
Thursday, January 18, 2018

Sewing and Stitching

Thanks to everyone who read the kindness post and made such sweet comments. It did my heart good to take the dessert to my neighbors. Isn't that the way that works? You feel better for having done the kind deed.

Remember though, I am far from perfect. In the age of social media we can often feel that others are. Believe me, I have those nudges and pass on them far more than I follow through.

Now, for some sewing and stitching.

I am one of those people who has more hobby ideas than time for. I have always been a "jack of all trades" girl rather than an expert in any one thing as well.

Since retiring I have longed to get back to sewing. I really haven't done much since I was pregnant and my oldest just turned 28. I made some of my maternity clothes and you know that whole, "I majored in home economics thing." 

It is one of those things where in the three and half years of retirement I have no sewing to show for it except a couple of simple baby clothing items for baby showers or gifts.

I decided that with the start of this year, that I would give it an earnest try OR put that hobby to bed once and for all.

I follow several sewing blogs. Three of which inspire me to no end. They are... Goodbye Valentino, SunnyGal Studio Sewing, and Girls in the Garden. All three of these ladies are simply amazing. Of course, they are really good and write and do tutorials such as Craftsy and the Mood Network. In other words, they are the real deal.

Speaking of blog lists...mine is an example of just how eclectic my hobbies are.

When Girls in the Garden posted this green velvet jacket on Instagram, I hopped over to her blog and ordered me up the same pattern, thread, and fabric. They were out of the green, so I stepped out my usual color choices and picked the raspberry. Mine does not look like hers for two reasons; she is good and I used a different version due to thinking it would look better on a 5'2" person.


These photos are just plain terrible. I had no one home to photograph me and I was determined to wear my new creation and take photos.

Of course, I think it would look much better with a white blouse and black pants.

How did it all turn out?

I would sum it up like this.

IT is probably as good as anything I could buy at Target.

IT is not nearly as good as anything I would by at Talbot's.

I am a Target is not going to work for me when I make something, even though I wear things that come from Target on occasion (not often, because they don't fit right)!!!

I did enjoy it ---

I hated the pattern directions and did not follow them. I think many of the modern patterns are written for people who have sergers and I don't. I ended up handling the front like a facing and hand stitched the inside so if it flew open, it would look neat.

I did wear it on Tuesday when I volunteer at church. I dropped by Lowe's afterwards and one of the girls commented that she liked my jacket. I smiled and said, "Thank you." I was happy inside.

My daughter was surprised by my color choice and said, "Velvet is real trendy right now."

My husband said it looked like Hugh Hefner's smoking robe. I think he might be right. Same color even. We got a good laugh at that.

If you stuck with me this long...

I have two more projects that I am going to sew up. I will decide if I am going to give up sewing for myself or try and get better. I am not sure right now. It is definitely not a hobby for the faint of heart!

One more sewing note. I think it might be the perfectionist thing that gets in the way. In college, we had to sew for someone else in our class. They picked out the fabric and pattern and we made the dress. WOW! Y'all that was so stressful, even though it was a good friend I was sewing for.
She did wear it and that surprised me!

Onto cross stitching,

Mostly I have been working on quick seasonal projects. My stitching rotation has not even had a chance.

Latest finish was a Lizzie Kate Valentine's stitch. I changed the wording and some of the colors.

Hoping time will permit and that I will be back tomorrow with more things to talk about. Staying inside all week has given me lots to say!



  1. Ha! I love your husband's comment :) But, seriously, I love the color and good for you for getting back to your sewing. I used to sew in high school, but have done nothing since then other than sew the straight seams on my little ornaments.

    Your LK finish is so cute, Sandy--I really need to try to stitch at least one new thing for Valentine's Day this year!

    1. Thanks Carol, We will see how long I last at the sewing thing. I am considering that I may not really want to sew all that much since I keep putting it off. You tend to make time for things you really like. I am going to do the next two projects that I have fabric and patterns picked out and see how I feel then.

  2. I like your jacket and love the color you picked, Sandy. While I know how to do basic sewing, I don't enjoy it like I once did. I much prefer doing other things. Way to go on your LK finish! It is darling.

    1. Well, that just maybe what turns out here. I have said for three years I was going to sew, sew, sew, but you know it hasn't happened. I am going to give it true whirl with the three projects and if it doesn't bring me a lot of joy, I am going to set it aside for something else. Stay tuned!

  3. Very cute cross stitch, Sandy! I like how you edged it with the pompom trim. The jacket is very pretty too and looks so nice on you. You did a beautiful job on it. I made many, many items of clothing for my girls over the years, and used to make dresses, skirts and jumpers for myself, but it has been a long time since I did that sort of sewing. I am more into baby blankets and small sewing projects like coasters and mug rugs now ... easier things.

    1. Thanks on the jacket. I decided this would be the year I would either make time for it because I love it or lay it aside. I don't know if I really love it or just think I should because I once many many moons ago wanted to do it, but work got in the way. This is the year I am going to love it or leave it. Sounds like an HGTV show title:)

  4. I love your jacket and that color of velvet is beautiful. Like you, I am a perfectionist in sewing so I quit sewing for myself many years ago. And my new machine and I are not getting along. I wish I could find an older machine. Love you Valentine stitch I am hoping to get my dough bowl styled next week as well as putting out my Feb cross stitch pieces.

    1. Arlene, I think I just have to get this fever of desire out of my system. I think I am going to arrive at the decision that I don't enjoy it, but more the memory. You have reminded me many what I enjoy. I love cross stitching. I worked on my patriotic tart pie yesterday. It is going to be so pretty.

  5. Sandy I love your jacket and the color. I think it looks really lovely on you. I used to sew all my own clothes due to being stationed at remote bases with no stores. But now I don't enjoy sewing clothes anymore. I only sew drapes, pillows, shower curtains and other things for the house. I would much rather be cross stitching and don't even enjoy sewing for them. I have to force myself to get it done. I love your stitch and how cute the pom pom trim looks. RJ

    1. I think I will probably arrive at the same thing, but I have talked about for three years. If it doesn't make me real happy, then I am going to lay it down for just crafts. I love to cross stitch and that is a fact.

  6. I think your jacket looks great!!
    I can relate with you on sewing. I have a love/hate relationship with it. Before kids, I did a lot of sewing for myself. I even attempted a lot of tailored suits and dresses I, too, am a perfectionist when it comes to sewing. (I am NOT a perfectionist about anything else!!) There were so many details that I couldn't get quite right (welt pockets for one) and it would drive me crazy. Any kind of pucker or seams that didn't quite match up and I would be in fits. Not to mention, sometimes it just didn't end up fitting right. So, I quit sewing clothes and now stick to pillows, curtains, and other home items. Yes, I still get the urge to sew clothes every now and then, but I just try to remind myself of the frustration! Glad to hear others suffer of the same affliction!

    1. Sally, you nailed my thoughts exactly!!! I am probably going to get to the same point, but I have thought about it for so long. IT has been nagging at me, so I am going to put it to rest one way or the other.
      Glad you stopped by.

  7. Sandy, You described me, Jack of all trades and expert at none!! I have been trying for years to find something I'm "good" at but so far it has not happened, in the meantime I enjoy dabbling in whatever catches my fancy.

    I'm so impressed that you tackled a jacket and a velvet one at that for your first project! The color is beautiful on you and it looks great. ( I love the wall of cabinets behind you) I think you did great!!

    Your valentine stitch is very sweet and I really like how you finished it. Checks and pom poms, two favorites of mine!

    1. Well, I would think you and I would have something in common. I can just tell:)
      Thanks for your sweet comments.
      I cross stitched quite a bit yesterday in between my chores, so I will have another project to share soon...I hope.


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.