
Thursday, June 1, 2017

Lemony Meets the Cows

We are going to the farm on Wednesday evenings for June and July. Our small group takes a break during those months for vacations and we meet just once a month. We are tending the garden and trying to make sure the fruit trees get going. We didn't do what we were supposed to with the fruit trees last summer and they barely grew at all.

Here is one of the peach trees.

The cows came this weekend and I didn't go. They are low line cows, so Lemony, the Golden is not much shorter than the girls. There are four girls and one bull named Captain Morgan. The guy that owns them says he has no plans to kill these for meat as I once thought. If he gets a boy from the pregnant cow he will sell her. Apparently these cows have papers and bring a great price. Who KNEW??!!

When Lemony first got out, she wasn't sure what they were and tentatively walked up. She is such a city dog. They actually seemed more interested in her.

After we had worked in the garden gathering our squash and cucumbers and then planting pumpkin seeds, we went back to visit them. More on that in a bit.

I am beyond excited about pumpkins. We learn as we go. We have learned so much both gardening years. We might actually figure all this out in a decade. Yikes. Lindsay has been after us to plant pumpkins. I planted one packet of seeds. I have no idea how many this will produce. I followed the directions on the packet for number and spacing. We will see. I would love to one day have enough to let future grandchildren have fun in the "pumpkin patch."

We plan to do some peas and okra a little later.

I am also working on 10 pecan trees to see if I can get them to produce. I decided to only fertilize 10 this year. Some are newer and some are older. I am experimenting. I don't need all 100 of them to produce at one time. I will keep you posted.

Lemony loves riding in the mule. She and I were in it and she just lays down on the front seat next to me and looks out the side like she is a queen. We still miss our Lucy, but we are moving into a good routine.

While Jeff was watering the fruit trees, she and I wandered back over to the cows. She decided to take off full steam running towards them and under the fence she went. I think she had decided they were big dogs and could play. Everything was fine until the bull didn't seem to like that running with his girls. He comes running over. I nearly died! No pictures because my heart stopped beating for a minute.

Lemony is a roll over on her back submissive girl if trouble looms. She plopped down and he is throwing his neck around. I finally managed to get her to understand to get out of there. I remained calm while doing this. AMAZED at my own calm voice. I think she knew he didn't like it, and she was confused. I will have to watch her with them until she learns her way.

These are my two stitching projects that I am working on. I want to finish them soon, because I plan to devote July for Christmas projects. I am not prioritizing my fall stitching this year. I may do some in August. We will see. I really want to get the samplers and the Christmas things done first.

I got off to a very slow start this morning, so I have to leave this computer and get busy.

Off to work I need to go,


  1. So the girls and Captain Morgan are just residing at your farm. I thought Jeff had purchased some! I probably read your blog quickly one morning and missed that bit of info. My DIL, Nancy, is terrified of the cows on our family farm. I have told her that as long as you leave plenty of room between you and the bull you will be ok. We just have one bull and Bruce inseminates some of his cows as well. I just love Lemony's fitting for him. I am glad you are slowly adjusting to life without a springer...maybe in the future you will be ready for another one. Love your stitching. I am trying to finish up my summer stitching and I just ordered a Fall Project bag from my friend, Tonya. I also ordered a Holly Hobby needle minder! I love Holly Hobby.

    1. Yes, they are just staying at our farm. We figured it was a win win, since they will eat grass meaning less mowing. I always named our dogs people names and never planned on anything different. After Lindsay left for college, Paul Allen just insisted we add a Golden to go with Lucy. He used every argument in the book. I was no. I am not sure where the idea came from in his head, but he came home with an ad in the paper one Friday. Lindsay happened to be home and they talked Jeff into going to see her. I didn't even go...I knew I would cave. Didn't matter..Jeff caved. Then Paul Allen just goes on and on about how he never got to name one of our dogs, that I always named them...hence, Lemony is Lemony.

  2. I love these stitching designs...between you and Arlene, you've got us all wanting to cross stitch again! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Diane, it is rather addictive. I started back after years of leaving it sitting on a shelf.

  3. So sweet!! I'm a little jealous of your pumpkins. We want to plant some as soon as we get in our new house.

    1. I love growing things. We have definitely had some successes and failures. I will keep you posted on how they turn out...good or bad:)


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