
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Morning Beach Walk and a Stitching Finish

I made it out to the beach for a walk this morning.

Since hurting my back, I thought I would wait for my gym visit until tomorrow and savor the good weather this morning.

There is really nothing like a morning walk at the beach this time of year. It is a great way to start the day.

This really was the second picture. I guess I needed some flash. #notaphotographer

This afternoon I worked to put my finished stitching in its tart.

For all of you professional finishers who make all of this look so may stop reading right now and come back another day.
I am straight up embarrassed to show you the rest.

However, I always want to see pictures of how things are done, so I am sharing how I did it. Arlene @Nanaland asked for a tutorial.

I really did plan to stitch the back like the lacing I have seen. However, I just couldn't seem to control it as well OR maybe I just lost my patience and went with what I knew.

So here goes...

I didn't not have any sticky board or mat board on hand. I was so sad and thought if I leave to go get some all my work time will be lost and motivation with it, so I improvised.

I found the back of an old graph paper notebook and cut two circles out using the removable piece of the pie tart pan as a guide.

I used two pieces since I didn't think one was sturdy enough and used tacky spray glue to hold them together. I had perfect weight then.

I used some batting I had on hand. It is some that is used for quilting found at Joann's, but fluffy kind. I only used one layer, but I might use two next time.

My tart was like a biscuit with no baking powder with only one layer.

I am undecided on if I need it with more baking powder. I will test it next time.

I was pleased with it though😊

I didn't even glue the batting.

I then used my tacky glue to start gluing it down on the back. I always use my small clothes pins to hold down what I glue until it dries. The clothes pins are the size you usually find in the baby shower stuff. These were left from my classroom.

I added a washer on second thought. Much like my monthly cottages. I use washers to hold them to a magnet placed in frames. I think the pie tarts are so cute that I might like to prop them up in a basket or shelf. I didn't have to glue the magnet since the pans are metal.

So that my friends is the way I did mine.
I am sure I have lots to learn!

That is for today. I hope this helped some poor DIY'er like me who is not nearly as crafty as she would like to be.

Crafter wannabe,

Update: After I posted this, I was surfing Pinterest and found this link which has a wonderful tutorial for what I did and it looks much better.


  1. Thank you Sandy...maybe my next tart will look as good as yours!!

    1. You are welcome. I think ALL of your stuff is good. I think we just tend to see all of our own imperfections.

  2. Hi Sandy!! I always like catching up with you and your stitching projects. Enjoy your week.

  3. What an enjoyable way to start the day with a walk on the beach! Your tart finish looks super, Sandy. Thank you for the step by step how to!

    1. You are very welcome. I really liked the tart or at least the circle shape.

  4. Your finished project looks WONDERFUL to me!

    And your darker beach photo is fine, too. It has character. Don't be hard on yourself. You are very talented.

  5. I love walks on the of my most favorite things to do anytime of the year. Sandy I think your tart came out wonderful. Love how you made yours. There are so many different ways out there but yours is a great one. RJ

    1. Thanks RJ, I really liked the idea of a tart or maybe just the circle shape. I plan to do more.

  6. Hi Sandy! Your tart finish looks great and I know each one will be easier and you will grow more confident. The link you provided from Pinwheel Ponders is the exact one I used years ago when I began doing round/oval finishes. I love them and they have become my easiest way to finish my circular pieces. That beach looks wonderful right about now--it is a rainy mess up here in PA :)

  7. I loved seeing the beach shots, so beautiful. It's been a long time since I was at the beach and seeing these makes me want to go again. And I really like your finished needlework project. Great work!

    1. I feel very blessed to live here except when hurricanes are in the Gulf, then it is full on nail biting. Thank you. I picked up cross stitching after almost 15 years of setting it aside due to the teaching and raising teens. I am thoroughly smitten with it once again.

  8. What a brilliant idea to use the tart tin for a frame, Sandy, I really like it. And thanks for showing how you did it. Also - what a glorious beach!

    1. It is a brilliant idea, but alas I am not the brilliant one, just a great copycat.
      I feel very blessed to live where I live except when hurricanes are floating too close for comfort.

  9. Well done, Sandy, we all get better as we practice. I just found a cross stitch piece from 19 years ago. It was stitched on Aida 😳, and the traveling threads on the back looked like the laser beams straight out of a spy movie. I’ve come a long way, baby! So will you. πŸ˜‰. I’m loving the beach shots. My hubby and I will be enjoying those ocean waves in a couple of months. πŸ˜€


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