
Friday, April 20, 2018

A Whole Bunch of Random

I didn't mean to skip out for over a week. I have just been busy and a lazy at the same time. Let's catch up.

Housework and Running Around

This is the time of the year when it seems like between Mama and me that all we do is go to appointments...dermatologist, mammogram, dentist, etc. I seem to be the kind of person if I have too many interruptions to my routine, then I get all off kilter and behind. This week has been a bit better than last.

These bunnies get to stay out year around. #McCarty bunnies


Yesterday the weather was so nice that I spent almost the entire day outside working in the yard and then to the beach. I was completely pooped last night.

My new favorite rose. #RioSamba

I dabbled in my flowers and fertilized all of them. I blew off the back decks and moved some plants outside that I had kept inside downstairs.

One of the rose gardens and day lilies.

Part of the other rose garden.

I now need to go downstairs today and clean the floor where I had all of them. I also have a hankering to do some furniture rearranging down there today.

I had already moved the geraniums out a while back. Brought the angel wing begonias out.

Oops needed to put the boat brushes away.

I still have much to do outside, but I pooped out before I could finish. The side area needs lots of leaves and straw picked up. Maybe I will work on that this Saturday.

After I had done all that, I called Mama and we went out to the beach for a walk. She did great as we walked a pretty good distance. The water was cold, but we managed to walk near it where it was easier for her without getting too wet.

She wanted me to take a picture of her by the Jeep to send to her sister. I guess riding in the Jeep with the windows out and hair blowing was fun. Actually it was. I love to use the "dog mobile" to go out to the beach. It means no sand in my truck. The dogs were a little mad at me. I left with them looking out the window wondering why I was not taking them. The Jeep means they get to go most of the time.


Let's update on Gus and Lemony. Lemony loves to sit in this chair.

Gus has been a bit mean lately. He will notice that she is headed to get in it. Lemony walks slowly and calmly everywhere. Gus is scattered and hops everywhere. Lately, he has cued in on her destination and just before she gets there he leaps and lands in it taking it from her. Most of the time I scold him and move him so she can sit in her usual location. Lemony is the queen and at 9 and 1/2 years old has earned her role.

The other day the "Queen" got Gus good. She was headed to the chair. He jumped up ahead of her, so she very nonchalantly turned away like----nah da nah da...I wasn't going there.... no problem. He jumps down and she quickly turns back and jumps up there. I just laughed out loud. She fooled him.

Gus has taken a liking to my chair as well. He really needs to go find his own spot.

But, he is so cute.


It is not uncommon for me to read multiple books at a time. I have always done that and then bam bang I have about 5 books to share at once. I actually have such an eclectic taste in books that I don't always share my reading choices. I read a lot of nonfiction for one thing.

Anyway today I am sharing a devotional book that I can soundly recommend.

Melanie Shankle's Everyday Holy is a definite recommendation.

It is a new release and I have thoroughly enjoyed it every day. I was just needing a little something different. I had been Bible studying hard for quite a while. I felt a little stirred to do something different.

This little devotion is packed with such wisdom. I highly recommend it.

Birds and Stitching

The birds have been so happy lately. On the walks with the dogs they are just everywhere. Singing and fluttering around. They are happy about the weather as well. It is still cool for this time of the year here, but I am not complaining. It has been nice not to be too hot too soon. I have shared before about the pair of cardinals who hang out my sewing room window. Well, that led me to think I might change out the bird on the "Home of a Needleworker" that I have been stitching on as of late. It has a crow in it, but since my plan is to have this piece framed and hang in my sewing room, I may change the bird out to a cardinal. I am going to stitch the bird last and see how it goes. I might need to do a female so that it blends in with the piece a bit better. Stay tuned.


We find out the sex tomorrow night, so I will be back with that bit of news next week. I can't wait to find out.


I don't share stuff about the news because - well, we all know blogging is supposed to be an escape. I have lately turned off the TV except for a few choice programs and I have been getting my news from here.

You can visit her website here to learn more about the whys and hows of her method. I have found it to be a good good choice for me.

One more thing in the news...I just loved Barbara Bush. I think any of the ladies that have to live in the White House are pretty incredible no matter the political party. Talk about life under a microscope. They mostly can do no right with the opposing political party and get beat up pretty good.

Anyway, I always loved Bar. I remember reading about her decision not to color her hair anymore. I went with her inspiration there. AND what southern girl could not love a string of pearls.

Now, if I have offended anyone by just bringing up anything too close to politics and news, my other favorite First Lady was Jackie O. She was so pretty...

Have a great weekend everyone. I sincerely hope it is getting warm where you are so that you can get outside. I was so tired yesterday, but it felt so good to be outside all day.

Smiling in the sunshine,


  1. Appointments put me a bit off kilter as well. Glad you are able to get your plants back outside. Your geraniums looks great. What fun to walk along the beach with your Mom. Thanks for the link to the news and the book recommendation. I had to chuckle about Gus and Lemony's story. Enjoy your weekend, Sandy!

    1. Those dogs keep me entertained for sure. Can't wait to find out what my grand baby will be tonight.

  2. Glad to read a post! That Lemony... love how she tricked Gus! And yes she has seniority in regards to furniture! Home of a meedleworker is beautiful... love the blue. A day at the beach sounds fun. It is still chilly here. I loved Barbara Bush too. What a lady in every way. Can’t wait to find out if you are getting a belle or a beau!

    1. It is chilly here today and very windy. I think we have rain coming tomorrow. I actually am hoping for a lengthy spring. My version is highs in the 70's.

  3. Pouring rain here today (Saturday) but we had sunny gorgeous weather all week while my friends were here from out of town, so I am not complaining.

    Love your pups, your flowers, and your needlework.

    1. Thank you Barbara. I think we are getting rain tomorrow. I have always said it can't rain until the wind blows all the "worms" out of the live oaks. Then before you can get them up, it rains. It is snowing those "worms" today:)
      Have a great Saturday inside.


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