
Friday, January 19, 2018

Dreaming of Flowers

I am already dreaming of spring and flowers.

I just love this quote that I found on the almanac page. I was looking at the long range weather forecast.

It is cold in the south.

I can honestly say I have made good use of the cold days and accomplished quite a bit inside. I need about another couple of weeks to go through my list. Then it can warm up baby and let the outside time begin.

I have no idea what the cold has done to the plants. I have never seen this kind of cold for such an extended period of time here.

I am thinking of my roses and what I am going to plant, so yes I am dreaming of my spring flowers.

I also stitched a good bit yesterday in between chores.

My progress on Betsy's Tart.

My sweet Lemony is 9 years old today.

She has a bit of gray around her eyes. 

She is the smartest and has the most gentle spirit. Just a perfect little lady. We always say she would be Miss Congeniality in a beauty pageant. She would win for looks too. She is a pretty dog.

I don't know if I ever shared that she is a miracle too. When she was about 10 months old, she got into Gorilla Glue. We had never had a dog so tall, so it was a whole new world about how high things had to be put up. 

She became sick very quickly. Thanks to the Internet, I was able to determine that this was bad. Smaller dogs almost never live. The glue continues to expand as long as it is wet. Our vet did an amazing miracle surgery. The glue came out like a styrofoam glob. Looked like an extra large chicken breast. 

She survived and we all learned a valuable lesson about making sure we put things out of reach and I have never bought Gorilla Glue since. No matter how good it is...I still remember how sick she was.

Needless to say, we love her and the Queen crown has been placed on her head since Lucy's passing.

She wears it well. 

This is her puppy days. Adorable!

Celebrating with Lemony,


  1. Happy birthday to Lemony! Please give her a scratch and treat from me! She is a beauty. Have a good weekend, Sandy!

    1. I did. She got tons of petting, milk and cookies too.

  2. Adorable as a puppy, gorgeous as a nine-year-old, and sweet too. Happy Birthday to Lemony!

    And as for the cold, it's 27ยบ here right now, with no wind, which feels very mild. Flowers will be a long, long way off for us, though.

    1. I have to imagine spring pictures are for you what autumn pictures from the northeast to me. Dreamy, but still far away:)

  3. Oh I cried when I read about Lemony and Gorilla glue. It would never be in my house again either after that experience. Poor baby. Happy Birthday Lemony. You were a gorgeous puppy and you grew into a handsome man. RJ

    1. It was a nightmare experience and I am not kidding when I say how grateful I am for the Internet because we were able to attend tonit quickly. Apparently the glue tastes like maple syrup to the dogs. Not sure how they know that. It does have warnings on it but not nearly enough because that could be dangerous for little humans as well. Either way Lemony is our little angel.

  4. Thank goodness you realized what Lemony did right away and took fast action. How terrifying that experience was for you. I'm so glad Lemony survived. She is a beautiful dog and blessed with a wonderful temperament. It's been a very cold winter in the North too and I'm hoping for a nice long Spring. Love your quote!!

    1. She is a special girl in the personality department. Hang on with the cold. I have been trying to stay busy inside.

  5. I love your Betsy—so sweet! I've been thinking about our garden a lot for the past week or so, that quote is perfect.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Rachel. I saw your Tapestree. I am intrigued. Very cute idea.

  6. Oh my what a story. My Friend, Deborah and her husband recently had a cute little hound dog puppy search on their door very sick. It had eaten rat poison that was at their barn. Obviously someone had abandoned it and it was starving to eat that stuff. Anyway, they took her to the vet, got vitamin K and nursed her back to health. She is the prettiest thing and of course has bonded with them so she is staying at the farm. Her name is Lil Red. Glad Lemony survived her poison scare as well. You know I am not a gardener but I do put out some impatiens and so far I have not killed them. Love the Betsy. I saw Vonna finished that one in a clock she found at Goodwill. Took out the clock works and added Betsy. It was so cute. I have been on the lookout for a clock to use as well. ( I have no creativity I just copy as I confessed on my blog.)

    1. That should be Scratch on their door!! I wish the computer would let me type what I want to type!!!

    2. I remember the clock. That was cool. I am going to try really hard to put it in the tart. We shall see!
      I have heard of dogs getting in rat poison and having to have vitamin K. I am glad they took in Lil Red.

  7. So glad your sweet pup was okay after the incident with the Gorilla Glue, Sandy... She really look like a love :) Loved seeing the photo of her as a puppy, too. Sometimes I wish dogs would just stay little like that!

    Love your tart progress--that is such a cute chart!

  8. Lemony has the sweetest face. You can tell she's content and calm these days!


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