
Sunday, April 22, 2018

It's a Boy

My first grandchild will be a boy.

Lindsay and Tyler waffled back and forth on the idea of a gender reveal party. They mostly said no, but the girlfriends all said they would be more than happy to do it. In the end they decided to do it last  evening. They did not expect the answer to arrive at the doctor's office until the end of the week, but it arrived on Monday afternoon. A long week of waiting.

Tyler's parents drove down from Marietta. The balloons were filled with small blue balloons. The grandmas held the balloons while the kids poked them.

Hallie, their Boykin came to find out the answer as well. 

Y'all I look pregnant in this photo. I literally have no idea what happened other than the kind of baggie jeans I was wearing poked out. However, based on an Instagram post that I read this week from Lindsay and Tyler's wedding photographer whose husband passed away just a month ago...yes, he was so young...I will not be shy about photos no matter how bad they are again. I may share that IG post with you later and their story, but today is a happy day.

The video was so cute!!!

Lindsay's friend and hubby hosted the party at their new home that they are renovating. It is so dang cute.

The light is gorgeous.

Lindsay, Tyler, and his parents got stuck in the Island traffic coming from Destin into FWB about this time of day on a weekend, but no problem. The girls had all kinds of games and entertainment to keep the rest of us happy.

Now, Lindsay and I have been sharing pics for awhile from Pinterest. In fact, I need to get over there and make my "Grammie Time" board public.

Here are some of the inspiration photos. She will be going with a neutral safari themed nursery.

If it had been a girl...

Aren't these adorable? Source

But, these are cute bow ties it will be.


Here are some nursery pins...

In this one she loves the bed and giraffe.

Here she loves the giraffe and pics. She is going with a white crib.

She is liking the blue walls here.

She will go with neutral bedding. She has ordered some bumpers, but I don't have a picture like I thought, so more is coming people

So, the planning for a little boy begins.

This Grammie is excited.

Thinking blue,


  1. What a fun way to make the grandboy announcement! How exciting for you and your family, Sandy! I like the neutral safari theme.

    1. Thanks Robin. I look forward to seeing what she puts together. I am just along for the ride:)

  2. How very exciting, Sandy! It will be so much fun to start buying baby boy things for your future grandson. As the mother of three boys myself, I know she is in for a real treat :) I can't wait to see more of the nursery--just love the fun bow ties on those sweet animals!

    1. I can't wait to see what my daughter puts together. She is quite creative. I will share. Aren't those animal pics just the cutest?!

  3. WHAT-A-FUN-POST!!!! Love the neutral color theme and bow ties on the animals is so cute! Very clever. Congrats to all of you. Much fun is ahead of you!

    1. I look forward to seeing what she does. I am thrilled to have a grandchild. I started late on having children, so I was beginning to think I wasn't going to get grandchildren.

  4. Congrats! A little boy - how exciting. I love the nursery inspiration, especially the giraffe with the bow tie! You look darling in that photo!! Have a wonderful week, Sandy.

    1. Thank you Katie, I am going to share a post later this week about photos and feeling awkward. Something that just touched me to the core. Stay tuned.

  5. What a cute party!! And girl, you do not look I do the same thing, I inspect all photos with me to see the flaws! How can we stop doing that? You are going to have so much fun decorating the nursery and getting ready for that sweet baby boy.

    1. Stay tuned later in the week for a post on inspecting all those photos for flaws. I read something last week that really touched me.

  6. So fun! I really like those baby animal nursery prints that you picked out. I mean who doesn’t love a bow tie? All your inspiration pins are very cute too, I think you all are on the right track for having an adorable nursery for the little man. I helped a friend with her nursery a while back and found this fan, she had a similar theme going with a tropical vibe, so I thought I’d share this with you:

    We did the one with the white finish.


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