
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Christmas Home Tour 2017 Part 2

I am back with the remainder of the Christmas tour. The family room and kitchen are where we live most of the time.

Since I posted so quickly, if you missed Part 1, you can check it out here.

The Christmas tree is the star of any Christmas tour to me, and I love ALL Christmas trees. Big, small, white lights, colored lights, fancy, or simple. I just love the lights.

The ornaments are mostly collected over 33 years of marriage and few each from out childhood. The tree skirt was made my me way back in the 1980's.

I have it decorated all the way around so when you are standing on the deck of the bay window you can see a decorated tree as well. 

The shelves are decorated. Notice the afghan Mama made me:)

Some close-ups.

I am still wanting to mount the cardinals cross stitch onto a piece of wood or something, but the right thing has not come along yet. I will be patient and by next year maybe I will have something.

The cross stitch piece below is an ornament, but it has 2017 on it so I will put it on the tree next year.

Now, let's notice that the coffee table is bare and would look great with something Christmas on it...

Sweet little Gus who is will be six months old on December 8th has the idea that anything put on this table is for him to play with. Bare it stays for now.

Now onto the kitchen.

This counter rarely gets used, so it is my display area.

The kitchen table.

The candles are bayberry candles that I purchased from . I love her little store. Great quality.

The kitchen island.

There were a few more things in the kitchen, but the lighting was not cooperating, so I left it at that.

One more picture. My favorite little ceramic tree that is really from the 1970's. I talked Mama out of it several years ago. It is sitting in my sewing room.

That is all folks. 

I have scaled it back as I get older. Nothing in the bedroom or downstairs. I will try and do an outside tour next week.

I am headed out of town for a few days, so I will be back next week with some year end reflections.

Merry Christmas all,


  1. I am just checking in today so I looked at both posts but I will comment on this one. I LOVE all your holiday touches. And aren't easels the best things for displaying our handwork. I love tucking them in various places around the house just as you have done Sandy. And isn't it wonderful to have it done, make a cup of coffee, turn on the Christmas tree lights and ENJOY the fruit of your labor?

    1. The lights this year have been more wonderful than usual. There has been quite a bit going on in our lives and I look forward to the evenings with the glow of the lights. I can sit in my chair and see them in the mirrors across from the tree. So soothing for my spirit.

  2. I enjoyed part 2 as much as part 1. Your tree is simply gorgeous. I know you will enjoy it throughout the coming days.

    1. I am going to burn my lights out as it has been cloudy and gloomy here and the tree is on even now.

  3. Sandy I enjoyed your second day of decorations as much as the first. I especially love your have photographed it perfectly. And I loved seeing your cross stitches all ready for the holidays. You are so lucky to be done...I have not even started and won't be until this weekend if I'm lucky. RJ

    1. Thanks RJ.. December can be such a busy month. I know you will get it all done!

  4. Your Christmas décor is wonderful, I haven't even started yet!! Oh, how I recall those ceramic trees with the lights, they were so popular in the 70s. The kitchen is the heart of the home and I love all your touches there. Your tree is huge! Great collection of sentimental ornaments too. Mary

  5. Lovely post, Sandy. I so enjoyed seeing your decorations and especially those in the kitchen. I think your cardinals came out gorgeous and look fine just the way they are. I am going to attempt a finish on my December sampler. I've been consulting with Arlene and I think my idea is going to work.

    I loved seeing your handmade tree skirt from the 80s. Ours is a candlewicking one I stitched, also from the 80s.

    1. I can't wait to see what you came up with on the stitching. It is the homemade long time decorations that I love the most.

  6. Really enjoyed your Christmasy home tours, Sandy. Love seeing your touches of pretty stitched pieces sprinkled throughout your home :) And the ceramic tree made me smile. I was up at my mom's last week and I decorated her apartment for her and there was her same sweet tree (only in green). Such wonderful memories!

    I, too, have scaled back as I've gotten older--less to put away and I only put out my very favorite things these days. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thanks Carol. Those trees were quite the hit back then. I am so in love with all your PS Santa ornaments. WE need to see them on display. I plan to do a few of them in 2018.

  7. Your decorations look very pretty. You have a lovely home.

    1. Thank you, Mrs. White. I do love Christmas, but it is the decorations that I have had the longest that have the memories attached to them.


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