
Sunday, March 25, 2018

A Mother Daughter Trip and Random Update on Things

When Lindsay and I didn't get to go to New York, we decided a trip to the cabin would be a second choice.  I will give you a little rundown of our trip and other stuff going on.

We left early Thursday morning and traveled to our cabin near Auburn. We stopped in and turned everything on and headed into Auburn to shop a little. Along the way we called to see if we could eat at my most favorite restaurant ever. It is called Acre. If you ever travel through Auburn and want delicious food with a great atmosphere you simply must stop here. It is owned by David Bancroft who beat the Iron Chef.

When I arrived home last night, my new Southern Living magazine had the restaurant featured.


It is pricey, an absolute adorable setting, casual dress, and very tasty food. This coming from the queen of picky eaters. I don't know what it is about it, but I love it.

Okay, onto other things. We drove around looking at houses since we want to sell the farm and cabin at the lake and then locate something in Auburn in town. Y'all nothing much is for sell. However, we did list the farm last week with a realtor. In one week, he said he had more hits on his site than all other listings combined. I am sure it will sell. It is a lovely place and would make a great horse farm or cattle farm. I have actually had someone to tell me when we get ready to list the cabin, so I KNOW it will fall into place when the time is right. We are in no hurry. We will not sell the cabin until we sell the farm and then locate something in Auburn. A chain of events I guess you could say.

On Friday, we drove to Columbus to do some sight seeing and shopping. I have never taken the kids to where I lived over there as a child or during my first year teaching, so I took her to all my spots. It was fun sharing that.

We drove back to the cabin and ate supper at Oskar's on the Lake. This is a home cooking place I guess that is what you would call it, but it is also good.

Can't have New York, then you will eat good at home!!!

On Saturday, we drove home stopping in Montgomery for a bit too.

Mother and Daughter had a great time together anyway.

The Tuesday night before we were supposed to head to New York, I was washing my last load of clothes. I wanted to make sure I was all caught up before I left when the washing machine I have never liked started smoking. I thought I smelled smoke the other day and was watching it carefully. It is toast!!! While I absolutely hate coughing up money for a new machine, I am so happy to say goodbye to this one.

While I was gone, Jeff did washing machine research and shopped for one. He had it narrowed down for me, so I went machine shopping shortly after I got home. I have a new one being delivered Wednesday. He hauled off the old one before I even got home.

Y'all know what that means don't you?! I can paint that laundry closet and tidy it up some. I will be painting it tomorrow. I was on Pinterest last night searching for ideas. Some of you had mentioned a cabinet. Oh how that would be wonderful, but they won't fit, so the shelf stays. I am going to paint and see if I can doctor the shelf up some without spending money. I have the paint already. Stay tuned!

For those of you wishing for spring, it was so interesting to see the lines of change along the way to Auburn which is located in central Alabama. The dogwoods are in bloom in the woods even if all the trees aren't green. The trees around the cabin have not turned green yet. There are lots of hardwoods there. The grass is poking its head up through the brown though. Spring is coming.

Just a random picture of Lemony. She curled herself up to fit in Gus's bed the other night.

When we were driving home, the temperature yesterday got warmer and warmer. Interstate 65 was packed with people coming to the beach. In fact, I thought there was a wreck, because 2 miles out from the exit off I65 the traffic was stopped. It was just that many headed to the beach. It took us much longer to get home on a Saturday than a Sunday afternoon which is usually when we are coming home. I think other than Monday everyone should have a great beach week. The weather as of now says the high tomorrow is only going to reach 69. The rest of the week 70's. I will say it has been quite cloudy this year thus far. Don't know what is up with that.

I will stop for now, but I do have more organization challenges to share this week, hopefully some stitching, and other stuff.

I am headed to church, but thought I would type this up real quick.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend and Happy Palm Sunday,


  1. I love the shot of Lemony curled up in Gus' bed. It sounded like you had a wonderful mother-daughter weekend even though it wasn't the planned NY trip. I hope your new washer makes you a happy camper. Enjoy your Sunday!

    1. I can't wait to get my new washer. The other one is right after the front loads came out. I had to get a new one, but that one was just never my cup of tea. They are all energy efficient, but I got a top loader which I think I will like better and it does have an override so that you can really fill the tub with water for a comforter or something. Lemony is a sweetie. Gus is currently in time out for getting wet after I dried him off. We have been outside and I can't keep him out of the bayou. Oh MY!!!

  2. Sandy we were driving to Bham for Baylor's party and it took us 2 1/2 hours where it is usually I hour and 20 minutes. We finally got off on 31 and made pretty good time. We got to Bham and almost a standstill. We got off at Greensprings and let Suri direct us the rest of the way. So frustrating!!

    Glad you redeemed your vacation...sounds like fun. I will have to look up ACRE in my Southern Living . Looking forward to seeing your laundry update. I have Audrey this week so doubtful much stitching will get done. Have a good week.

    1. It was crazy, but there were a lot from midwest states coming. It is supposed to be cloudy, but great temps. Now, the water is way too cold for me not that I go in it anyway. Sharks are really in there.
      You enjoy Audrey...she will be worth no stitching. You can catch back up next week. Early to bed.

  3. Glad you at least got to get away with your girl!! I chuckled as I was reading your post and realizing you're an Auburn girl....cuz what I am??? LSU all the way baby!!!! Yep, a Loosiana girl with a love of our Tigers. It's always fun to play Auburn because the competition is stiff.
    And we vacation at the beach in alabama every year!!

    1. The competition is indeed fierce. I can remember so many LSU games all the way back to my early days. They once played in September around my birthday, so we always went to that game. I was at the one where our very ancient student activity building caught fire, and my favorite memory (I think?) was the game the year IVAN hit. We had been through a long mess. We got our place closed up and thought we will be without electricity for weeks, so we will just go get to the game. Hot and tired it looked as if we would lose, so Hubby decided we would leave. As we are walking to our car, the stadium erupts. Mine and two kids eyes went coldly on the man. We scored and won in the last seconds. We reminded him from that day forward that we never leave the stadium early.
      It wasn't NY, but we had fun together and good to get away. Have a good week.

  4. So good that you and your daughter could have your girls' getaway after all, just different than planned. Sometimes we really need low-key, we just don't realize it. Sounds like a really nice time together.

    Funny about appliances ... my dryer quit last week. It isn't quite warm enough up here to hang laundry out, plus it would take on a smoky smell from the chimney smoke (we heat only with wood). My handy hubby figured out the problem, and the dryer part just arrived from Amazon. He will fix it tonight, Lord willing.

    1. Things usually turn out as they are supposed to.
      Appliances once lasted for decades and were easily fixed with a part. My washer that died has been repaired multiple times already and this time it was going to cost at least 500 to fix it. The drum turns so fast in these new washers that ti wears them out. Hopefully, the newer one I have picked will have worked out some of those kinks. I hope I picked well. I just want a good washer fancy. Fancy breaks.
      In other news, the closet got painted and a new light put in. IT has a tall ceiling and the fluorescent light had not worked in years, but was too hard to fix. So, with the washer out and the shelf down for painting, I was able to get a regular light in it. No one can see it, so I am tickled pink to now have a light in the area. Will be nice at night. You can see how I was glad for the old washer to go. Now, I hope this one last for 30 years!

  5. I've always wanted to eat at Acre, but it seems we are always rushing through Auburn to get to Atlanta. I'll have to plan better next time I'm up that way. Glad you had fun on your getaway.

    1. It is definitely worth the stop. He is opening a new restaurant this fall. It will be a BBQ place that you order at the counter... a little more relaxed, but I am sure it will be good.

  6. I'm glad you got to spend time together and have some fun. I remember when we were ready to retire we thought about Clinton, SC but there was nothing for sale there. It's a pretty little town. I'm glad we decided to go farther South now! Enjoy your week!

    1. I hope the just right place will come along for the family to enjoy our college visits. I love living in Florida. The weather makes it just right for me!

  7. Sounds like you made the best of the weekend, that restaurant looks wonderful. I gave up all my magazine subscriptions years ago but I still miss Southern Living. It was my favorite of the bunch. Lemony has certainly taken over Gus's bed!!

    1. She was so cute. She has her own bed, so I have no clue what brought that on. Maybe she thought he had something special since it was newer.
      I am close to giving my magazines up. Mostly I feel they are not so new anymore.

  8. What a nice trip with your daughter, Sandy. I know you were disappointed that the NYC trip didn't work out, but there's always next year!

    I hope your new washing machine will be more to your liking... It's so funny how excited we can get over a new washer or dryer, isn't it? The simple things! What brand did you end up with? They sure don't make appliances like they used to, do they? When we had our new refrigerator delivered a couple years ago, the men told us it would last only about 10 years--what?!!

    Wishing you a very Happy Easter weekend--hope you get to see all of your family :)

    1. Our washing machine only lasted 10 years and had been worked on twice. It was an LG and I think one of the first ones that came out that was front loading. It was supposed to be the best thing I could get. I went a little more basic this time, so I am hoping it will be better. IT is a top load. I don't think I ever want a front load. You have to leave the door open to keep the mildew and smell down. For me that meant it was open right in my entry hallway. The brand is Whirlpool. I don't think much is made anymore to last. I can't help but think landfills. Since I grew up in rural south Alabama, my family has had to fight landfills where they want to bring things from south Florida by rail. I struggle with that.
      Anyway, out of all it I was able to paint the laundry closet and even put a new shelf (same kind). I shouldn't have to put up the curtains back up so it is all good!
      Have a great Easter as well.

    2. I got the brand wrong. I got a Maytag. I just stood and washed it washed two loads yesterday. I think I have a winner.

  9. I was sad to read about your canceled trip, but it sounds like you and your daughter had a great time anyway. Congratulations on your new machines. 😃. Judy


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