
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Week One Challenge on Simple Organizing

As promised from yesterday, I am sharing the first week's challenge from The Inspired Room's #simpleorganizing challenge.

The Week 1 challenge was "Setting the Stage for a Welcoming Home." The premise is evaluate your entry as to whether it is warm and welcoming. It should evoke a feeling of calm over chaos for guests  but also your own family.

I would totally agree with that. I know that since retirement I have taken the time to declutter and just to look around and have fun making my home pretty. I have always loved decorating, but finally feel I have time to think about it now.

Now, y'all have all seen my front door entrance and it is lovely....THE ONLY PROBLEM.....

No one really uses it. The dogs and I go out it every morning and every night to go out and take care of business. I have no earthly idea why no one comes to the front door. I have thought about it long and hard. I wondered if it is because our sidewalk doesn't go straight out to the cul de sac, but rather from the driveway which is then only a few steps from the garage door.

I don't think I am ever going to change that, so let's talk the real entry for family and friends.

Right through the garage and hello laundry closet.

Not the prettiest sight.

The closet is actually just that a closet and had louver doors on it, but the back door couldn't even be opened if the dryer and door were opened. With dogs it was just chaos all of the time.

The decision was made to take the doors down. BUT, then look at what you would see if you entered.

Honestly even if I spent money on putting all those necessary items in cute containers, it is still what it is.

My best effort was to add cute curtains that I could keep the basic necessities of laundry hid. 
While I know I could do more like getting cute little wicker baskets to house some of it, it just hasn't happened, but that is something I would like to do because I think that would really make a visual difference. It is in the plans. I would love to do away with that wire shelf because it is so old, but that is not happening. I was thinking on this and thought some kind of shelf paper or even a cloth ruffle to cover a bit of it would be nice too.

I have plans, but definitely couldn't pull it together that quickly. I chose to do the curtains just to the top of the machines because I figured if I did floor length that I was right back where I was with the louver doors.

Now, the monster problem is EVERYONE walks through my garage. Y'all I have literally had friends come by and if the door was down text me and ask if I was home😆

You may remember before I got sick I was planning to work on the garage. I have hardly touched it, but I am going to do a few things out there as well. It will still be a garage and that is that. It needs to have a lot of decluttering!!!

Ideas anyone???

The book gave me lots to think on, but I truly know that visual clutter and nice things do make me feel less stressed.



  1. Your entry is lovely and it's a shame it's not used more. I'm no help with ideas for the laundry area other than baskets which you already are thinking of. I should get that book too, I need to de-clutter but everytime I get rid of something I seem to find a use for it shortly afterwards!

    1. I definitely think over time I am going to add some baskets. I think that would tidy things up a good bit. I think this new book is pretty; chock full of photos, but if you have never read her books I would start with one of the other two first. I really liked both of them. It is so hard to let go of things. That is my biggest problem. IF I didn't have a large home I would have to get rid of stuff.

    2. Oh, and we made a reservation for the restaurant. We are going to a play and made it for the same day since we will be in that area.

  2. I think you've done a great job on the laundry room with the cute curtains. And I would still consider the front door my entrance and everything looks beautiful there. There is NO way you can keep a garage in perfect order all year round so I wouldn't worry about it. (this would not help with the look of things but do you think you need another shelf above your washer and dryer? One that is lower for your detergent, etc? It could be just like the other shelf above it....just low enough for your laundry stuff to fit and for you to reach it) I love this book and will try to get one and work on my house too! Hugs!

    1. I have thought before a shelf might be a good idea. I am only 5'2" so it is stretch for me for the detergent:) I had one of those things that roll in between for awhile. I ended up getting rid of it, although I might consider that again. I keep the stack of towels and old sheets on the dryer because the dogs are always getting into something and I need one quick. IT is life on the garage. I would never ever get Hubby to be too much cleaner, but I do have some ideas for tidying up a few things. I will share if I ever get out there.

  3. We come in through the garage as well so I have to go out front and check on things from time to time. Our friends use the front door but it steps right into the living room so it is what it is. I like your idea of the curtains just to the top of the machines. I love all the pretty containers but if they do not work, why bother, just close the That probably speaks volumes about my housekeeping skills.

    1. That has been pretty much my method when people come in. I have few ideas for the garage, but it is a garage. We have had cabinets with doors before out there and Jeff is way worse about putting things away. About a year ago, we bought some new shelving from Sam's. It is going better, but now that I have watched him for awhile, I think I can tidy some things. If I ever make it out there, I will share. Getting sick slowed me up.

  4. I like the curtains you created for above your washer and dryer. The only thing I would suggestion would be something like kitchen cabinets for the area above the machines. Our front door gets used 50% of the time -- it leads directly into the computer area followed by the open floor plan of the great room, kitchen, and dining nook. The other 50% come in through the garage which brings you into the laundry area.

    1. So I am not the only one:) The cabinet idea is a great one. I did that at my previous home. Food for thought.

  5. The curtains you put up in your laundry room look great!

    1. Thanks Angela, Just popped over to your blog and left a comment on your health post. I will be checking in:)

  6. I already left a comment on this blog post earlier, but I wanted to stop by again and say thanks for visiting my blog and sharing with me about your thyroid problems. I look forward to reading up about your thyroid journey and I just became your newest subscriber!

    1. Good luck with your health journey. I am cheering you on and wishing for good things. Being tired all the time can wear you down.

  7. I think everything all ready looks fabulous. I am in love with that peacock lamp in your front entry. And your neat, meticulous garage rivals my Mister's pride and joy. Hope you are feeling better. Have a restful weekend.

    1. I love my little peacock lamp. It came from Kirkland's and I am quite sure it spoke to me the day I purchased it:) The garage unfortunately looks like that about once every two months when I go out and spiffy it up. Ugh! I am much better...thanks.

  8. No one ever uses our front entrance either! They come in through the kitchen door or through the garage :) I guess that's just the way things are these days. My laundry room is in the center of my home and I always try to keep it neat because of that. I have white kitchen cabinets above my washer and dryer and love that they can contain all of the soaps, etc. This might work for you, too :)

  9. Everyone uses our front door so I guess I'm lucky on that one. I think your cafe curtains are a great solution but baskets would be great too. Sometimes you can get stock cabinets at a very low price if someone in your family is handy to put them in. RJ

  10. Great challenge, Sandy. Everyone uses my front door also, but the area the family uses is the garage. Today I will be working on cleaning up the plastic shelving that holds various pet and lawn and garden items. We deserve a visual hug of calm organization when we come home. Judy


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