
Tuesday, January 16, 2018


I had planned to participate in The Perk Project with Stacey at Poofing the Pillows, but...

What is The Perk Project? Here is an excerpt from Stacey's page... Our goal is to put more  Positive*Encouraging*Real*Kindness into the world with your help.
She and a friend blogger had a four week series on each word. Check it out with the link to Stacey's blog at the top.

but.... time got away from me, but I will go ahead and share with y'all some of my thoughts anyway and what I have been up to.

Kindness was this week's topic. I think it is much needed in our world these days. I came across this quote from Charles Kuralt. 
---The everyday kindness of the back roads more than makes up for the acts of greed in the headlines. 

Oh how I miss Charles Kuralt, and I do hope he is right about the everyday acts of kindness. 

A smile is needed so much these days. There are many people going through really tough things and just a note, visit, and even a smile could go along way.

Recently, I had to help my son obtain a mortgage loan. I am NOT the business person in my home. For 31 years, Hubby took care of all business. I paid some bills, but I didn't think beyond that. When I retired, I sort of took over everything all at once. YUK is all I can say about anything to do with business. 

Anyway, back to the point. Our bank doesn't do home mortgages, so I was tasked with finding one. I looked around and called a few places. Some didn't do the kind I was hoping to get. To make a long story short, I drove down the road looking for one place and ended up in another. When I walked in the sweetest lady met me with a smile. She had me with that smile. She wasn't the loan girl, but put me in contact with the correct person. That loan person got my business because of the initial girl's smile.

After the grueling month long process where I had to come up with one thing after another, I dropped by the bank to drop off a note to thank the lady for her smile and her warm welcome. It makes a difference y'all!!!!

I also still believe in handwritten personal notes!!!!!

Making desserts is my love language, so today I made a REAL banana pudding. I mean real as in cooked custard, because I do NOT believe we should call anything made with box pudding banana pudding.

I have two neighbors that have been on my mind. One is a couple that are just a bit older than me. The lady retired two years ahead of me from teaching too. Her husband is suffering from Alzheimer's. We have been down that road with Hubby's mom. A horrible disease. I have watched him go down from early onset Alzheimer's. He is now bedridden, so I took Lemony, the Golden down with me to deliver some banana pudding. They have always loved Lemony and if Lemony was missing she was usually down there begging for a dog biscuit. She is so astute. She knows he is not right and hasn't gone lately. We took her into his room and let him touch her. Lemony was a pure angel. 

My other neighbor is an older gentlemen who lost his Beagle the same week Lucy, my Springer died back in April. He used to walk his dog all the time. We spent a morning crying together last April. I have been a bit worried that he wasn't going to be getting out anymore, so Lemony and I dropped some pudding off to him as well. He has been having some back problems. 

Both neighbors seemed so touched by the visit. The pudding I could make in my sleep. 

I am not patting myself on the back at all. Please don't think that. I just felt led to show some kindness today and I am really trying to listen to those leadings and follow through. 

I will be back tomorrow with some sewing and cross stitching pics.

Check out Stacey's blog. She has been blogging for a very long time. She recently built a new home, and it is so pretty.

Scattering kindness,


  1. You are absolutely right. Kindness goes a long way in this world. There are so many people who are feeling all alone and a note or a small gift is so meaningful. And Banana Pudding always says I Love You at our house!!

    1. Thanks Arlene, banana pudding is the best especially warm.

  2. Oh Sandy, what a kind and generous thing you did for your neighbors. You are so right about a smile being an act of kindness. I am a firm believer in hand written notes and how they bring a smile to the recipient. Thank you for sharing the link to Stacey's blog.

    1. I love getting notes myself. IT is like a great surprise in the mail which is mostly junk mail today.

  3. Oh Sandy, you are so sweet to write this!! You think that banana pudding is a snap but it's not to everyone. I know you just made the day for your neighbors...especially two neighbors that seem to have life situations that are causing them to stay home and be alone more. We just lost my FIL to Alzheimer's on November 25th and I know how grueling and heartbreaking that is. And well we've all experienced the heartbreak of losing a dog or cat.

    Thank you so much for joining us!! I will let Jemma know that you posted too. :)

    Have a great week!

    1. I never linked it, but loved the idea that y'all came up with. All of the posts resonated with me. My mother-in-law died of Alzheimer's too. That is a nasty way to go.

  4. Sandy I know you brought alot of happiness to your neighbors with your banana pudding and your visit. I truly believe in smiles too...nothing better. Your post was so uplifting and one I can really appreciate. RJ

    1. Thanks RJ, the neighbor with the Alzheimer's husband called me last to thank me again. Made me feel good.

  5. That's what the world truly needs is more kindness, God bless you!

  6. Sandy, what a wonderful post. The world can use a lot more kindness. I once worked for a lovely man of the Jewish faith and he said you should do a Mitzvah each day, no matter how small. And, I thought it was a lovely word and idea and try to do my best to do one each day.

  7. This is a wonderful post, Sandy. I so enjoyed reading it. What a blessing your visit must have been to those neighbors. It was such a good idea to bring Lemony along. I'm sure it meant a lot to those folks. And I'm sure the pudding was delicious, too!

  8. A small kindness can mean great things not because of how much you actually do but because of the thought you put into it. A pudding is never just a pudding :-) And well done you.

  9. A sincere compliment or small act of kindness can make such a difference in a person's day, can't it? I know your pudding brought a smile to everyone--that is so sweet :)

  10. Hi...I am new to your blog - Your title caught my eye as I also majored in Home Ec and taught for 25 years! As for kindness, I am a believer that it comes back twofold! It is such a simple act and goes such a long way!

    1. There are quite a few home ec majors out there. The title has caught the eye of more than one. I taught school for 31 years, but only three were in home economics. I married and lived in an area where it died soon. I am still glad that I majored in it though.


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.