
Monday, June 5, 2017

Weekend Roundup

I have a busy busy week lined up. I had hoped to post last night, because I figured I wouldn't get a chance if I didn't do it then. I am popping in with a few weekend updates and things that I like and then you will not hear from me except to comment on yours until the end of the week.

On Friday, I worked in the yard half the day. I fertilized all my flowers, pruned lots of things, and even planted a new hydrangea. All of it should pay off this week with lots of blooming flowers as it has rained a bunch since then. Lots of rain off the Gulf should have everything growing and looking pretty.

Saturday found me a lazy girl. I guess a little too much work in the flowers made me sit a spell. I used it to do quite a bit of stitching. I made some progress on one of my works in progress. I enjoyed it immensely.

Sunday evening we went out to 30A with Lindsay and Tyler. Tyler is a project manager with a construction company that is building a big condo out on 30A. He is literally on the Gulf if he is onsite or a block away with a view from his desk window of the Gulf. I mean fun is that to be working there. Should be there for quite a while on this job site. We went out to see the job site and eat. Surprisingly Sunday evening was not quite as tourist filled as a Saturday probably. It was a nice outing.

Paul Allen and Katie went to Tallahassee on Saturday. Katie is a 4th grade teacher and just recently went on the 4th grade trip to Tallahassee. I could plan that field trip in my sleep still as I did that trip for many years. I always loved it. She had gone to the same spots I always took my students. She had enjoyed it herself so much that she and Paul Allen went to both of the museums (one an indoor and one an outdoor) on Saturday. They coincided with a baseball tournament that Auburn was in held at Florida State. He sent a cute picture of them.
They cheered on the Tigers at the baseball game. I noticed Katie has on orange and blue. Yippie!

I read a good book this past week. The book was Lighthouse Faith: God as a Living Reality in a World Immersed in Fog, by Lauren Green. I never like recommending books. This one was deep, but I really enjoyed it. I have a fiction book I am starting tonight. I think it is going to be a winner. I will let you know.

I have quite a few things to do this week that will take me away from the house, so I will be popping in late evenings to read my blogs, but I am going to leave you with two Instagram photos that I loved, but I am on a self imposed no spending rule, so I can only window shop😊

This table is so cute from twoofakindart.

Then there is these adorable shorts and blue gingham top from nineandsixteen.

Well, that is it for me today. See y'all at the end of the week.


  1. Cant wait to see what you have been stitching on! My sweet neighbors moved to an assisted living in Tallahassee on Friday. I am going to miss them but they needed to be near their daughter. I am thinking of getting a simple sewing machine to do some finishes on!! I swore I would never sew again but I was wrong I think. I just need one that makes straight seams. We are off to GA on Wednesday but I am trying out the feature of scheduling in advance for posts to be published. It worked today so maybe it will be a good thing to use when I am away. We have had a lot of rain as well. Last summer drought, this summer it is like the rain forest here.

    1. Have fun at Grimmwood. I am glad y'all are getting to visit it often. They have simple sewing machines at Walmart that would probably do all you would need. Or check some old stores. There is a sewing machine repair place in Niceville. A very elderly couple runs it and when they pass on I am sure that will be it for getting any repairs. They could have something old which would be better than anything new you could buy.

    2. I schedule posts all the time, Arlene. It works great. I always schedule my Hodgepodge posts, for example. And when I do Christmas in July on my Christmas blog, I schedule those also.

      Yes, Sandy is right ... they do have simple sewing machines at Walmart that would likely do all you would need and more. I wish I had more time to sew (and a better machine) but my simple one works fine for nearly all of the sewing I do these days.

    3. I feel so proud of my self girls by scheduling my posts, Mrs T. Of course it means I need to have ideas in advance and that is not always easy!!

  2. I'll look for that book, it sounds like one I would enjoy! Have a good week! Hugs!

    1. It was a thinking book, but I loved her illustrations. One of the best for John 15..the vine. It is a new book.

  3. That does sound like a very good book, Sandy. I am going to check into it. Wish I had more time to read ... it may be coming, but I want to get my house organized first.

    I wouldn't say you were lazy on Saturday if you accomplished a lot of stitching. It may not be work, exactly, but it's accomplishing something and being productive!

    1. Hopefully with the longer days of summer you will get things back in order. It just takes time and then time to keep it that way:)

  4. Enjoyed catching up with you. Sorry about Auburn, but I'm pulling for FSU! Happy summering to you!


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