
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A Look Back at Thanksgiving and the Iron Bowl

This is a late Thanksgiving post which no one wants to see because we have all moved on to Christmas. I need to mark it for myself if nothing else. Last week went by quickly for me. All good though.

Thanksgiving was spent at the farm as usual and I am only sharing a couple of photos, since most of you have seen the same old set up each year. We had the usual food, fishing, target practice with the guns, etc.

Here are my kids...

Son-in-law Tyler, daughter Lindsay, son Paul Allen, and girlfriend Katie

I loved this one of Lindsay.

I think they must have been on the four wheeler.

The only other one is our great niece Katelyn. I realized I didn't have one of the twins together...sad.
They are growing up so fast and the center of attention as they are the only young ones.

Katelyn fell in love with Gus. She had to come by the night before they went back to Houston to say goodbye to him. 

Gus loved her too. He stayed with her all day outside.

We headed for our place near Auburn Friday. It was a family affair for the Iron Bowl. The kids got our normal season tickets and a friend sold us theirs for Jeff and me.
We had the upper deck. 

This was before it got all filled up.

Of course, with the victory we had to make sure we got to Toomer's Corner. This shot was taken right after the game, so there was a lot more added to the trees.

Now onto Christmas. I put up my tree and that is it. I will be working on Christmas today and tomorrow, and then I will share some pictures with you.

In this age of blogging and social media, one might think I am behind. I remember the days when I didn't put the tree up until around the 10th. It doesn't matter if you wait or not now, the tree has already been cut forever and a day.

Paul Allen came and got the tree I used to put downstairs in the big room and his collection of ornaments. Most were given to him by grandmothers, and then some he picked out each year. He took them to his house and sent me a picture of his tree last night. I knew he couldn't have done it by himself. Turns out Katie helped him with the lights.

I think the best part of the short nights is having Christmas tree lights to brighten up the mood. 

I love all Christmas trees...fancy or simple...colored lights or clear...just all of them.

If you have stuck with me this long, I love this picture of our family taken many moons ago at Auburn.

Where did the time go? I wish this photo was clearer. It was just a Polaroid. I just love that little glimpse of our family and that little navy purse was a Liz Claiborne and seriously was one of my all time favorites. The Auburn bag was the kids' stuff bag.. I do love my purses. You can read about that here and here.

Almost done...

If you have not created your own emoji. You do not know what you are missing😀 There is an app called Bitmoji. Lindsay and I created ourselves. It comes with all kinds of pictures of your emoji with sayings. I love it.

I need to get busy so that I can find time to stitch at night. I am having withdrawals. I hope my next post will have some stitching progress and Christmas photos.



  1. Well now I realize I need an Emoji!!lol Again congrats on the was fair and square. Now Beat GA. I used to wait until after the 6th to put up my tree because the 6th was Ben's birthday. Now it is the day after Christmas and this year before Thanksgiving. I just love Christmas trees. Glad to see Katie in the family pictures...she decorates a tree well too!! That Lindsay is just much like you.

    1. Thank you Arlene. You are a true friend. I love Christmas trees too. The lights make the dark nights a little better. I always say if I get the tree up and the manger scene out the other stuff is just icing on the cake. Depending on my mood is how much of the other stuff I put out.

  2. Sandy, I enjoyed reading about and seeing your Thanksgiving. Not too late for me as I think Thanksgiving gets somewhat short-changed. While I like looking at everyone's trees, we won't put ours up until the weekend of the 15th. Thanks for sharing about the Iron Bowl.

    1. It is good to hear someone still holds out for a later date. I think I started getting earlier when I got a fake tree for awhile. I love Thanksgiving too.

  3. Looks like you and the family had a great Thanksgiving. What fun!!! I was so happy that Auburn beat Alambama...what a great win! Love all of your photos. Your daughter definitely takes after you. She is such a pretty girl. Happy to see your son put up his own tree. RJ

    1. Thanks RJ. You have to be excited about the hiring of Dan Mullen? I think he will be good for the Gators. I am sure MSU is sad about losing him. He did a lot for that program.

  4. Sandy, Your daughter is gorgeous, what a beautiful smile!! You have a very handsome family. You had a nice Thanksgiving with the bonus of your team winning. I don't put my live tree up till a few days before Christmas and I only decorate about 2 weeks before Christmas, everything stays up till little Christmas. I'm impressed with your son's tree!!

    I love my bags too! Right now I love Reisenthel bags, before that Baggalini and before that Coach and Dooney, the classic Dooney will always be my favorite style. I can relate to your addiction!! I read your post and I had a bag very similar to the one you had in 7th grade that I thought looked so sharp with my Frye boots! Nice trip down memory lane!! Mary

    1. Thanks Mary. I am glad to hear that some still put their tree up later. I gradually moved up over the years mostly due to my work schedule, but I grew up with putting it up the second weekend of December and then taking it down after the 1st. I started taking my down after Christmas because I wanted to get the house all back in order for school (teacher) and then I slowly moved it up to the weekend of Thanksgiving when I got a fake tree for the same reason...done while I was off from work. I went back to real ones last year because of a prelit tree debacle. :)

    2. Oh and purses ...yea boy. It is funny after I retired I came across a bag that is so unlike me on Etsy. It was going to be my shopping purse as it is REALLY pared down from my lifetime of purses. I have fallen in love with it and curbed my spending on purses, but I still stop at the purses to look!

    3. Sandy, My parents would put up the Christmas tree after we went to bed on Christmas Eve!! We would come down Christmas morning and see the tree for the first time,oh what a thrill that was!!

      I would love to have a prelit tree and set up earlier. what was your prelit debacle?? I have a Christmas tree debacle story too, it makes me laugh now but at the time I cried. I was having company and had the LR all decorated, the tree done and decided to vaccum out the ash in the fireplace with the wet dry vac...well, I didn't know but while I was vaccuming all the ash was flying out the vaccumm behind me, when I turned around and saw everything in the room covered with ash and company coming the next day I cried! I was able to clean everything up but the ash covered tree!! It was a live tree and no way I could clean it...what a disaster....laugh about it now but it certainly wasn't funny then.

    4. Oh Mary, your debacle might cap mine. As we say in the south, "Bless your heart." It is good that you could laugh about it now. The tree is the star of the show behind Jesus of course. Two years ago, my prelit tree went out on Christmas Eve. No amount of work would get those lights back on. I was so sad. The next morning half of them came back on. I tried everything imaginable to save them, but I had to toss the tree that year. Those prelit lights are wrapped so tightly around all that stuff that you can't possible get them off and just use the tree.

  5. You have such a lovely family, Sandy--so glad you had a good Thanksgiving! We were down with the flu here (well, I had recovered, but my husband was really under the weather). But, with 19 coming, we couldn't cancel. Got through it, but barely. I'm getting too old to have that many folks coming for a big dinner like that!

    You are the opposite of me--I have everything up except my tree! Yours is so pretty. I am heading up to NY tomorrow to visit my mom for five days so I won't get mine up until the following weekend. Looking forward to seeing the rest of your decorations :)

  6. You have a beautiful family, Sandy. I'm glad you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving. This is a special time of year.

  7. How cute to see the older photo of your family. Time sure flies by! I have 4 sons and they are all grown men now! Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Sandy, we passed through Alabama the week of Thanksgiving and saw all the cars for both teams. Flags were flying!! It's like that here in Texas too.

    I love my Bitmoji. Cracks me up. :)


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