white shells only from my beach walks in 2017. Collecting has begun and I did add two white feathers.

One more room refreshed with a coastal flair.

You can see snippets of the before here.

I will be back on Wednesday with a few pictures of spring in the home. I have to take Mama to Pensacola for an eye and dermatologist appointments tomorrow. 

Lucy, the Springer is much better. We will see the vet on Thursday. She has come out of her manic state and we are going to give the new medicine a chance to work.

Mama's best friends are finally making it down from Brewton to see her new digs. She is so excited, so I am off to lunch with five 80-somethings. Should be some wisdom to be gathered.

Cleaning up after several days of craziness today,


  1. The bathroom is very nice and, yes, pretty. I like your collections. Do you also collect rocks? If that is your daughter or whoever she might be, she is beautiful. I love 80 somethings. Have fun with your set. Ha!

    1. Thank you about the bathroom. I do collect rocks. The school teacher in me. Well, I should say my son collected rocks. We have no rocks here, so everywhere we traveled he picked them up. I have a huge pile downstairs and took them to school during our studies.
      Lucy is better today, so hooray for that.

  2. The bathroom is very nice and, yes, pretty. I like your collections. Do you also collect rocks? If that is your daughter or whoever she might be, she is beautiful. I love 80 somethings. Have fun with your set. Ha!

    If this is a repeat, please delete. I've confused myself now.

  3. Looks very coastal Sandy!! It is hard to inherit someone else's style!! I have a friend who only has a tub in the master bath. She did not even notice there was no shower when they looked at the home. Being a shower girl, that would be a bummer for me.

    1. I always feel like I need to preface when I don't particularly like something, but I know I am blessed. The shower thing is a pain though. Can't really have guests in that bathroom, and trust me that bath is in better shape than the one downstairs that Paul Allen and too many boys used for years.

  4. It's a beautiful bathroom and I love the artwork you've used....just what I love too! And it's nice to have seashells in our Florida decor! And even more fun to walk the beaches and find them. Enjoy your week and this gorgeous weather! Hugs, Diane

  5. Your bathroom is really pretty. I'm glad your pup is getting better too. :)

  6. The Romans have had their bath houses and this one lok like a small version. But in my eyes it is a large bathroom. I love the paintings and other stuff. So Nice. You are very creative!!!

    1. It is a large bathroom and my daughter and all her friends used to pile in there to do their makeup.

  7. Replies
    1. I gathered a lot of wisdom all right...probably nothing earth shattering as I might have hoped, but Mother had a blast and was all aflutter.


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