
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Christmas Home Tour 2017 Part 1

I am sharing Christmas in my home today. I started last week taking pictures as I put things out, so most have been taken on different days, but all seem to have been on cloudy days.

I won't worry about that though...

I am doing a 2 part post with this and will post the next one very soon after this one, so I have it done and no more procrastination. Well, mostly it has been busy busy busy!!!!!!!

Stepping into the front door to the foyer, you will be greeted by the herons on one side and the table across from them.

The red starfish are back this year.

From there is the big hallway.

To the left is the Auburn tree. This white tree was in my daughter's room for many years. After she grew up and moved out, I realized I had enough Auburn ornaments to fill it so hence an Auburn tree.

The desk down behind the tree got a bowl of ornaments and some tree candles.

Down from the tree is more lighting on the banisters and a side table.

I love my McCarty bunny. I wanted one for years and finally acquired one, but I really want the other one that goes with him.

Right on down is the banister before you go downstairs.

Opposite of this banister is my favorite room in the house, the formal dining room.

Here are some dining room pictures.

This next picture kind of threw me when I uploaded it.

I have mirrors on one side of the dining room and cabinets on the other. The mirrors were reflecting the scene.

Opposite the open arches is the sideboard with my Nativity. I need the barn and angel this year to complete it.

For Christmas, the table will be set and we will eat in here. I love eating in here and do so for most special occasions that occur from September to May. The lure of the water calls during the other months.

We will backtrack to the guest bathroom and bedroom which is really my daughter's old rooms and is still somewhat like the old days.

The lantern is on a piece that you see coming right out as you walk in to the room. It usually has some twig balls in it for a more coastal vibe.

Lindsay won the Christmas moose in elementary school, so I threw it on the bed. This room is on the front of the house, so you can see the huge wreath on the front window.

I am going to make this a two part post, but I will leave you with a glimpse of the tree in the family room.

The posts will be close together, but I thought maybe so many pictures would blow up some computers.
Part 2 is here.

Merry Christmas,


  1. Sandy, everything is so pretty! I love your tree in that nook.

    1. Thank you. The nook is one of three on the back of the house. Starting on one side each one goes a little further out than the other giving you a view of the water. I don't know you if have been reading long enough to know the house belonged to husband's parents who didn't get to enjoy it nearly long enough before passing. Everyone wanted to keep the house in the family. My mother-in-law drew the plans for it and it was a VERY formal house with lots of Victorian furniture and of course due to being built in the early 80's...lots of loud wallpaper.
      I feel very lucky to live here and worked hard to make it our own.

  2. Beautiful decorating Sandy. I love all of your special touches. I really like the idea of an Auburn tree...adorable. And your family room tree looks amazing. Great job. Looking forward to seeing more. RJ

    1. Thanks RJ. I am sharing the second half real soon, so stay tuned.

  3. The Moose sure is cute and I love the Auburn tree! You have such a beautiful home! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Diane. The moose was a hit for sure when it was won.

  4. Gorgeous part 1! I enjoyed the tour of you holiday décor, Sandy.

    1. Thanks Robin. I love Christmas tours on blogs, so I thought I would do one this year. Part 2 coming soon:)

  5. Wow, such gorgeous décor but I adore your gorgeous wood cabinetry in your dining room, it's beautiful. You are so fortunate to live in such a gorgeous home. love all the beautiful wood and the Christmas décor shows off so well in your home.

  6. I did not know that about your house having belonged to your husband's parents. I wish that I had more time to read in your archives.

    All of your decor is beautiful. I particularly like the centerpiece on the dining room table.

    1. Thank you Mrs. T. Jeff's parents built it as their dream home. We are extremely fortunate to be able to keep it in the family and the view of the water is wonderful. The only time I don't love is when any hurricane is in the Gulf of Mexico.


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