
Thursday, March 22, 2018

Blogging Anniversary

Hello Blogging Friends,

I have an anniversary for my blog. No landmark year like one, five or ten like some of you, just 4.

When I set out of this journey, I really didn't know what I thought it would be. I started it just before I retired from 31 years of teaching. I was going through some of the very big highs and lows that life offers. I was finishing a career that quite frankly the last ten years had consumed. Y'all teaching is very different now. I had just spent time planning my daughter's wedding all the while dealing with the upcoming death of my step dad (been in my life since age 11) from a pretty rough road of cancer.

I won't go through every play by play of all that, but suffice it to say it was an unbelievable year that took me some time to recover from. Lots of great moments coupled with some very sad moments.

I was hopeful though because I was turning a page on the chapters of my life.

I loved blogs from the first ones that I read which BTW were all teaching blogs. I ventured out to what I like to call home and family blogs. I have really tried to remember the first ones I read, but not sure of the titles of all of them. Sadly most have quit blogging. I do understand because sometimes you go through phases of life and they take over. I would say if you quit, let us know you are stopping!!!

I have to be honest...I am not even sure what I thought I would write about or how long I would do it. I just went for it. I never ever wanted it to be more than a hobby and community.

I am so shy so putting myself out there was hard for me. I really don't even think I cared if no one read it. I just wanted to keep a journal of the good things. I have to tell you I think I was shocked the first time someone commented. I like comments because they help you get to know others.

What is it about blogging that draws me in?

I simply love journaling the good things. I can't even begin to tell you how much I love going back to see photos of things past. It is like a glorified photo album.

I mostly write only the happy stuff, but trust me my life is far from perfect. I have ups and downs just like most other people. I say most other people, because I really think a few people in life go through it with few tough moments, but most of us don't.

I love it when others share how they have walked through a trial because it can be very helpful. I just tend to be a little quieter about life. However, don't ever think it is all roses here!

I love it when others share their homes, because I simply love home decor. I have loved it since I was a kid. I have looked at more books, magazines, etc. than most. However, one should never feel that theirs is not pretty enough to share. I love all homes and love to see how one makes 4 walls a home. Being lived in and feeling comfortable is way more important to me than magazine worthy!!!!!!!!

I love getting to know the people behind the blogs I read. I look forward to seeing what you are up to. The community behind the blog is so important. Life is about relationships and while we aren't in the same neighborhood, I have learned that we all have so much in common. One of my favorite things is to see photos of the other parts of the country and even the world.  As a kid, I always had my head in a book or an encyclopedia so I guess it is no wonder that I would love blogs.

 I think the downside to blogs is just like any other social media you have to be careful that you don't get carried away and start thinking I don't have so and so, or someone has it better.

When I get to feeling a bit uncomfortable I walk away and purposely stay off the computer and phone  for awhile. Fasting from it is a good thing.

I have absolutely no clue how long I will do this or what I will even write about.

I do know will change as I go through the seasons of life.

One of my favorite Bible verses is "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9

I am not making plans just going with the flow.

I love the friends I have made. I had no idea I would actually meet a blogging friend in person. It was wonderful. I truly love Arlene and am so glad we stepped out there to do that. Tamyra is just as darling as I thought... we met at an antique sale. Leslie Anne and I have emailed back and forth. We really need to get together. I wish I could meet all of you in person. Maybe one day.

I have learned so much from reading blogs.

My other thought about this four year anniversary is that a lot has happened in this four years. I have not written about tons of it, but seeing this blog reminds me of how much life has changed in the four years. I love retirement. IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LIKE I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE, but I am all good with it.

Thanks friends for reading all my ramblings on life.



  1. Sandy, I enjoyed reading your reflections on why you began to blog those four years ago. Reading blogs provides a connection to others for me.

  2. Good Morning Sandy, I so agree with many of the points you shared. I am glad to have met you and I love seeing your master work and your little stories. I do not get to vivit as much as I use to, but I love being able to see the hearts and homes of so may interesting ladies and friends. Happy blogging dear friend. Happy Spring another season...
    Hugs, Roxy

  3. Sandy it was a joy to read this post. I have so many of the same feelings. I too tend to be shy until I get to know someone and that is why Mary and I started our blog together because we both didn't want to put ourselves out there alone. All the same thoughts went through our heads too. But, like you I'm so glad we took the plunge.

    I too started with decorating blogs. For years that was my love decorating my home French Country. I made alot of good friends on the decorating boards before the blogs.

    You have done a wonderful job with your blog and I'm so happy you are here. I always get a good feeling when I visit with you. And I truly love Lemony and Gus like they are my own pets.

    Congratulations on a job well done. Keep blogging so we get to know you even better. RJ

    1. Thanks RJ. I will let the doggies know you like them:) I have no plans to stop soon. I really enjoy it.

  4. Congratulations on your 4 year blog anniversary, Sandy! I've enjoyed reading your posts since I found your blog and getting to know you better.

    I started my blog over 9 years ago--hard to believe! I know just what you mean about going back and referring to old posts. I love having my blog to refer to for holiday memories, our travels, my stitching finished (of course!), and recipes. But, I think the best part of blogging is the friends I've connected with all over the world. I always hate it when someone stops blogging without a goodbye. I promise that when I decide to call it a day and stop, I will tell everyone :)

    1. Thanks Carol. I definitely think everyone should let us know when they are quitting. I don’t have a blogging schedule and never will so I am fine with breaks but I feel like the people I have met through the blog are friends.

  5. Four years is a milestone. I have seen many bloggers come and go. Like you, I love the community and the friends I have made. I know that if you and I lived in the same city we would be thick as thieves.:) When you meet someone who loves the same things you do, thinks along the same lines, you just feel a kinship. And we are going to meet up with Leslie Anne in September in Gulf Shores so that is something to look forward to! Did you see that Talk of the House is posting on Instagram? I cant wait to see her lake house. She is one that I miss. Some days I like to look back on my blog posts from years ago just to savor the memories. It is a good thing as my friend, Martha, says. So thankful that God placed you in my life, Sandy.

    1. Ditto on that last statement. And yes, I even had to look up pictures of On Golden Pond when she said it would that movie meeting summer camp. I think I can see her vision. Will be fun to watch.

  6. This was a a GREAT blog post! Like you, I have not been sure what to do with my blog at times, and I've made countless changes over my 9 years as a blogger.

    One thing I do know, blogging is a platform that our Lord wants us to use for His glory and the good of others. You most certainly do that with all of your photos and wonderful comments.

    Happy Blog-a-versary!

    1. You are definitely correct in it being used to honor Him.

  7. Hello, so nice to meet you! Glad your are posting! Leticia

  8. Thanks Ms Bingles. Glad you dropped by.


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.