
Thursday, September 14, 2017

Another Trip Around the Sun

I redid the bow on the fall piece of acorns. My photo does it no justice, but the silver ribbon idea was a winner. I think this could even flow into Christmas.

I started thinking about putting fall out today in the house. I had quite a few interruptions and did not finish, so I will save sharing that for next week. I learned something about doing the fall pieces into pillows. They are harder to decorate with than flat things that I can frame or put on an easel. I have worked on incorporating them into vignettes today. I have several cute ideas, but finding a location for them has been tricky. Right now my little vignettes are sitting in my dining room on the table while I try to dream up a place to put them. All of which may run into next week, since I am going to be doing a football weekend.

I was doing well at not buying anything until today. I have no need of anything new as I have more than I even want to pull out and shared with my daughter last year. Oh, but I dropped into Target today and the dollar area had the absolute cutest little pumpkins in the subtle colors, so I bought three of them.

I worked outside today on my flower beds and potted flowers. I have to say my flowers look the worst they have ever looked at the end of the summer. I still need to spend some more time to get all nice again. Next week I need to devote a day to yard work.

Then, I dressed up and went to eat lunch with my hubby. It is my birthday today. We celebrated as a family this past weekend. Paul Allen has class tonight and Tyler would have had difficulty getting here from his job.

57 - that is what I am. There are ages where you notice the changes in your body. Now, I have had silver hair forever. That runs in my family. At 55, I noticed the wrinkles started really showing. I refuse to view birthdays as anything other than positive. I am glad to have made it for another trip around the sun - wrinkles, white hair, and curled fingers are just part of it.

I hate sharing photos of myself, but today for my birthday I took a picture to note 57.

I will be back next week to maybe show some fall decor.


  1. Happy Birthday Sandy! You look mahvelous!

  2. Happy Happy Birthday Sandy!! We have earned every gray hair and every wrinkle is the way I look at it!! You are right about the little pillows. I have found a place to put mine and I will share on next week's blog as well.

    1. I love the look of those pillows, but I am thinking I may like the flats better. I really need to step up my game and learn to do those things Vonna calls flat folds. I also need to learn to do that cording. They are both on my one day list:)
      AS for the hair, I think people would be a lot happier if they just went with the gray. It actually matches the skin tone and is a lot cheaper. Once I let it all grow out, I actually loved it. Now, I wish I had my old black hair back, but I also wish my body were tone and no wrinkles... but, I am also happy with where I am too.

    2. Yes, when I see pictures of me with brown hair, it brings back nice memories. Like you I grayed early and covered it for many years but I love my silver locks now. I just have to remember to put on lipstick so i do not look like a ghost.

    3. Oh and I meant to add that I think you look beautiful.

  3. Happy Birthday, Sandy! You look wonderful at 57 and I love your hair color. Sometimes I wish I hadn't started dyeing mine, but... Your little pillow looks so sweet!

    1. Thank you Carol. A compliment on my work is amazing coming from you.

  4. Happy belated birthday wishes, Sandy! I hope you had a good meal out. What sweet pumpkins you picked up from Target! I will have to see if they have any here when I hit Target later. The acorn pillow looks super; I really like the silver charm you used as an embellishment. Have a fabulous weekend!

    1. Thank you. I really wanted that silver charm on there. Just had to think about it for awhile.

  5. How nice to be outside with flowers, even if this is the time of year they are scraggly! Such a great time of the year for a birthday. Fall is just around the corner, an summer is still sweet around here. Hope it was a great day!

    1. Thanks! I am always mixed up when it comes to giving up summer. I love the end of summer and look forward to spending a little time outside this week.

  6. Happy birthday, dear Sandy. I love that pic of you. I hope that this year is your best yet!

    1. Thanks Katie. I am looking forward to another year. Hope Jose' goes away too. Arlene @Nanaland are meeting up in Pensacola tomorrow for lunch. Love meeting our little blog friends.

  7. Hope you had a fine birthday! I don't do birthdays...anymore. And as for the grays, well the way I see it, I earned them! It is what it is, and I will wear it proudly! And I love Delicious Autumn here in the Northeast. Your post here has inspired me to get with the program, and get my fall decor out. Besides, out of doors the leaves are piling up already! Aloha!

  8. Hello hula-la. So glad you dropped in. I would love to see leaves piling up. That doesn't happen here in the fall. In fact, I think people find it odd, that our live oaks lose their leaves in the spring. Come April, leaves are everywhere.

  9. Happy belated birthday Sandy! I shared a birthday with you this month. You look wonderful my friend. Hope your day was extra special like you. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.