
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A Fully Finished Bluebird Stitch

I stole away from chores and appointments yesterday to finish my bluebird stitch.

I ordered the called for ribbon from Country Stitches Online. The pattern is called Bluebird out My Window by With Thy Needle and Thread. The ribbon color was "tobacco brown" and said it was seam tape. Just let me say if it is really seam tape whatever they do in the dyeing process was amazing. It was so soft.

I stitched it on 28 count Cashel linen and sort of wished I had tried the recommended 36 count. Either way, I really liked the ribbon attached to it. I could have even used a longer piece, but again I liked it so I am pleased. It will find a home on my shelves in the living room for a while. The final product measured approximately 5" X 7". It might have fit in a ready made frame well.

The cloth was a remnant piece from the quilting store. It did have the designer name on it.
It is "Windermere" from Brenda Riddle Designs.

I will hopefully get in the sewing room today or tomorrow and finish my little umbrella for April or otherwise April will be gone before I know it.

Happy stitching,


  1. Sandy... I LOVE your bluebird pillow. And the ruffle is the cherry on top. Hope you have a great week!!

  2. Love it and that trim is perfection. I may look into ordering some trim from her site. I am trying to get patriotic pieces done for the dough bowl!


    1. I am about to move into some patriotic pieces as well. I want to do that Lady Liberty that you gave me. I also have some others. The trim was so pretty. Sometimes you are glad you went with something. I will have to share with you one day how I got the bias trim on the spring pillow to work so well. It was by accident, but worked well. If it goes well again with the April Showers, I will share it.

  3. That is just gorgeous. We have lots of bluebirds around here and love them. I think they are trying to nest in some of the cubbies under our mailboxes now though. Beautiful stitching! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Diane.
      I don't actually see too many bluebirds, but I would love too.

  4. Your Bluebird pillow turned out great, Sandy. I love the fabric and the seam tape used to set off your stitching. Well done!

  5. That is so adorable! We have bluebirds and it always excites me to see them.

    1. Thanks Stacey. I don't actually see too many around here.

  6. This turned out beautifully, Sandy. That trim is perfect. My mother loved bluebirds and was always so happy to see them return each spring.

    1. Thanks Mrs. T. IF it makes you think of your mother, the pattern is yours if you want it. I am trying to send my patterns on to others after I finish with them.

  7. I don't understand any of those details, but it is beautiful!!!

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you and I just saw a bluebird on my morning walk.

  9. Just beautiful, Sandy. My grandfather and uncle grew tobacco in the family farm, so I really love the ribbon. Judy

    1. It turned out so pretty in person. I was really glad I ordered it. The color was so unique and it really did look like tobacco. I wonder if they really used tobacco to dye it. Things that make you go hmmm?!

  10. Oh how lovely. I'm the same - no chore had better get in my way when I'm finishing a crafty project.

    1. Thank you Amalia. I need to get on those chores now! However, stitching is way more fun.

  11. Lovely little pillow, Sandy! Interesting that the ribbon is seam tape. I wonder if that would be hard to dye yourself? I have never seen a bluebird in real life--isn't that sad? Hope you have a lovely week ahead of you, Sandy!

    1. You know Carol, bluebirds are really rare around here as well. Just the other day my husband said he saw one, so I have been on the lookout on my walks. I was sitting in the front yard the other day with Gus, the Springer and he popped in. I wanted to go and grab a camera, but I was afraid to move. I was completely mesmerized.
      The seam tape was really really pretty and I just thought as I was commenting that I wonder if they dyed it in tobacco, because the color is really tobacco.


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