
Monday, July 31, 2017

A Pillow Update

I have really been trying limit my spending since retirement and realizing I have a lot of stuff. My thinking has been downsize and really stop the "seeing something and gotta have it mentality."

Well, I have regretted since this spring not purchasing these pillows from Everyday Occasions. I was totally in love with them, but couldn't make myself pull the trigger. They are pricey when you can go get the full pillow at Home Goods these days for less, but I knew her quality was great because I had bought cloth napkins and candles from her.

Finally, my pillows were beginning to look a little messy, so I went to check on them and she was all out of them. Sadness!!!

Mine had lots of pulls in them. Probably shouldn't have let the dogs get on the couch.

Anyway, Jenny who has a blog and Everyday Occasions had the fabric for sale, so I ordered some. (Her blog is in my blog list. Her home is so pretty.) I would just make my own. When it arrived I was even more sad that I hadn't bought them because I love the fabric. While I was thinking mine would not have cording, I realized that my shabby ones were only shabby on the front and that the back, the zipper, and the cording in them, were a perfect match for the new fabric.

I set out to rip off the old front and attach a new front to the old back. It all seemed so simple until I got started.

I used the old front as a pattern for the new fabric.

I am not a puzzle visual putting pieces together person. I really struggled and remember ripping it out three times at least. Probably more because I had to walk away which would mean I forgot what I had learned. Several days later I finally had one finished. This all happened last week while my computer was in the shop. I still have the other one to do, but I think I have the puzzle memorized. One can hope anyway. I hope to take care of the next one this week.

I love how it turned out. I have plenty of fabric to do something else with too since I used the back of the other one.

Happy with myself,


  1. You Go Girl. I was tempted to stop in at Tuesday Morning today but I refrained. I am going to my LNS tomorrow...I am sure my will power will be tested. I just need fabric...I just need fabric...I just need fabric.:) Love your pillows, they look wonderful.

    1. It is hard to be thrifty, but I know I don't need everything I see. It would not do if I had easy access to cross stitch stuff. I just have JoAnn's which I have promised myself not to go in again.

    2. Oh, but I did order one of those corder drills. I have no clue if i will be able to make it or not, but I am going to take a stab at it.

  2. I like that fabric and your pillow re-do, Sandy. Good for you!

  3. I purchased some solid blue pillows for my sofa and need a couple more with a pattern in my colors. It's hard to find pillows in just the right colors so I will check out the blogger you mentioned.
    I really like the fabric of your pillow! Thanks for stopping by and have a nice week!

    1. Hey Cheryl, The blogger has the cutest house and her stuff is super great quality, but I had a hard time pulling the trigger on the pillows. Choices have to be made with budget in mind since I am retired and really don't need a thing.


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