
Monday, February 19, 2018

Beach Sunsets and Some Stitching

It was a three day weekend for the family, so I didn't get much done other than playing. Playing is good though!

I worked outside and ran around doing stuff with the hubby all day Saturday. Church and a nap on Sunday followed by a sunset visit to the beach.

Apparently we weren't the only ones with the same idea. There were lots of people out there doing the same. I guess the first really pretty weekend brought everyone out.  I had to break out the shorts this weekend.

As we were sitting there, some really good friends showed up and we sat there to well after sunset visiting.

Today, I set out to do some of chores, but quickly ditched them when my daughter called and asked me to go to the outlet stores with her. She wanted a new purse.

I didn't buy a new purse, but I did pick up a cute knit dress. It will be a very multipurpose use dress and as y'all endured my vent over pants the other day, you know I am ready to wear something else.

I stitched on Betsy's Tart Saturday night but couldn't finish then. My eyes just got so tired. I did finish on Sunday.

I will take another picture of this soon as the lighting was awful on this. 

I actually loved how it turned out. I was so unsure about the colors when I started it. I had seen Vonna's color changes and considered it. I seriously loved her colors, but I decided to just go with the called for colors and I am really glad I did on this ONE. I can be more patriotic on some other selections I have yet to stitch.

Plum Street Sampler had on her pattern envelope that the colors were to be like a sepia photograph, but she felt "Old Glory" deserved a bit of color. I loved the finish colors together. They are definitely Early American.

I had hoped to do a final finish on that and my Spring cottage today, but chose daughter time instead. I hope to get in the sewing room and put a final finish on both this week.

Hope you had a wonderful President's Day,


  1. Sandy I'm so jealous. There is nothing I enjoy better than a sunset visit at the beach. It looks so inviting. I truly love Betsy's tart...she is adorable!!! I get the sepia look and it really brings out the American flag too. Let me know how you enjoy making it to fit your tart. Sounds like a pretty dress...outlet shopping is always fun.

    Looking forward to your finish. RJ

    1. It is indeed a great thing in spring and fall. I try to get in morning walks and sunsets as much as I can.
      I hope to try and fit it in there today. Wish me luck!

  2. Oh, I love Betsy's tart in the sepia colors! Your sunset photos is beautiful I love the sunsets in Florida, they are always so beautiful and colorful. Mary

    1. Thanks Mary, I hope to place it in the tart today. Wish you could come go for a walk with me!

  3. Your stitching turned out beautiful!! I like your color choices. The neutrals in the lady help to set up the patriotic colored of the flag. Very classy.

    Fort Walton Beach -- so beautiful. We've been wearing our shorts here in Jax, too!

    1. I was glad I went with the appointed colors because I really got the designer's vibes when I finished it. I have a couple of patriotic ones in my basket to do this year, so I will have opportunity to do red, white, and blue.
      Jacksonville Beach is pretty too. The beach is different, but I love that area as well. My daughter and son-in-law lived there for about a year after they got married. I loved visiting her. They are in Destin now, so Mama is happier she is closer now.

  4. Choose Daughter Time every time Sandy!! So glad you found a nice dress. I do not want to look dowdy but so many of the new styles are made for the younger set. I am not ready for Alfred Dunner yet.:) When we were in Bham on Saturday Marvin said he wanted to keep driving on down to the beach. I concurred. Maybe when he is fully retired we can take off on an impulse trip. I have the Grands this week so we will take off on Thursday for Grimmwood. Hoping for some porch time.

    1. Oh Arlene, I laughed out loud. I seriously was thinking I might have to buy me some Alfred Dunner elastic waist pants and see if I could disguise them in some way. Where are the clothes for us? I don't want to look 80, but I want something stylish and comfortable.
      Porch time is good too!
      Although I noticed on my 15 day outlook that we have some cool back on the way...not cold just cool.

  5. Sandy, congratulations on getting the stitching finished on Betsy's Tart. Happy to hear you went shopping with your daughter and found a dress to add to your wardrobe! The sunset pictures are lovely.

  6. That looks like the perfect way to end a day, Sandy--sitting on the beach watching the sun disappear :) I do miss sunsets as we live down in a valley and don't see them here.

    You tart is darling-just saw your finish on IG and it looks perfect :)

    1. Thank you Carol. That is a true compliment coming from you.


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