
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Mother and Daughter Sad

Lindsay and I are totally bummed. We were scheduled to fly out early this morning for our mother /daughter trip to NY.

This big record breaking storm cancelled our flights.

Big Boo Hoo!

We can't get a flight out until Friday which means we have had to cancel the trip.

She was on vacation this week, so maybe we can try again this summer.

I guess that happens when others want to come to the beach and there is a hurricane in the Gulf.


Anyway, I think we are putting together a road trip for a couple of days locally.

Mary @ Stitching Friends Forever, we had reservations at your restaurant recommendation. We are so sad! We were going to Wicked that evening, so we made reservations for that restaurant. Maybe another time! Thanks for the tip though.

It is sunny here though,

This morning on the bayou.


  1. Sandy, I am sorry that your trip was canceled. It is snowing here and while I love the snow, it is putting a damper on my plans to get together with an out of state friend who is in the area visiting. The bayou picture is fabulous.

    1. Weather can be a spoiler. It was in the back of my mind all along. We will try again later. Hope you get to see your friend. IT is actually in the 60's here today, but I don't mind. It feels nice.

  2. Well Boo...I know you are disappointed. Hope you can redeem the vacation by some girl time locally. Or you could come to Decatur!!:)

    1. One of these days I just might surprise you. We are going to go spend a couple of days at the cabin.

  3. Replies
    1. Plan B is not nearly as exciting, just a couple of days at our cabin. Maybe a shopping trip to Columbus.

  4. How terrible! The fun will be planning the next trip.

    1. Not as sad as this morning anymore. Maybe later.

  5. Oh, I'm so sorry you didn't get to go! It's been crazy Spring weather everywhere! Nice here though. Sending you some extra hugs tonight!

    1. I am grateful to live where is warm. We are not as sad this evening. Just wasn't meant to be:)

  6. SOOOO sorry your wonderful plans had to be cancelled!

  7. Oh no Sandy...that is terrible! I'm so sorry you had to cancel. I would love to see Wicked one day. I hear it is great. And I'm sure Mary gave you a great recommendation for eating...she knows the city well. Hope you spend some nice days in the area and plan again in the summer. RJ

    1. We were so excited, but just wasn't meant to be. We were able to get refunds on all, so that was good. We actually had to sell the Wicked tickets on Ticketmaster but were able to do so. Maybe later.

  8. Sandy, I'm so disappointed that you were not able to come to NYC because of this horrible weather. I'm glad you were able to sell the tickets so you did not lose your money. I hope your able to visit NY in better weather. The Fall is always lovely for a trip to NY. Summer can be miserable with the humidity. I do recall Pioneer Woman coming to NYC in Aug and we had a cold one, she had to buy warm clothing for her family. You just never know anymore!


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