
Sunday, July 30, 2017

Some Will Think I Have Lost My Mind: Meet "Gus"

If you follow me on Instagram, you already know how I spent my weekend. If not, meet Gus.

I had hoped to tell everyone last week that I was going to get a new puppy this weekend, but my computer had a bit of a malfunction that didn't look good from my comfortable chair one evening. It was due for its yearly visit to the Geek Squad this next week, but it had to take a trip early. It turns out that it finally had to have a new hard drive. Fortunately that contract with Best Buy kept it at a minimum cost.

So back to Gus. I am still grieving over Lucy, but something inside me just knew I had to have one more English Springer Spaniel before I get too old to deal with a puppy. Not that I am ancient, but they are a high energy dog and I know that there will come an age when I won't be able to handle it.

A little background on my obsession with Springers. I fell in love with Spot in first grade when I met Dick, Jane, "Spot", Sally, Mother, know the books. My version which was the 1963 edition had Spot as a Springer. I wanted one my whole life. A couple of months after marriage, my husband rolls in with our first one. We named her Sally. Oh, the love began for the breed.

We have had Sally, Murphy, and of course most recently Lucy that many of you have followed along with me her sweetness and love stories.

I began to search for one. They are not the easiest to find around my parts. I discovered a place in central Georgia that I just knew was the perfect kennel. The kennel was Lanewood Kennel in Fort Valley. They only had 2 males last week when I called, so I quickly paid my deposit and told them I would be there this weekend. By the time we got there they already had the other male accounted for, but I got to choose first.

When I got out of the truck and walked around the corner I literally gasped. I was in Springer Spaniel heaven.

On another note, the location of the kennel in Georgia was so close to James T. Farmer's place in Perry which he calls "Perrydise" that I would have loved to have driven on a little farther to see his store. If you don't know who he is he has a website and Instagram. An Auburn grad in horticulture I think, he has a flair for decorating and plants. His coffee table books are amazing. Not only does he live there, but I think Kelly at Talk of the House too.

Let me say Fort Valley, Georgia where we picked up Gus is peach tree and pecan tree territory. In fact the kennel owners raise Springers as a hobby. There real job is peach and pecan tree famers. I have never seen so many pecan trees.

Back to the dog. He picked me for sure. He has been just about perfect. We drove to our cabin after picking him on Saturday. It was a 5 hour drive from our place to central Georgia, so we didn't think we wanted a 5 hour drive back or that he would either. The cabin was about a 2 hour drive, so we stayed there last night and came on home today.

He has had a huge day today meeting the rest of the family and Lemony.

Let's just say Lemony, the Golden has been golden today. She has handled the puppy amazingly well. While they are not snuggling yet, Lemony seems to be very good with him being around. My daughter brought her Boykin, Hallie over as well. Hallie was better than I thought, so I think we are going to be all good with the new addition.

Now my work has just begun as Gus is just 8 weeks old. So, in a few months he ought to hog wild, and for the next 2 years very energetic. I am sure I have lost my mind.

Oh, for the name. I know we are the biggest Auburn fans ever, but Gus really didn't have anything to do with our coach. We were just going through a list of names and decided on Gus. It turns out that his dad's name was Gus, so he is Gus Jr. His mother's name was Rosey. I love that.

I will try not to do too much talking about him.
I do have quite a few other things to share as the week rolls on.



  1. He is adorable and I think your reasoning was sound. Since you have gotten in shape and your RA is under control, it is the perfect time to take on a puppy. We had our cocker from puppyhood and it makes a difference for sure. Lots of disciplining and training but Gus will know you are the Boss. I look forward to seeing him grow up!!

    1. Things are going well today. We are working on introducing the kennel. So far so good.

  2. What a sweet pup Gus is, and you are right, he looks just like Spot from the books! Congratulations!

    1. Thanks, I am just a happy puppy mommy right now.

  3. So precious!! I don't blame you one bit!

  4. Hello... I just wanted to say you will find many years of joy and a bit of work, but you will have a sweet friend that will love you! And I know what you mean about driving a BIG truck!
    Crazy drivers these days!
    Happy summer and enjoy these DOG day's of summer! (Smiles) Pun intended!
    Hugs, Roxy

    1. I will have both dog days this summer. The rains have been coming already and August is shaping up to be rainy too. Gus is adorable, but I was not under any illusion that it would be easy for a good little while. Lots of training to do.


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