
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Just Thinking

Some thoughts stirring in my mind.

Two weeks ago, I came home from church deeply touched by the message that day. I heard a message from Levi Lusko. If you haven't heard his story, well let's say it is hard to listen to, because he lost a child tragically. That is not something you want to hear or think that you might want to run out and grab his book, but that is exactly where it left me.

I quickly dashed to the bookstore to see if they had it locally, but no. I came home and ordered it right away. Through the Eyes of a Lion (Facing Impossible Pain and Finding Incredible Power) by Levi Lusko.

I finished it tonight. Even though you know he has a hard story to tell, the book is so amazing and puts everything into perspective. Trust me on this one. It was good.

On a happier note,

I blog because I still really like it.

I have never had any thoughts of it being a grandiose thing, but just a place to record some of my thoughts. I still love to read them even though I think they are definitely on the way to the "out list." 

Blogs draw me in because they are real life. I love to see what others are up to. I don't know if it just makes me feel more "normal" or what, but I still plug away at reading them.

I am going to keep writing as long as I feel like it and feel no schedule to write. I don't think I would go away without announcing it, because I hate it when that happens.

That was on my mind.

Speaking of "ins and outs lists," which come out for clothing with each season and for decorating each year, I have seen some interesting things on Instagram lately.

I follow mostly decorators and cross stitchers on Instagram. Those are two of my loves.

Decorating and decorating magazines have always been a big interest to me. I have to limit myself to how many I allow myself to buy. For the past couple of years, I've noticed I haven't seen nearly as much stuff I like. This neutral color scheme is not for me.

Anyway, I stopped on this picture from House Beautiful.

Seriously love the colors. It is refreshing when you scroll through Instagram or open a magazine and see some color. 

I am probably the only person on the planet that thinks so, and I don't want to offend my neutral loving friends, but I am just loving the color. The rich blue, the pictures with pops of red, and that bookcase with all those dreamy books. Oh and those lamps, too!

I am not planning to paint anything dark again. I had a hunter green room in the 90's, but I have to say I love this.

Ok, that was on my mind.

I am hoping to be home tomorrow after two days of running around and interruptions. I love my home time.



  1. Totally agree with you on blogging and on the trend of White Everything. White is so boring....I have always loved color. It is just so cozy and it is what makes a house a home. We are going to need to have our townhouse painted on the interior soon and I am not going to be painting any more. It is just too dangerous to be on the ladder. I am thinking of colors I might like. I still love Nantucket Gray and I may use that in the living room, dining room and kitchen. ( it is all one big area. Right now it is just in the Living Room. As for blogging, I stopped once and I really missed it. Who knows what the future holds. VLOGGING seems to be the thing of the moment but I know that is not me. I will look for the book you mentioned. It is always encouraging to read of people who have faced tragedy and came through with their faith intact.

    1. Vlogging will not be for me. I hate being on camera. I will just keep on writing when the notion strikes me.
      I like that Nantucket Gray. I need tans and grays on the walls... a little bit of color. I love the color scheme in our cabin. The walls in the main room are a very light tan that contrast enough with the white. In the bedrooms are a green and a darker tan. I don't like climbing that ladder either.
      The book has been out long enough that it might be a the library now. I am going down soon to join our library. It used to be city residents only and I don't actually live in the city limits although across the street is..crazy. Either way the whole county has linked up all of their libraries now, so you can go in any of them and they have an online part, so I think you can download onto a device like a kindle. I have to go check it out, cuz I need to quit buying so many books too.

  2. We painted our kitchen close to that color...and I love it! We use more color here in Florida I think and with all the bright sunshine, it makes the house cheerful. I love to blog too and just write what I want...and share pics I've taken. I love to decorate and do all kinds of crafts and travel around our beautiful there's always something to blog about. I love reading your blog! Hugs! PS I love the books in the bookcase and those gorgeous paintings too!

    1. Thanks.
      I am so glad someone else loves that color. It is just so rich and those bookcases were so pretty too.
      I love your pics. I really love seeing other parts of the country too. We will just keep on:)

  3. I crave color, too. I tried to incorporate the neutrals for their calming qualities. Nope. Couldn't take it. 🙂

    We are sharing similar thoughts on blogging. My corner of Blogdom is fading and I feel as if I have said all that's to be said...Who knows what is next, if anything. (It won't be Instagram.)

    1. You have a lot happen in the past year, so give yourself time to figure out your next move. I think you may have some more in you:)

  4. I like the blue color on the walls. It makes me wonder if all the walls in that room are the same color or just some. I like the flooring; it reminds me of the fawns that are still sporting their spots. Thank you for the book recommendation!

    1. I liked that rug as well. About the only way I would go that dark again would be an accent wall or a small room like an office, but I do love it.

  5. Hi Sandy, I'm glad to hear that you still enjoy blogging as RJ and I just started our blog, boy, the party is almost over and we just joined! I think you develop more of a relationship with others blogging than the other social medias.
    The monotone neutrals are not for me either.
    One of my co-workers lost her son in a head on collision this past week, 10am in the morning a person crossed over the line and hit him. I was wondering if Lusko's book would be appropriate to send her now?
    I'm glad your still blogging, I enjoy reading about others too. Mary@stitchingfriendsforever

    1. Mary, we will just keep on blogging and forming those friendships. I agree.
      On the book, I am not so sure it would be good for her yet. Wow, she has some difficult days ahead. The book does chronicle his days getting through it, but I think each might be so different especially at first. It was a book that I thought put me in check, but helping someone get through it I don't know. I know she needs to know it is ok not to be ok for a while.

  6. I've always been a color person, but also admire the all white looks. Why oh why do you think blogs are going out? I haven't been as active lately due to working on the book, but I hope they don't disappear! I agree it's bothersome when someone stops blogging without any formal goodbye note. I always worry about them!

    1. Hopefully, it is just the summer lull, because I really like them too.

  7. I still like blogging as well. It is the perfect platform if you want both words and photos. I am sorry to see so many people leaving.

  8. Hi Sandy! Just found your blog and I appreciate your honesty about blogging. I've been around about nine years and I do it for the pleasure and practice of writing, making dear friends, and keeping an online journal. So, I'm with you~~do it for yourself!

    I love the colors in this room (an office?). I usually shy away from darker colors but my daughter just painted her home office in navy and she has a lot of wall art framed in white, so it really blends well.

    Love your stitching. I've always been a lover of cross-stitching but it has gotten away from me as my life gets busier and busier! I plan on starting some Christmas mitten ornaments soon.

    Have a great weekend!


    1. Glad you stopped by Jane. I gave up cross stitching for many years and have just now started doing it again. I am in love with it all over again.


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.