
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Blackberry Crumble Recipe

I am sharing a quick and pretty easy dessert today. Dessert and really more. I came across the recipe for blackberry crumble on one of the blogs in my sidebar.

Heirloomed Collection shared the recipe here.

It looked simple, so I made it a couple of weeks ago. It was tasty, easy, and had oats. Jeff and I both have loved it. He eats his at night with ice cream. I eat my for breakfast warmed up.

I made it twice with blackberries. The other night I had peaches and decided to try it with peaches. Both are great. I would probably give the nod to blackberries.

It will be a good one to keep on hand for next summer when those fruits are in season.

You can go to Heirloomed Collection's  site to see her detailed pictures and recipe.

Without further talk...

Blackberry Crumble

Fruit Layer

4 cups blackberries
4 tablespoons sugar

Mix the fruit and sugar together in a bowl and place in the bottom of a baking dish.

Oatmeal Crumble 

2 cups oats (I used gluten free of course.)
1 cup of cold butter
1 cup of light brown sugar
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg

*I made it with a full teaspoon of cinnamon the first two times. The third time I made it I used 1/2 teaspoon and liked a bit better. Just me:)

Use a pastry blender to cut up butter and mix with dry ingredients. After doing this awhile, I then used my hands to get it all mixed well.

Layer this on top of the fruit.

Bake approximately 45 minutes on 350 or until golden brown.

Here are a few pictures of the progress.

This was not four cups of peaches as I was short, but craving the crumble, so I went with it.

I am about to go have a small dish of some right now.


  1. I would probably go with peaches or apples as I picked too many blackberries as a girl and I do not even like I do like my mother's Blackberry Jelly seeds.

  2. Like Arlene, I would go with peaches or apples or even cherries. It looks positively delicious.

  3. Peaches and blackberries would be very nice together, I think ... or peaches and raspberries. Apples with any berry might be good. Sounds delicious! I will try it!

  4. OMG... Sandy -that looks so good. The Mister always gets mad at me because I always eat the crumble off the top! Have a great week.

  5. Great willpower if you just eat a small dish! I'll have to try your recipe with the apples coming in from the orchards now. Thanks for sharing it!

  6. Boy, my dad would have loved this recipe! He was such a blackberry fan...


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