
Monday, March 12, 2018

A New Book on Organizing

I did something a bit unusual for me!

Timid me saw that Melissa @The Inspired Room has a new book out. In one of her more recent posts she stated that she was looking for those that might be willing to join the launch team and follow along with some weekly challenges.

I loved two of her books, Love the Home You Have and Make Room for What You Love: Your Essential Guide to Organizing and Simplifying. I have even written about one of them here.

I thought, "Why not?!"

So this came in the mail one day!!!

 First, the book is so pretty. What is not to love about pink?

Then I received an email about the challenges being on Facebook...I was like Yikes!!! I don't do Facebook. I emailed back and said I would agree to return the book, but Melissa arranged for me to get the challenges and share them on my blog.

I am probably a week behind on my challenges, since I was sick and didn't get started with the Facebook group.

If you have Facebook and Instagram, the hashtag is #simpleorganizing.
I am not real sure how Facebook works...don't think I want to know ....well, at least as long as my hubby works for the school district. That was the main reason I never got one. Teaching and Facebook don't go together.

ANYwho, I plan to share my first challenge tomorrow...just wanted to share the book today.

I have never ever done anything like this, so we will see how this all goes. The book goes on sale April 3rd.

I am making a list on the notepad of things I really like from the book.
My first favorite thought is
     "Everyday we make choices that contribute to disorder in our home." ---Simple Organizing

Isn't that the truth. I am working on it!

Be back tomorrow with my first challenge.


  1. Sandy this looks like so much fun and you will be great at it. Love the is very attractive. How nice of Melissa to let you do it on your blog instead of Facebook. Hope you are feeling better soon. I had a terrible fall last Tuesday and have not been able to be on the computer...could not navigate the steps too well. I will catch up with any other post you put up. RJ

    1. So sorry you fell. It took me quite awhile to get back up after falling with Gus and the trash can. This getting older thing is rough. My daughter and I do have a Broadway play on tap. She is in charge of the itinerary...I am just following along, but we are going to see Wicked. I am very excited about that.

  2. How fun!! I look forward to following a long. I am gong to go and look at that hashtag now.

    1. I have never done anything like this, because I am just a blogger for ads etc, but I liked her books, so I thought I would play along.

  3. Wow! This is just awesome. You've really got me interested. I've been on her blog looking around this morning! I think I NEED this book too! Hugs!

  4. I have Facebook, but I’m only seeing this fun journey because of your blog . I think I just might follow along. Thanks for sharing 😊. Judy


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