
Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving

I am popping in to say Happy Thanksgiving to all. I am headed to the farmhouse soon.

Last year's picture of the farmhouse.

I am about to be busy prepping and cooking for tomorrow. I am expecting a crowd of 16. I love Thanksgiving! The more the merrier.

It may be one of favorite days of the year. Family, good Southern food to indulge in once a year, and a focus on being thankful for all my blessings.

I love all my blogging friends. I have enjoyed getting to know so many of you from all over through this blog. I look forward to more times together.

I will probably be away from the blog for a week since we are headed to the Iron Bowl this weekend and I will come back to getting the Christmas tree up. I am excited about that. I think the Christmas tree is the best thing about winter. The glow of lights make the early evenings a bit better.

Everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Enjoy!

  2. Wishing you and your family a very blessed Thanksgiving, Sandy! Have a safe trip to the farmhouse.

  3. Have a wonderful, wonderful Thanksgiving, Sandy!! I appreciate you and your blog so much. Would love to meet up in person one day!

  4. Sandy have a lovely Thanksgiving with your family. It sounds like a great week you have planned. I'll be rooting for Auburn for the Iron Bowl. I think you will win too. Safe travels. RJ

  5. Sandy, What a wonderful Thanksgiving day and weekend you have planned. Enjoy every minute and have a Blessed Thanksgiving. Mary


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.