
Monday, July 24, 2017

Weekend Roundup

I sort of disappeared last week. I finally had some days at home and just soaked them up. I piddled in my flowers and in my home. Sometimes it is nice to not be in a rush to go around and fluff the nest.

I don't know that I accomplished anything that noteworthy, but I did get the home really tidied up nice and just relaxed a bit.

I had guests over from church on Saturday evening, so I had quite a bit of prep for that on Saturday. It has rained so much this July that I can't keep up with the pine straw on the back decks. This was a discipleship group that we led for the last 9 weeks, so I did all the stuff rather than asking for anyone to bring anything. I thought I was crazy during all the prep.

Jeff and Paul Allen had a golf tournament on Saturday that was for charity, so it was mostly me trying to put it all together. Mom came over and helped which was good for her as well.

Jeff and I took a boat ride to the back end of the bay yesterday. It is all military land ---so all nature. It is his place to go and fish and get away from the stress of work. It is just around the corner from our bayou. Probably one of my favorite spots. I took a book and let him enjoy.

Finding the shade.

It has rained so much that my geraniums are just waterlogged. I have almost lost two of them. My begonias are loving it though. No blooms yet.

Begonias are happy. This little geranium is the best of the ones on the back.

I did very little cross stitching, but hope to remedy that this week.

That is about all that is going on in my life.

Boring can be good.


  1. Sandy, thanks for the chuckle about boring can be good. I look at it as rejuvenating oneself. The pictures on the water are beautiful; what a peaceful spot to fish and to read. With this heat and humidity, I feel like your little geranium looks. Have a fabulous week!

    1. We have another whole month of hot at least. IT is usually about this time that it begins to wear me out. Either have to be on the water or inside.
      I will gladly take a few more boring weeks, but they don't come very often.

  2. It sounds like a very good week to me Sandy. Hope to work in my house tomorrow and do some organizing. I did a lot of stitching while Marvin was laid up but now I need to get to work and get my house in order.

    1. I could take a few more weeks like that, but life is a bit busy. Hard to keep from trying to do too much.

  3. Reading while on a rocking boat? I'm impressed with your sea legs!


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