
Saturday, November 18, 2017

A Christmas Cardinal Finish

I finished my Christmas cardinal stitch today.

I didn't go the route I had planned in my head. I am sharing the finished product tonight and my thoughts on why I ended up where I did with it.

This is the front.

It is about 9 inches in diameter.

Sorry for the poor photos. I just finished it a little while ago, and it is dark in the sewing room with a glaring light right above it. I will take better photos when I actually display it. 

*You may notice the hanging piece at the top. I had originally planned to mount it on something. More about that in a minute.

I didn't want to frame it because of the beading. The beading is amazing and in my opinion makes it a really special piece. There are red beads for the berries and white beads on the snowflakes. Again, my photos don't do it any justice.

Hubby voted for framing. I was so determined to do something different. I really do like this frame. It  does not have glass and if I am being totally honest this frame is more my real and true style.

So back to what I came up with. I first mounted it on sticky board. This is how I do this. I put the stitch on the sticky side and then use miniature clothes pins to hold it down until it dries. I have had the clothes pins forever, and they are perfect for this task.

It turns out those pieces sticking up (puckers) were perfect for later when I was putting the ruffle on.

For the ruffle, I folded a piece in half and pressed, then gathered on the machine.

I used straight pins to stick it in place to work with the ruffle. Those pins went neatly in the puckers. I was then able to adjust it.

Now, back to some of my struggles. I purchased two fabrics; one a brighter red gingham which is the shade of red I really like and the second a homespun more muted red gingham. 

The muted one didn't photograph well at all, because trust me it was the better choice.

I made the first ruffle out of the bright red and just had it pinned on. I wasn't satisfied. Hubby walked in and said it was the wrong color. It was cute, but it was just the wrong hue and it worked against the stitching. The brighter gingham actually took away from the birds, especially the female.

I made the new ruffle, and then I was just stumped. I liked the ruffle. I just didn't know where to go from there. I walked away from it and thought about it all week. I have had a busy week hence, no posts.

Y'all nothing seemed right. I have pondered it all week. I love the stitch, but what was I going to do with it and where was I going to display it. I have run through a million ideas.

This is where I went back to the framing thinking I should have gone with that. I think the problem is that I am inspired by what we used to call country, now it is farmhouse, but I don't have that kind of house. I really love that look and had it many years ago. I think this piece plastered on a piece of wood would look great at the farmhouse, but that isn't where I want it. I want it here in a home which is a bit less country and more traditional, and I am happy with that style in the present time.

As you can see, I am an analyzer. Probably, I over analyze. 

With all that said, I ended up just backing it with a hanger. I am not sure where it will end up hanging ---I am thinking in my kitchen. We will see after Thanksgiving when I get my Christmas decorating started.

I actually took all my Thanksgiving down today, since I am having Thanksgiving at the farmhouse. I thought I could use a breather for a few days before I put up Christmas.

Here is the front and back...

I will hopefully not be away all week this next one. Mom had a dental procedure this week. She is quite a trooper, but hasn't felt all that well. I have spent some time with her. Hopefully, by the beginning of this week she will be back to herself. She has dressing to make and I am watching again this year. I need to learn. Hers is the best ever. 

Speaking of Mother, she made me a Christmas afghan. I can't wait to add it in somewhere this year.

That is all for me tonight. 

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting. Psalms 118:1


  1. Love the crosstitch! You are so blessed to still have your mom! Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!🦃

    1. Thanks Kelly and glad you stopped in.
      I am thankful for Mother. I lost my dad early in life and she and I have always been close. I have seen her go down quite a bit the last couple of years. She is still good, but I realize I need to pay attention to all that she does and learn from her. Have a good Thanksgiving as well.

  2. Sandy, that is just perfect!! And Jeff was right, the muted check does set off the piece. I am hoping to get Christmas up before we go to GA and like you, I often ponder exactly where to put things. I do not like to do the same thing every year. Your mama's afghan is so pretty and will be great to curl up with on frosty December evenings.

    1. Thanks Arlene, I hope I can find a cute place for it. I really loved the stitch.

  3. Congratulations on your cardinal pair finish! I like it with the muted gingham; it really pulls out the birds' coloring. Your Christmas afghan is lovely; ripples are one of my favorites. Have a blessed day!

    1. Thanks Robin, I am excited to find a great spot for it and my afghan. I can not crochet or knit. I am not coordinated enough I think.

  4. Sandy, I love the cardinal and I much prefer the muted gingham, I'm so glad you went with that choice, the color goes much better with the more subdued colors in the stich. Sometimes you just have to walk away from a piece and sleep on it.

    I hope your Mothers is better this week and the afgan is so pretty! My MIL taught me that crochet stitch before I was married and that full size afghan was the only crochet piece I ever made.
    I hope your this upcoming week is a more relaxing one for you. Mary

    1. Thanks true about walking away sometimes. It clears the mind and helps you see it differently. I can't crochet. I am not coordinated enough I guess. This week should go smoother. Looking forward to the family time.

  5. Sandy, I love how Silent Night, Holy Night came out. It is such a beautiful stitch and you did a wonderful job stitching this gorgeous pattern. I think the check you went with was the best one and blends beautifully. As Robin said, it really brings out the colors of the cardinals. It makes for such a pretty and festive finish. I really love how you showed us how you did the round finish...perfect directions. I think you are going to be very happy with this cross stitched finish and it will look perfect in either house.

    I love your pretty afghan. How nice to have such a beautiful piece from your Mom.

    Have a really wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. Enjoy! RJ

  6. I hope your mother feels much better today. Tell her we ALL love the red and green's gorgeous! Love your Cardinal too. I took pics of a couple of Cardinals at the Park today. Happy Thanksgiving! Hugs!

    1. Thanks, Mom is doing better today, so hopefully we are on the up side. I am pretty excited about my throw as well.


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